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Italia GAF |OT| La terra dei cachi


Italy's politics is weird, but the country is still a joy to visit. Just signed up for a new vacation there next summer, the fourth in as many years (this summer, I was in Cinque Terre, Elba and Tuscany). Next time I'll spend a week biking and hiking in Abruzzo.


Italy's politics is weird, but the country is still a joy to visit. Just signed up for a new vacation there next summer, the fourth in as many years (this summer, I was in Cinque Terre, Elba and Tuscany). Next time I'll spend a week biking and hiking in Abruzzo.

Probably a country best enjoyed as a tourist, i think.
Though i don't mind living here all that much, to be honest, off the top of my head there aren't that many other countries where i'd rather live (of course, if i had been born somewhere else, i'd might answer differently).
Probably a country best enjoyed as a tourist, i think.
Though i don't mind living here all that much, to be honest, off the top of my head there aren't that many other countries where i'd rather live (of course, if i had been born somewhere else, i'd might answer differently).

Why do you say that? The economy, corruption? I've been to Italy a few times, even lived in Firenze for a short while, and it really captured my heart.


Why do you say that? The economy, corruption? I've been to Italy a few times, even lived in Firenze for a short while, and it really captured my heart.
I figure you get a bit desensitized to that kind of stuff if you live there every day.
I lived in Florence most of my life (not anymore) and my childhood, and all the art and stuff just becomes background.
I assume that visiting the place every once in a while, you get more out of it, and all the rest of the year it's more ideal to just live in a city designed around everyday life commute.
I'm making Italy a sound like a war-zone, while it's a perfectly fine country to live in, but just in general, i think the best it has to offer you can get from vacationing, be it the food, the sea or the art.


I do.

It is very nice indeed, even though it has its share of dark sides too.

Also it's easy to get around with a car, unlike the nightmarish Milan.

Are you italian? How long have you been living in Turin?

As someone who does live in Milan, I'll have to agree with you. Now I live in an area only serviced by the tram, and it's a pain to commute during peak hours. It takes double the amount of time to get to the Duomo.

My girlfriend lives in Bergamo and hates driving in Milan when she comes over.

The Pope

I just spent 6 weeks in Italy on Rotary Exchange. Fantastic experience, Italians must surely be some of the warmest,friendliest people on the planet.


Gonna go to Italy this summer for vacation with Florence, Rome, and Venice in mind. Anything I should be aware of?

In Rome try Da Michele's Pizza. I've been to the one in Napoli and they have really delicious pizza. There is a lot to see and do in Rome, very fun to explore. Also don't miss out on trying Gelato! Villa Borghese is a really beautiful park, you can rent bikes and explore the area that way, I highly recommend it as its a fun way to explore the park.

I went to Venice with my girlfriend and we just got lost and had fun exploring different areas. It's a really beautiful city. Some areas do smell pretty bad though.


I just read what happened. Seems like it hit the same place. Schools,the underground and trains have been evacuated and closed in Rome, from what little I've read.

As always, stay safe ItaliaGAF
Come state, gente? Spero stiate tutti bene.

Per curiosità, chi della stampa videoludica italiana bazzica su GAF?

Mi sembra di aver visto qualcuno postare recensioni in italiano del proprio sito nei thread per le nuove uscite

Non ricordo se fosse qualcuno delle grandi agenzie


I do.

It is very nice indeed, even though it has its share of dark sides too.

Also it's easy to get around with a car, unlike the nightmarish Milan.

Are you italian? How long have you been living in Turin?

No I'm Albanian (nobody is perfect I know). I've been here since early November and I'm currently studying automotive design at the IED. I still don't know the city well, haven't had the time to go out and explore but speaking Italian helps otherwise I would have been lost.


ItaliaGAF on front page
Hi all, I voted no and almost died last night while driving to Milan to see a movie with original vo. One of those fine fine fine ingressi in svincolo della morte welcomed me with a truck that didn't notice the sharp turn.



Come state, gente? Spero stiate tutti bene.

Per curiosità, chi della stampa videoludica italiana bazzica su GAF?

