Marvel rivals sucks if you are focused on quality matches that are competitive. I have hit GM1. There is no difference in my silver matches versus my GM1. People will insta lock 4 dps, refuse to swap, refuse to adapt, troll, afk, quit, flame each other, etc.
A big part of the issues stem from not forcing some kind of role queue. At least cap it to 2 healers. It’s insane how long a match can go drawn out for when 3 healers just cycle ults to keep a point infinitely contested. Only about 1 consistent dps can wipe a healer or two of the map with moon knight, the rest just tickle them as they heal each other.
In OW2 the game has actual pendulum swings, back and forth, require strategy and positioning.
I still prefer OW2, but the player base is on MR.