
Each month, the iOS GAF community hosts a thread for new game releases, rumors and discussion that define the fast-moving world of iOS gaming.
The OP will contain recommended games that released during the previous month. All the games listed will have been highlighted by the GAF community in one way or another. This way you can keep tabs on the best games and at the same time curate an excellent resource to look back on to find games you may have missed.
If you're a developer who wishes to have your game featured, please talk about your game in the thread and if the GAF community at large likes the game then your wish just might be granted. Please note that there's a difference between posting about a game you made and just advertising your game with no further interaction with the community, this thread is not for the latter and such advertising behavior is frowned upon.
1) Introduction & Recommended Games
2) Recommended Games continued
3) Upcoming Releases, Past Threads & Other Links

Yankai's Peak is a slick and deceptively challenging puzzler from Kenny Sun, who you might be familiar from his previous games Yankai's Triangle and Circa Infinity. Your goal is simple: maneuver around claustrophobic tight grids, pushing other triangles onto their correctly colored tiles. It's a more minimalist Sokoban, with a greater focus on movement as a core mechanic; while you can simply flip side over side, you can also anchor a vertice down and rotate around it, giving you other means to push triangles around. Learning the subtle ruleset among increasingly complex stages makes for some challenging puzzles even in the first section.
The simple moveset that hides surprising variety, the Sokoban-inspired mechanics, and the tight stages that revolve heavily on positioning and movement have reminiscent of the kind of brainteasers found in Snakebird and Stephen's Sausage Roll.

The game is quite challenging. Like even the early enemies can be dangerous if you get hit. I love how varied the weapons are. And just how pretty the game looks, between the weapons effects and the environments every battle is a spectacle

Thanks for the heads-up. I'm enjoying this a LOT. Like as of now, I might like it more than Clash Royale. CR is faster and easier to get into, but I really like everything else about this. The low poly aesthetic; the MOBA + chess + card game hybrid of gameplay; the visual effects of attacks, skills, and effects; the rock-paper-scissor strategy that has surprising nuance; the different heroes; the generous F2P model.
My second favorite May game after Yankai's Peak. Hope this game takes off.
This is a turn-based strategy/card hybrid featuring figures from various mythologies and world history. I was attracted to this game by its cool aesthetic but had low expectations. Happily, those expectations have been exceeded by a good margin.
Game is very good, especially for F2P. The actual gameplay is a pretty unique approach to the light-strategy/card game hybrid. There are timers for acquiring and training new cards and the like but no energy timers or anything, you can play to your heart's content like most CCGs. Game starts you off with all you need to get going and running through the challenges will net you a bunch of new cards.
New Heroes can be acquired through several means but the main two, after exhausting the challenge levels, is through a chest purchased with premium currency, which gives a random hero, or through a selection of three that refreshes every 12 hours and is obtained through the standard currency. Both currencies are earned through play as victory prizes and achievement unlocks. You can use the premium currency to reduce the wait for the Hero refresh or you can use the "Soul Timer" which is an amount of time that automatically builds that can be spent to reduce any wait timer as you see fit.
Any new heroes and tactical cards you acquire can be used instantly, btw, if that's not clear. The selection and leveling up process is what is on a timer.
All in all, given how many cards and heroes I have acquired after a couple days of play, I feel like I have plenty of deck-building options already and have not felt the need to spend any money at all. There is a good amount of depth here while also still feeling breezy.
Also, Abraham Lincoln is a warrior in this game, as is Dracula. Live the dream.

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Immerse yourself in a visual narrative as you uncover stories of the old man's life told through beautiful vignettes of his memories. Interact with the serene, whimsical environment as you solve playful puzzles and shape the landscape around you, growing the hills to create the old man's path forward.
Explore life's complexities through the old man's eyes as you experience his heartache, regret, and hope.

Old Man's Journey is really fantastic. While it's relatively easy to play, moving terrain to allow him to continue, the memories you unlock, music and artwork are phenomenal. It's a bit of an heartstring tugging experience. Haven't finished yet, but highly recommend it.

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A story-driven experience about two doctors traversing backwards through a dying man's memories to artificially fulfill his last wish.
Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts have peculiar jobs: They give people another chance to live, all the way from the very beginning... but only in their patients' heads.
This particular story follows their attempt to fulfill the dream of an elderly man, Johnny. With each step back in time, a new fragment of Johnny's past is revealed. As the two doctors piece together the puzzled events that spanned a life time, they seek to find out just why the frail old man chose his dying wish to be what it is.

One of the best stories in gaming. I didn't even know this was coming to iOS or clearly forgot lmao.

Anyone else playing Bike Club?
Wacky game, but I'm digging it so far
This is scratching my "just one more" itch so, so nicely. Really enjoying this, although I can see where the IAP will become more in your face. Despite this, it doesn't detract from the chaotic fun of the game, and there is no energy or any timer to speak of (besides the free toolbox you get every few hours.) Super, super cute and very addictive game.

Just Ski is from the guy who made Krashlander. Simplifies the controls a bit, and has a more relaxed approach. A nice minimalist style, and simple controls that still require skill and timing to master

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Escape from reality but not from your custom-made jail! Prison Architect: Mobile challenges you to build and manage a maximum security prison, from laying out cell blocks and inmate facilities, to managing staff pay and prisoner morale. From layout to execution (literally, in some cases), you are the architect, the warden, and the enforcer.

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Chroma Squad is a tactical RPG about five stunt actors who decide to quit their jobs and start their own Power Rangers-inspired TV show!
Cast actors, purchase equipment and upgrades for your studio, craft weapons and giant Mechas out of cardboard and duct tape. Once the cameras are rolling, you will control your cast of five colored-jumpsuit-clad warriors in dramatic, turn-based battles!

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The State has appointed you to SPY ON YOUR TENANTS! Your primary task is to covertly watch your tenants and eavesdrop on their conversations. You must BUG their apartments while they're away, SEARCH their belongings for whatever can threaten the authority of the State, and PROFILE them for your superiors. You must also REPORT anyone capable of violating the laws or plotting subversive activities against the State to the authorities.