Mdk7 di IGN, sicuro: è sempre qui in giro :)

Io leggo, ma partecipo poco/niente (anche alla stampa videogiocosa italiana, oserei dire, a questo punto) :)


Wow, just read an article on Spiegel online: http://m.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-144664.html

(google translated to english)

which shows the selection procedures for vacant public jobs and how thousands of people apply for like 40 positions. It's in german but the pics speak for themself. Most pictures are selection procedures for military jobs, the others for normal public administration jobs.
Is the job situation in Italy that dire?
Would crush me if i would apply for a job and then I'm sitting there with 1000 other people...

Alternative English link http://www.bjp-online.com/2017/01/lookingborzoni/ (British Journal of Photography)


Yeah I've heard Venice is a dissapointment. Shame since that where I've always wanted to go most.

Disappointment why? I've lived there for 4 years. It's a beautiful city the only downside I can think of is that during the day can become really crowded with tourists. But other than that 👍
Quick question you guys. I'm looking for CS jobs in Germany and in Alto Adige/Trentino (i studied for half a year in Bolzano and love the area). I know it's a complicated subject but can anyone speak to workers rights/Healthcare in that region of Italy?

Yeah I've heard Venice is a dissapointment. Shame since that where I've always wanted to go most.

Venice is my second favorite city I've been to in the world. Way better than Rome IMO. If you wanted to go then go.


Grazie delle risposte! C'è anche qualcuno di mondoxbox in giro per GAF ma mi sfugge il nick...
ItaliaGAF on front page
Hi all, I voted no and almost died last night while driving to Milan to see a movie with original vo. One of those fine fine fine ingressi in svincolo della morte welcomed me with a truck that didn't notice the sharp turn.

Glad to know you are still with us

Mi chiedo se riuscirà ad arrivare a primavera di 'sto passo


Disappointment why? I've lived there for 4 years. It's a beautiful city the only downside I can think of is that during the day can become really crowded with tourists. But other than that 👍

Venice is my second favorite city I've been to in the world. Way better than Rome IMO. If you wanted to go then go.

Apparently the people there aren't very nice and it is easy to get lost, but I think I'm gonna go there and form my own opinion.


Quick question you guys. I'm looking for CS jobs in Germany and in Alto Adige/Trentino (i studied for half a year in Bolzano and love the area). I know it's a complicated subject but can anyone speak to workers rights/Healthcare in that region of Italy?

Sudtirol is one of the rich zones in our country, they have great autonomy from the state administration in Rome* and they do get great welfare.

I love the area as well, it's legit great and I visit whenever possible. It's probably one of the best places to work in Italy. Keep in mind I don't personally live there but I have friends, I can ask specific questions, shoot me a PM if you need.

* It's called "statuto speciale", they are less involved with the central government from Rome and believe me they're better off because of that.
Sudtirol is one of the rich zones in our country, they have great autonomy from the state administration in Rome* and they do get great welfare.

I love the area as well, it's legit great and I visit whenever possible. It's probably one of the best places to work in Italy. Keep in mind I don't personally live there but I have friends, I can ask specific questions, shoot me a PM if you need.

* It's called "statuto speciale", they are less involved with the central government from Rome and believe me they're better off because of that.

Awesome thanks! I'll have to keep it in mind as well. I have to say job searching in another country with another language adds to the complexity of just normal job searching ^^'.


Hey Italy Gaf: The timing of seeing this is perfect. Didn't even know this thread existed! I'm about to board a plane to your country for a friend's wedding in Bologna. After the wedding me and a couple of friends are renting a car for a roadtrip - we have about a month. Couple of questions:

- Anything we should especially avoid by car? I've been to Rome a couple of times, and I'm not looking forward to driving in that kind of traffic for example (we're not planning Rome btw, we've all been there before already).

- Any places we should definitely seek out? We were thinking about going towards San Marino and moving down the coast after that, and improvising a bit while we're going along. Any places, especially outside of the standard touristy places, that we should seek out?

- Anything especially worth seeing in Bologna? We have a couple of days to kill before the wedding itself. Any noteworthy nightlife for example?

Edit: I might not be able to answer immediately since I'll be in the air, and I have no idea how hectic it'll be when we land (or what kind of reception we'll have), so please don't be insulted if I don't answer quickly. Thanks for any and all recommendations in advance.


So we're booked for Florence and Rome, might be going Milan and Venice too.

Any general advice on staying safe? It's been a while since I've done an international vacation.
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