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iOS Online Boardgaming Megathread (Carcassonne, Everything Playdek, & Many More)


One thing that isnt evident in the IOS version as the board game version is that the meta is currently very common-driven right now, which is why the dwarves, JE (i hate Astrolad's JE. Screw you gorilla and lionness) are tops! PEs work since they have very good low cost champions and a BS common!

Also, i use the lowest tier faction! Go me!

EDIT: Finally found the card previews on the Second Summoners. Vanguards are getting buffed huge!


One thing that isnt evident in the IOS version as the board game version is that the meta is currently very common-driven right now, which is why the dwarves, JE (i hate Astrolad's JE. Screw you gorilla and lionness) are tops! PEs work since they have very good low cost champions and a BS common!

Also, i use the lowest tier faction! Go me!

Low tier factions unite! I should probably start a few games to relearn all the decks because I'll willing to be I'm going to lose my first few games from misremembering or forgetting what some of the factions can do.
From my analysis, Krung and Rukar are the only strong champions, and PE has 4 champions equally strong. Ragnor and Bragg are TOs only other viable champions. PEs also have an advantage in that they also have their own stupid OP common in warriors. TOs have the Thwarter as their powerful common, but against the PEs his power drops considerably.

Sure, I wouldn't say TOs have the best champs. They aren't my problem though, it's mostly the just the Fighters, Ragnor also I guess, but I have less issue losing to a champion.

Here are the tier rankings from BGG. Kind of proud that my main -- Cave Goblins -- are considered low tier.

High Tier:
1. Deep Dwarves
2. Guild Dwarves
3. Jungle Elves
4. Tundra Orcs
5. Sand Goblins
6. Phoenix Elves

Mid Tier:
7. Mountain Vargath
8. Mercenaries
9. Filth
10. Shadow Elves
11. Benders
12. Swamp Orcs

Low Tier:
13. Cave Goblins
14. Cloaks
15. Fallen Kingdom
16. Vanguards

Pfft, your cave goblins are high low tier, they at pretty much mid tier!! FK is way lower! Clearly I'm more awesome.

But we must all bow to TM and his shitty vanguard power. :p
haha i definitely concede that the factions below goblins are deservedly there. especially vanguards. egads

Sure, but then there is those games where you charge right in at the Vanguards WIDE OPEN summoner, only to get caught having to kill their stupid guard guys, then BOOM next turn a horse man guy charges strait down and fucks up your summoner :(

Stupid Vanguard :(


Sure, but then there is those games where you charge right in at the Vanguards WIDE OPEN summoner, only to get caught having to kill their stupid guard guys, then BOOM next turn a horse man guy charges strait down and fucks up your summoner :(

Stupid Vanguard :(

I almost caught you in that trap, but a wall got in my way

Lso, look at these Vanguard cards. I need them in the IOS version now!



Oh man, you thought the Vanguards got buffed, the FK got just as buffed in the Second Summoner set


Woah, sounds really weird, and changes everything. Pulling back Champs and Commons is nice, and the stone thing sounds nice as well.

But I would lose summoning minions from my graveyard, which is pretty much 90% of how I play FK. Plus losing Legions of the Dead, and spending 2 hp to bring down Champ costs by 5, doesnt sound like FK anymore, haha.

New Champ is good, but impossible to use with Ret-Talus, since his HP is low already, and I like to keep HP for Forced Summon. I want to see what the new commons are though.


Wow, the new Vanguard summoner sound pretty awesome. http://www.plaidhatgames.com/news/265. His ability cards sound really crazy.


There are other ways to play FK, but who'd want to?:) I'm surprised FK is ranked so low. My highest winning percentage is with them (not counting my 1-0 record with Vanguard). Not that I have a luxurious SW career, but I did have the most fun with FK.

Has there been any information on new factions/cards coming to the iOS version? I haven't played in ages.


There are other ways to play FK, but who'd want to?:) I'm surprised FK is ranked so low. My highest winning percentage is with them (not counting my 1-0 record with Vanguard). Not that I have a luxurious SW career, but I did have the most fun with FK.

Has there been any information on new factions/cards coming to the iOS version? I haven't played in ages.
Interviews with Playdek said SW expansions in July, so sometime in August we'll have the master set races, giving us 6 new armies
Only way to play FK is a gimmick deck filled with those guys that can take control of enemy units. o/

Bah!!! I only use one in my deck!

I like to just burn all my minions and turn them into mana so I can get my champs out, and then just summon them back with legion or the summoner ability.

I'm also horrible at SW, I lose more than I win, so no one should ever listen to my opinion on it. Haha.
I might have to cancel another 5p ABHOTW game. I'm waiting to take my turn and it plays the moves up to just before CzarTim's turn and the game crashes.
If XiaNaphryz mercviper or Ray can load it up to see if they crash too I'll add that to the bug report.


