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Italia GAF |OT| La terra dei cachi


Look who's visiting Venice right now...



Go find him Italy GAF !


Neo Member
Qualcuno di voi ha giocato Mass Effect 2 in italiano? Com'è la traduzione?

Has anyone played the ita translation of ME2? Hows the translation?


hey guys I've just recently found out about the november referendum.
Any not too biased link that you can recommend about the argument?
Or if you only have biased ones can you give me one for each side of the argument?


Hail to the Chef
Not from Napoli, but I may as well share my culinary pilgrimage that I just have to do every time I go there (3-4 times a year):

1) Attanasio: just outside the main train station, you just have to go there to get a sfogliatella riccia (remember: "riccia", not "frolla"! they're both good, but riccia is perfect if you eat it right away, while frolla can still be good if you have to bring it home and eat it some hours later.

2) Sorbillo: arguably one of the best pizza in the world.
Yes, now a true neapolitan will come here saying how some other pizza is better. Still. Don't care. This is awesome anyway.
Just be aware of the long queues at all times (and they don't accept reservations).

3) Di Matteo: quite close to Sorbillo there's this other excellent pizza place; I don't go there for pizza but for "frittata di pasta", which is basically pasta leftovers "glued" with eggs and fried. Totally amazing.

4) Friggitoria Vomero: an old but gold fried stuff place. Just try whatever, it's all great. (I prefer Di Matteo's frittata di pasta, but I guess it's just a matter of personal taste).

A couple of advices:
- consider that on Sundays or for most of August, Napoli is pretty much shut down for holidays. You'll still be able to find some great stuff, but likely not the best (ie. Attanasio is pretty much always open; Sorbillo and Di Matteo aren't).
- remember to go there after a couple of weeks of diet, or else it's gonna be REALLY bad. :D
Thank you again for the tips. Managed visit all places minus Vomero plus Da Michele today. Attanasio was delicious, Pizza at Di Matteo was awesomely good, Sorbillo was closed for the holidays and the queue at Da Michele was loo long for us today. Pics to follow!


Thinking of staying a month in Sicily around new year, is there a town i should focus on or can I stay where ever if I find a good price and location and then just travel around when I have to?


We now live in a world where Berlusconi isn't the most embarassing president anymore.
Robe da pazzi.

What a time to be alive
We'll see how this ends up, but if elections took us into brexit and Trump I'm fine with having Renzi the Chosen One
We now live in a world where Berlusconi isn't the most embarassing president anymore.
Robe da pazzi.

We are lucky that Beppe Grillo is ineligible due to beeing a murder, so M5S has normal and semi-credible candidates like Di Maio. Imagine if Grillo was the next premier after the elections in 2018 (or early elections next year)


Silvio was a misoginist but at least it didn't go around saying everyone but white male sucked dicks and to bomb everyone and their mothers. He also had a clear agenda to help his industries, all the rest was kind of irrilevant to him.

Trump looks way more unhinged and unpredictable. Also the USA are a big deal for international security. Russia can push for much more influence now in europe. Jesus this shit sucks, i seriously hope the dude won't make a disaster with his foreign policy. You just know he will. I'm sorry but i really can't care too much about americans citizens right now, this is something that make us risk on a much bigger scale.


We are lucky that Beppe Grillo is ineligible due to beeing a murder, so M5S has normal and semi-credible candidates like Di Maio. Imagine if Grillo was the next premier after the elections in 2018 (or early elections next year)
Early elections next what? Would the referendum really make him step down? I'm actually a bit afraid of that now because we might end up having Salvini for real this time. Are we fucked?

Siamo sempre all'avanguardia.

Porca di quella troia, che imbecilli.
*cue December's Mentana marathon jingle*
*In 20 years*

"Trump also did good things you know"
"When there was LVI"
Their trains will be so fast now, gg usa

Silvio was a misoginist but at least it didn't go around saying everyone but white male sucked dicks and to bomb everyone and their mothers. He also had a clear agenda to help his industries, all the rest was kind of irrilevant to him.

