Fiona will be losing her fangs today

(and looking at this picture I can see how they're chipped now)
Anybody else have to do that? How was the recovery?
My cat Galileo had several cracked and infected teeth when I adopted him. Luckily, the rescue I got him from paid for the entire procedure to have them removed. I think he had his two top canines and 3 back molars removed. The doctor that did the extractions said one was so infected that he flinched when she removed the tooth, even though he was under anesthesia. That kind of broke my heart.
Luckily, he recovered really well. We had to give him antibiotics twice a day for a couple weeks, but that was it. He bounced back really quickly and has no issues eating dry food. The only side effect is sometimes he'll drool when he's asleep, but that's kind of cute in a gross way.
Overall I think its really made an improvement in his quality of life. He seemed ok before, but since he's had his teeth fixed he's become even more active and silly, and way more chatty. He's super talkative now. He's like a new cat. I know it's not cheap to have it done and it can seem weird to spend money on dental work for a cat, but I think it can really help them feel better.