I'm going to lay my perception of American politics, so do correct me if I'm wrong.
From my understanding, everything the Republicans stand for is in support of white supremacy.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 reshuffled the two main political parties. White supremacists from the Democratic Party defected to the Republican Party, and non-white-supremacists from the Republican Party defected to the Democratic Party. At least, a good chunk of them. So the Republican Party was, at least from that moment on, by and for white supremacists.
The entire platform of that party, after that reshuffling, is about ensuring white supremacy in the United States of America. To me, their economic policies, such as "trickle-down" bullshit and other pro-business and anti-working-man policies, as well as their social policies, such as pro-prison, "tough-on-crime" policies, is all code for "we are going to fuck over blacks and every other non-white race because we want whites to dominate this country". This is the lense with which I observe american politics, and to be honest, it's been serving me pretty well so far. Everything "makes sense".
But I am not American and I do not live in America. So maybe it's not that much black-and-white. So I'm asking you: the Republicans who advocate or support these policies, do they, in their heart of hearts, genuinely believe that these policies are good policies and that they will serve America well? Or are they all in the know about all of it being in service of white supremacy, and they just make sure to choose their words carefully when in public so they can have plausible deniability?
From my understanding, everything the Republicans stand for is in support of white supremacy.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 reshuffled the two main political parties. White supremacists from the Democratic Party defected to the Republican Party, and non-white-supremacists from the Republican Party defected to the Democratic Party. At least, a good chunk of them. So the Republican Party was, at least from that moment on, by and for white supremacists.
The entire platform of that party, after that reshuffling, is about ensuring white supremacy in the United States of America. To me, their economic policies, such as "trickle-down" bullshit and other pro-business and anti-working-man policies, as well as their social policies, such as pro-prison, "tough-on-crime" policies, is all code for "we are going to fuck over blacks and every other non-white race because we want whites to dominate this country". This is the lense with which I observe american politics, and to be honest, it's been serving me pretty well so far. Everything "makes sense".
But I am not American and I do not live in America. So maybe it's not that much black-and-white. So I'm asking you: the Republicans who advocate or support these policies, do they, in their heart of hearts, genuinely believe that these policies are good policies and that they will serve America well? Or are they all in the know about all of it being in service of white supremacy, and they just make sure to choose their words carefully when in public so they can have plausible deniability?