Trump looks way more unhinged and unpredictable. Also the USA are a big deal for international security. Russia can push for much more influence now in europe. Jesus this shit sucks, i seriously hope the dude won't make a disaster with his foreign policy. You just know he will. I'm sorry but i really can't care too much about americans citizens right now, this is something that make us risk on a much bigger scale.

We're already being bought by China, so better move fast Russia or this country will be gone in a couple years *waves ass*
Early elections next what? Would the referendum really make him step down? I'm actually a bit afraid of that now because we might end up having Salvini for real this time. Are we fucked?

Renzi stopped saying in public that he will resign if the referendum fails because this was actually giving fuel to the No's campaign, but if the no really wins he would probably chose to go to early elections. In that case elections will be hold with the "consultellum" electoral law, a pure proportional system, which will result in a stalemate even if M5S manages to get in first place. In this scenery it is likely that another "patto del nazareno" will be formed between PD and centre-right parties to keep M5S isolated. This would be a good move for Renzi because this time, as PD'Secretary he gets to choose how PD deputies and senators are chosen. He could (and he will) chose only people loyal to his faction, excluding the internal minority from the Parliament. It will be a repeat of this legislation, but with a Parliament more friendly towards Renzi. Unless M5S Wins by a landslide and/or forms an alliance with someone like Salvini


Renzi stopped saying in public that he will resign if the referendum fails because this was actually giving fuel to the No's campaign, but if the no really wins he would probably chose to go to early elections. In that case elections will be hold with the "consultellum" electoral law, a pure proportional system, which will result in a stalemate even if M5S manages to get in first place. In this scenery it is likely that another "patto del nazareno" will be formed between PD and centre-right parties to keep M5S isolated. This would be a good move for Renzi because this time, as PD'Secretary he gets to choose how PD deputies and senators are chosen. He could (and he will) chose only people loyal to his faction, excluding the internal minority from the Parliament. It will be a repeat of this legislation, but with a Parliament more friendly towards Renzi. Unless M5S Wins by a landslide and/or forms an alliance with someone like Salvini

Al Giappone/Sudafrica/Norvegia/Scozia/SudCorea piacciono gli italiani?
Rosico perché volevo lavorare in Canada, ma ora ci andranno tutti gli americani. LOL

Just 10 days ago National Geographic Channel released that wonderful documentary DiCaprio made about global warming... and now they have a president who think that gw does not exist and it's a hoax. LOL 2x
Early elections next what? Would the referendum really make him step down? I'm actually a bit afraid of that now because we might end up having Salvini for real this time. Are we fucked?

he's already bandwagoning


Rosico perché volevo lavorare in Canada, ma ora ci andranno tutti gli americani. LOL

Just 10 days ago National Geographic Channel released that wonderful documentary DiCaprio made about global warming... and now they have a president who think that gw does not exist and it's a hoax. LOL 2x

yeah they'll probably double down on fossil fuels, coal is one of the reason of Trump's victory


Renzi stopped saying in public that he will resign if the referendum fails because this was actually giving fuel to the No's campaign, but if the no really wins he would probably chose to go to early elections. In that case elections will be hold with the "consultellum" electoral law, a pure proportional system, which will result in a stalemate even if M5S manages to get in first place. In this scenery it is likely that another "patto del nazareno" will be formed between PD and centre-right parties to keep M5S isolated. This would be a good move for Renzi because this time, as PD'Secretary he gets to choose how PD deputies and senators are chosen. He could (and he will) chose only people loyal to his faction, excluding the internal minority from the Parliament. It will be a repeat of this legislation, but with a Parliament more friendly towards Renzi. Unless M5S Wins by a landslide and/or forms an alliance with someone like Salvini

The centre right is a black hole of votes. The far rights will be the third pillar in this hypotetical scenario, which means death and despair and grinning of teeths.
Man, I used to say I was glad my parents emigrated from Italy because of cunts like Berlusconi. Now it's worse here.

Any jobs for an American government lawyer in Italy???? LOL. Fuck me.


