I think im the worst Irishman going. Hate GAA, hate Hurling, hate Guinness, havent had a drink of anything alcoholic in 3 months, dont give a shite about the 1916 celebrations, have never watched a rugby match, and get heat from my relatives for not supporting Conor McGregor. And even tho i rarely to never venture outside the pale, i have zero love for Dublin as it is today. What a fucking kip. My great grandad fought in WW1 which i something im quite proud of tho, so i had more interest and connection with the centenary of the outbreak of WW1 than the Rising to be fair. The country is a damn rip off, the government is corrupt as fuck, ill never be able to afford a house, the weather is fucking shite and were responsible for Jedward. So yeah worst irishman ever here what up irishgaf