What happened to Pitta, though?
I'm still alive!
(Thanks for asking!!!)
I mostly lurk daily this thread but I just happen to not like that much recent releases.
Not my cup of tea, or the right time.
I still play a lot with my iOS devices....lately mostly Quarriors! which I neglected for so long and I happen to love...so much I almost stopped playing all other usual async games, not to mention buy real dicemasters games....but it's a particular game not suited to this general thread.
I much enjoyed last Simogo effort too, but that's a podcast.
I'm also in some big betas (I won't talk about those) that take time.
I must say that lately this thread is more a 'publisher showcase' than a real discussion...meaning it contains mostly 'XXX out this day' or 'YYY on sale' etc... (which I DO appreciate, because I discover so many new games and especially indie ones I would miss) but it lacks real discussion about games.
Not sure if it's because of real lack of games to be discussed about, too many games or general lack of interest about that (or I maybe have missed those discussion because the game discussed didn't really interest me).
I also happened to have for the very first time a tiny backlog...so I worked on it.
Making space and deleting old stuff on my devices, made me realize how high is the bar right now and how mature iOS platform is, especially for certain genres...I'm not interested anymore in 'good' games....so I'm interested only in the outstanding ones (to me anyway...most are indie).
I have games on my devices I still play after a year that are still fantastic and better than in other platforms...so I'm focusing on those.
But do not worry...I'm saving a ton of GLORIOUSNESS for future times...when (all same week, no doubts) games like Deathwatch, Out There Omega, Galactic Keep and many others will be out