Wut? Is that a...baby doll? lol
Have to admit, I'm more of a dog person, but cats are insanely funny and cute at times. I wouldn't mind one myself, I grew up with one and I kind of miss having one around.
Sorry for the size, I really wanted to show our gorgeous Lynx, I'll resize the pictures of our other cats.
My fat ass cat was sitting in the most unflattering post last night
looks pissed!
20 years is a long time. The bond between you two must be really strong--no wonder she's worried about your leg! Hope things work out as best as they can for you.Here is new photo of Wilma, my 20 year old kitty. She is losing sight in her left eye, losing weight and now has kidney disease. But she still follow me around and "takes care" of me when I get off work. I have a broken leg and she is always touching it with her paw to make sure I am ok. Goddamn I love this cat. I hoping for a few more years with her but every day is a blessing. My mom's cat lived to 25, so there is hope!
Original photo used to choose her from the litter and the photo I used as girlbait wallpaper on my phone for about 6 years
Some more recent ones
My kitteh, Lumi
Here is the last photo of our kitty Wilma. She passed away on July 5th after 20 wonderful years.While she was sick for a while, she did not suffer and she let us know it was time to go. It is still so hard to think about, as I literally had her for half of my life! Wilma was the best, most loving, easy going, cat I have ever known. She will be profoundly missed. This photo is of her doing her favorite pastime (aside from greeting us at the door every day or giving me love punches to the face), sitting at the window soaking up the sun.
Here's a similar one of me playing PS2!
Love this one, lol.Reminds me of a cat I used to have, H.Pro:
D'awwwwwwwwwwww!My two furballs, Scylla and Tyrion. They have been together since they were little kitties