Dang. Bonesquad/JustJeff got me in the last round:

JustJeff (Hegemony) 5 - Slacker (Moloch) 4

I really wasn't sure how that game was going to end, a bit of a free for all match. But I was happy with the end result:) Good game.

Nice to hear new SW factions are at least coming Monday. Interesting that it says the base app will then be $1.

Li Kao

Hey guys !
Long time since I posted here, some health problem with a person very dear to me.
So sorry if I took some very late turn in Agricola.


What the fuck happened with a game of Eclipse we played ? I honestly think I took my turn some time ago, and then... nothing. I relaunched the app 1-2 times since then and the game was 'waiting on opponent'.
Today I relaunch it and... no game anymore.
Was it a bug ? Has someone canceled the game ?
Hey guys !
Long time since I posted here, some health problem with a person very dear to me.
So sorry if I took some very late turn in Agricola.


What the fuck happened with a game of Eclipse we played ? I honestly think I took my turn some time ago, and then... nothing. I relaunched the app 1-2 times since then and the game was 'waiting on opponent'.
Today I relaunch it and... no game anymore.
Was it a bug ? Has someone canceled the game ?

Sorry to hear about this persons health issue, I hope they get better soon.

As for Eclipse, when a game goes inactive for a set amount of time it gets deleted by the server to free up space.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Shit, I'm getting absolutely DESTROYED in my game with CzarTim. From the very beginning until the end, wow. Never able to recover from getting my HQ netted and it's just gotten worse since then. I'm gonna GG this way before the end already LOL


Shit, I'm getting absolutely DESTROYED in my game with CzarTim. From the very beginning until the end, wow. Never able to recover from getting my HQ netted and it's just gotten worse since then. I'm gonna GG this way before the end already LOL

I got really lucky with draws early on!


That's from their recent email newsletter. Here's the direct text:

Coding But Not Yet Ready for PlayTesting

Space Empires (iOS)
: I met with the lead programmer (Erick) while I was in Nashville last month. He's only had the project for a couple months, and he showed me working maps and counters as well as a rough UI. I was impressed at what they'd accomplished in just a short time. So we're not to the full gameplay functionality or AI phases yet, but this is a really good start.

Wilderness War (iOS):
You may remember that this is the testbed project we are using to determine whether we can port Bruce Wigdor's Wargame Room programs to an iOS device. We'd like to add AI to them as well, but for the testbed version, we're just focused on getting functionality ported and making sure we develop a process that will work every time across all the games on Wargame Room. Here's the latest progress update from the programmer, Eric:

1) What is done - The map, counter and card images from Mark have been integrated into the user interface. - Bruce Wigdor's Wargameroom implementation has been ported to C# and is running on the iPad. - Can start playing a game on Game Center.

2) What is left to do - Further integration of the Wargameroom engine with the iPad UI. - Flesh out the UI for managing multiple games on Game Center. - Many bug fixes. - Artificial intelligence (the big one).

Pacific Typhoon (Android, possibly iOS too):
We've heard recently from Joshua that he has a functional but not yet fully implemented version running. He is considering migrating his code to a language/platform that will allow simultaneous release on Android and iOS. We're discussing pros/cons now.

No Progress Reported or Not Yet Started:

Commands & Colors (Playdek):
We are currently in line behind at least one other project at Playdek. Once the runway is cleared for takeoff, we'll get you more details.

1989 (PC): This is next in line at Rivermyst, after Twilight Struggle is finished.

Manoeuvre (iOS)

Fields of Fire (iOS)

Winds of Plunder (iOS)

Cancelled (Looking for Program Teams Wanting to Create These):

Dominant Species: The Card Game (iOS)

Empire of the Sun (iOS)

News on Dominant Species (iOS) Next Version:

Sadly, our programmer has contacted us and said that he just isn't going to have time to make the new version updates, due to "real job" constraints.

So obviously, this is going to delay us getting an update completed. But we are not giving up. Luc has been very professional and is giving us all the code to both the existing app and the "in progress" update. We are in conversation with one company now about taking over the project. We're committed to getting this update done, as we think the DS app will be a heckuva product with a good AI and a few functionality improvements. But we don't have a firm agreement yet, so we'll get you more on this as we know it. For now, we are officially delayed.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

"1989 (PC): This is next in line at Rivermyst, after Twilight Struggle is finished."

Twilight Struggle is coming to PC? I'll finally get to play it, which I can't do IRL because fuck that game is long?



"1989 (PC): This is next in line at Rivermyst, after Twilight Struggle is finished."

Twilight Struggle is coming to PC? I'll finally get to play it, which I can't do IRL because fuck that game is long?