Man, I used to say I was glad my parents emigrated from Italy because of cunts like Berlusconi. Now it's worse here.

Any jobs for an American government lawyer in Italy???? LOL. Fuck me.

No jobs in europe sorry. You can take the fascism and the jobs or you can kill yourself out of boredom in europe.


Hey Italia GAF

So because I (finally) went through and got my citizenship stuff all worked out and am now officially an Italian living abroad here in Canada I just received a referendum ballot today from the consulate. I've kind of sort of kept up on it and what Renzi wants to do but I figure I would ask here to some opinions on it, what I should read etc. I dunno if my vote will count for shit but I might as well be better educated on it.


So, Polygon released a interview with Itagaki in which, answering a question about Devil's Third reception, he mentions a "passionate italian journalist" from whom he expected a more in-depth review due to their long conversation


Is he referring to Pregianza?
Hey Italia GAF

So because I (finally) went through and got my citizenship stuff all worked out and am now officially an Italian living abroad here in Canada I just received a referendum ballot today from the consulate. I've kind of sort of kept up on it and what Renzi wants to do but I figure I would ask here to some opinions on it, what I should read etc. I dunno if my vote will count for shit but I might as well be better educated on it.
I might drop some thoughts later or tomorrow as I have a debate to spectate in the evening, if you want.


That would be great. I'd love to hear some thoughts on the referendum from ItaliaGAF.

Honestly I'm pretty ambivalent about it. I was gonna vote no, but with the risk of going to early elections (Renzi is saying it's not gonna happen, but David Cameron said the same shit) if no wins I'm in a position where I prefer having the mediocre Renzi government than risk having m5s/Lega Nord so I'm probably voting yes just to preserve the status quo for a little while.
Trump and Brexit shook me pretty hard.
Honestly I'm pretty ambivalent about it. I was gonna vote no, but with the risk of going to early elections (Renzi is saying it's not gonna happen, but David Cameron said the same shit) if no wins I'm in a position where I prefer having the mediocre Renzi government than risk having m5s/Lega Nord so I'm probably voting yes just to preserve the status quo for a little while.
Trump and Brexit shook me pretty hard.

Completely understandable.

Doesn't seem the thought of a more leaner government promising, though?


I'm getting my italian citizenship, and i have little idea how are politics in Italia, which parties etc. Which is the far right, which is the far left, which is the govermnent, when are elections, where people is more conservative and where is more left? A panorama of politics.

Sorry for the ammount of questions
Hey Italia GAF

So because I (finally) went through and got my citizenship stuff all worked out and am now officially an Italian living abroad here in Canada I just received a referendum ballot today from the consulate. I've kind of sort of kept up on it and what Renzi wants to do but I figure I would ask here to some opinions on it, what I should read etc. I dunno if my vote will count for shit but I might as well be better educated on it.

How familiar you are with the Italian system?

Do you understand italian?

Honestly I'm pretty ambivalent about it. I was gonna vote no, but with the risk of going to early elections (Renzi is saying it's not gonna happen, but David Cameron said the same shit) if no wins I'm in a position where I prefer having the mediocre Renzi government than risk having m5s/Lega Nord so I'm probably voting yes just to preserve the status quo for a little while.
Trump and Brexit shook me pretty hard.

pretty much where i am at

i'm not too keen on SI, but i'm more afraid of "SI" losing than "NO" losing


Honestly I'm pretty ambivalent about it. I was gonna vote no, but with the risk of going to early elections (Renzi is saying it's not gonna happen, but David Cameron said the same shit) if no wins I'm in a position where I prefer having the mediocre Renzi government than risk having m5s/Lega Nord so I'm probably voting yes just to preserve the status quo for a little while.
Trump and Brexit shook me pretty hard.

This is exactly where I'm standing right now as well.


The south would actually vote en masse for it. I'm already hearing a lot of "Berlusconi wasn't as bad as Renzi" and "Renzi is a corrupt and incompetent communist" .

Kill me yesterday.
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