Actually fwiw I didn't find that Medium and Hard that much more challenging than the others. There were a few tricky cities for sure that took me 5+ tries though. And it's funny how different the single-player is than the multi-player where there's a decent amount of interactivity between cities because of some of the tile effects. In the SP I found it useful for almost every challenge to ditch residential buildings altogether. It's just too hard to keep your Rep up when you have people flooding in. The mechanic is pretty similar -- pump up your income early and keep your rep low, then scale up your rep, then blitz rep and stabilize income if you can. The mid and late games definitely require good investments.
EDIT: Just realized I had several invites to async Suburbia games that weren't popping up until I went into active games. Taking turns now! Async is definitely barebones but hopefully playable.
Waterdeep tourney report.
Kosh beat Kestrel 146-145.
Good game, Kestrel. I thought you were going to take it near the end there, was very close.
I'm kicking myself though, I didn't think I was that close to winning and I'm a little worried I could have left a point or two on the table! Also, I still don't know all the end game scoring rules!
I thought I had been pretty competitive until we did the end game scoringLords of Waterdeep tournament:
RaySpencer 189 - besada 157
GG man.
I thought I had been pretty competitive until we did the end game scoring. Good game.
Smiley90 / KingHenrik30 how's that LoW game coming?
I posted in the thread multiple times and sent him a pm that i cant find him ingame and he needs to add me/tell me his playdek account/invite me. This is not on me this time!![]()
Yeah the back and forth on the visible scores was crazy close. Haha. I think we were within 10 point of each other pretty much the whole time. I just had the person that gives points for buying buildings, and I bought all but 1 of those. Haha.
Ah, I wondered why you'd gone all in on buildings. I couldn't seem to find Arcana or Piety cards until the very end of the game, and those -- of course -- were what I needed.
Smiley (Vanguard) beats Slacker (Vanguard) in the SW tourney.
gg! Weird matchup :lol
I wish online multiplayer interaction was better implemented graphically. Played a few games with a friend, and it doesn't display what the other person is doing while taking their turn. You can figure it out based on what you eventually see in their pools, and of course you can always check the log, but that's not much fun.
For instance, my friend cast the Death Spell during his turn to kill one of my creatures off. Would have been nice to see animations of the process... the Death Spell die get placed into his Ready Pool, then move to the center along with my die he was killing, and then BOOM! and then the dice zip off to their respective used pools. Instead, it's just suddenly my turn and all you see is the final result from the other player's turn.
"Played a few games with a friend, and it doesn't display what the other person is doing while taking their turn. "
Hahaha man, how many games will continue to get this wrong? I guess it's because devs don't want to bother making animations of people taking turns. Eclipse being by far the worst offender in this space.
Suburbia doesn't show you turns but it does have a game log that's easily accessible, which should be a bare minimum. That's what I'm noticing about Suburbia is that it has everything you need -- you just have to get used to the UI. Which took me about five games or so. The one thing it desperately needs is a next game button though. And it seems like the multiplayer screen should just drop you right into GameCenter. As it stands you have to do two additional taps and it's kind of confusing. All overcomeable though.
Yeah, it's annoying :-/
Seems like games relying on GC for MP are the worse offenders.
Carcassonne's The Princess and the Dragon expansion is out. Send me your invites!
Carcassonne's The Princess and the Dragon expansion is out. Send me your invites!
Anyone interested in some 3p or 4p Le Havre or Agricola?
Anyone interested in some 3p or 4p Le Havre or Agricola?
I'm up for some Le Havre games but they would be my first few, never played it. If it's fine, count me in.Anyone interested in some 3p or 4p Le Havre or Agricola?
Kestrel and I have been playing a lot of Agricola and LeHavre. I am consistently beaten in Agricola but I have pulled off LeHavre wins.
Has there been a neogaf Agricola tournament, or is there not enough interest?
The actual tough part I think is that I like worker-placement games best 3-4p but that doesn't really lend itself to a tournament format, which is best for 2p.
Well I don't know if you could do it on challonge, but it could be 4p matches with first getting 2 points and second getting 1, and with third and forth both getting zero.
I think it could work out.
Why not just do it as something simple like, three matches for each player, highest cumulative score wins.
SW Tourney:
Guild Dwarf Civil war ends in a win for AstroLad over superrobot.