From the same newsletter:

Playable Versions in Testing:

Twilight Struggle PC:
We're making excellent progress since Ryan got back to work. To help you get a feel for progress and what's left to do, here's detail from an update that went out to the playtesters a few days ago:

Some of the notable changes for this version include:
• The UI can now be hidden by hovering over the individual interface pieces or by pressing CTRL-U to hide the entire interface. The hover time to trigger this effect is user definable in the settings menu.
• When selecting a target for realignments and coups, there is now a tooltip that displays the odds of success
• Instructions have been moved to the bottom right and the log is now in the top center bar. The log can be resized and scrolled to make it easier to see things.
• The control on the space race track that shows the roll required to advance works correctly now.
• a problem that was preventing many headlined events from working properly (such as Decolonization and Colonial Rearguards) was fixed.
• a bug that was preventing the AI from couping properly has been fixed. AI should also now select non-triggerable opposing events over other cards of the same OPs value for couping (such as NATO before its precursor cards have been played)
• Dice should not land on the log panel now.
• AI should not be taking too many influence away with Truman Doctrine.
• Fixed some endgame display issues
• Better AI handling of UN intervention
• Fixed a bug that was making the AI get obsessive about regions it already was ahead in
• AI should now play friendly events that target a scoring region before playing that scoring card if possible
• AI can't play One Small Step over and over without discarding the card anymore

PVP is still not enabled, but we have made a lot of progress on this. We hope to have it able to be tested within another week.....

Thanks for all your help with making Twilight Struggle for PC a reality.

Ryan Boudwin
Rivermyst Gaming
[email protected]

NightFighter (PC and maybe iOS):
We heard from Fred recently. We have a version of Nightfighter for the PC that we are now able to test internally. Summer has been a bit slow (as these guys are all doing this on the side), but progress is solid and we look forward to seeing this on the P500 list in the Fall.



Trounced hard by Astro. ggs. I probably should've chosen an army with more units. I didn't have more than 1 guy defending my for the first 5-6 turns it felt like. And then Astro terrored my draw ;-;


Hail to the KING baby

AstroLad (Steel Police) 18 - mercviper (SMART) 0

gg merc!

Never played Steel Police before but they felt pretty cool. Like a way better version of the red guys or something. Net ability is huge.


Blahness, been trying to get a Neuroshima Hex game going but I think you are missing my invites. Just sent one now.


Blahness, been trying to get a Neuroshima Hex game going but I think you are missing my invites. Just sent one now.

I saw the notification but when I log in, the game is not there.

And for those few of us who bought ABHOTW, I am ready to play some online games.

Good game guys.
We should congratulate ourselves on reaching the end of a multiplayer game without it crashing.
I'm sure you missed a few bonuses, like placing the free 'Great Wall of China' forts.
The game needs to make it easier to see and use the special powers. At the moment it dies some automatically, some things like forts are there to use before the end of the turn, and others you have to tap on the Empire card to activate (like the US).
The Romans have 15 armies and 3 free forts.
I like the Persian power that gives you a free extra army each time you capture a region containing a city. If the dice go well you can spread across the Middle East quite nicely.
But a lot of it is timing. it's worth taking a weaker empire that plays earlier in the Epoch if it means you can score your regions again before they get taken by the other players.

They really need to sort out the async bugs. I've had 2 games break down during the playback of moves when it asks me to confirm an event for another player.
We should congratulate ourselves on reaching the end of a multiplayer game without it crashing.
I'm sure you missed a few bonuses, like placing the free 'Great Wall of China' forts.
The game needs to make it easier to see and use the special powers. At the moment it dies some automatically, some things like forts are there to use before the end of the turn, and others you have to tap on the Empire card to activate (like the US).
The Romans have 15 armies and 3 free forts.
I like the Persian power that gives you a free extra army each time you capture a region containing a city. If the dice go well you can spread across the Middle East quite nicely.
But a lot of it is timing. it's worth taking a weaker empire that plays earlier in the Epoch if it means you can score your regions again before they get taken by the other players.

They really need to sort out the async bugs. I've had 2 games break down during the playback of moves when it asks me to confirm an event for another player.

In sure I missed a lot of stuff, haha. I've only just remembered that its like Le Havre, where you can press the help button and it tells you things to do, so I've been doing that a little hit lately to make sure I'm not forgetting stuff. Haha.

It's definitely a buggy game though, I've had that same bug but I solved it by switching from my iPad to my phone, then It loaded past the part it was fucking up on.

I really hate how it says 'match updated' at the top every single fucking move that happens. Haha. Its the worst when I'm playing on my iPad and my iPhone is ping nuts beside me with all these updates. Bleh!!!


This is actually a pretty annoying issue with every BDC game. I do it every time too.

It's annoying, but it's definitely a design choice. I don't do it anymore, but that's after a lot of practice, haha.


I swear, the more I play ascension the more I think it needs a Fisher Random mode. I mean, variance is nice, but it would be nice if I could be guaranteed that decisions after turn 4 will always matter.
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