No matter how good or expensive your brand new 2020 monitor/TV is, it's still not as good as any CRT. And that's all because of one thing, ghosting/blurring/sample and hold, whatever it's name is.
Basically what that means is, when an image is moving on a LCD, it gets blurred. On a CRT, however, it stays as sharp as when it was still. And the difference is so big that if someone demonstrate it to you (in case you forgot how good CRT motion is or you are too young to know) it completely ruins it for you.
I held my CRT TV and Monitor as much as i could, waiting for modern technology to finally get rid of this. As a result, i still had a CRT monitor for my PC until 2019 if you can believe it. I had people show up in my place wondering why am i still keeping that thing. I wish i could still use it but unfortunately, it died so i had to downgrade to a modern monitor. I got an expensive 240hz one because 60hz monitors are so nauseating to me, it's like i'm drunk the whole time. It's impossible to use it for everyday web browsing, i can't even read the scrolling text. 240hz at least cleans most of the ghosting and comes close to a CRT (but still not 100% there).
Even on a 240hz monitor though, i still can't get rid of the ghosting when i play 60fps content like older console games on emulators or modern games that i can't run faster than 60fps. Everything is still a blur fest.
What bothers me the most is that there isn't any improvement in the last, dunno, 10 years? I got a 2019 model 4K Samsung TV and it has the same amount of ghosting as my older TV from 2007. And the same amount is also present on my 240hz monitoer when displaying 60fps content. So after more than a decade there was no improvement on that front. All you can do is enable various tricks like "black frame insertion" or enable various smooth filters via hardware or software but all that come with side effects like artifacts, ruined colors and huge amounts of input lag. You can't even enable most of that stuff when using "Game mode" anyway.
So my question is, are we ever going to get rid of this in our lifetime or is it here to stay? Because it seems people in their 30s and 40s forgot how CRTs look and younger ones don't even know about this. Mainstream seems to be used to blurry moving images.
Basically what that means is, when an image is moving on a LCD, it gets blurred. On a CRT, however, it stays as sharp as when it was still. And the difference is so big that if someone demonstrate it to you (in case you forgot how good CRT motion is or you are too young to know) it completely ruins it for you.
I held my CRT TV and Monitor as much as i could, waiting for modern technology to finally get rid of this. As a result, i still had a CRT monitor for my PC until 2019 if you can believe it. I had people show up in my place wondering why am i still keeping that thing. I wish i could still use it but unfortunately, it died so i had to downgrade to a modern monitor. I got an expensive 240hz one because 60hz monitors are so nauseating to me, it's like i'm drunk the whole time. It's impossible to use it for everyday web browsing, i can't even read the scrolling text. 240hz at least cleans most of the ghosting and comes close to a CRT (but still not 100% there).
Even on a 240hz monitor though, i still can't get rid of the ghosting when i play 60fps content like older console games on emulators or modern games that i can't run faster than 60fps. Everything is still a blur fest.
What bothers me the most is that there isn't any improvement in the last, dunno, 10 years? I got a 2019 model 4K Samsung TV and it has the same amount of ghosting as my older TV from 2007. And the same amount is also present on my 240hz monitoer when displaying 60fps content. So after more than a decade there was no improvement on that front. All you can do is enable various tricks like "black frame insertion" or enable various smooth filters via hardware or software but all that come with side effects like artifacts, ruined colors and huge amounts of input lag. You can't even enable most of that stuff when using "Game mode" anyway.
So my question is, are we ever going to get rid of this in our lifetime or is it here to stay? Because it seems people in their 30s and 40s forgot how CRTs look and younger ones don't even know about this. Mainstream seems to be used to blurry moving images.