Blimey. After three pints of Irish stout, a couple shots of Jameson, and some cider, I'm done for the night. Begorrah, I even learned a few Irish words at a local pub, that I'll surely mispronounce next time I say them.
Italian (Sicilian) heritage here. I gotta ask, why do the Italians get an "Honorary Irishmen" mention?
I'm asking, cos I've always felt like the Irish and Italians have a bit in common. Family, religion, fiercely protective (at least us Sicilians), drink and good times. About the only huge difference are the wakes. Ours are pretty morbid.
The Irish, the Italians, and the Jews settled the same American cities in similar numbers all along the Eastern Seaboard. Philadelphia, Chicago, and most obviously New York were traditionally defined by that tripartite division, and all three of those groups were once seen as non-white savages despite their current power in American society. While relations between the Irish and the Italians sometimes weren't perfect, especially in Philadelphia, the two groups always stuck together when white Protestants tried to harm them.
In most American cities, bishops basically alternate between being Italian and being Irish. Especially because Catholic churches are rarely segregated by ethnicity in the way that Protestant churches tend to be.