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January WrassleGAF |OT| Rocky Road to Wrestle Kingdom Starts Now

No joke, I actually feared for Cena in that match. That NEVER happens.

The Brock/Cena one? Yeah, there was still that minor fear in every smark that Brock would work too stiff, or forget something small and seriously hurt Cena. Everyone who wasn't a smark was probably on the edge of their seat. They probably worked the best match possible for their pairing, too. It was great. Obviously "cena wins lol" was dumb but knowing Brock wouldn't be used again effectively after that, well, I'm alright.

I did too. There were a couple of "holy shit, go easy on the kid" moments for me during that match.

Yeah, when Cena got busted open I had trouble determining what was real and fake for a second.




I can't believe you people. Was I the only one with a smile on my face?


why would WWUniverse upload a video of this when he quit last year?!?! he broke the pelvis of the chairman for christsake! this is the preblem with WWE they keep rewarding these thugs.... John Cena champion should toss him and punk to the curb

-WWE.com commentator, JDdaman97


smh, the "e" and "o" keys are nowhere near each other

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
In the end we're all just softies. Teach us how to be hard asses NetWrecker.

Watch more Japanese wrestling
In the end we're all just softies. Teach us how to be hard asses NetWrecker.

If you can't appreciate Cena getting beat up by Brock Lesnar, there's no hope for you. Every time Brock got his hands on him and it seemed "a little too real," that should've been cathartic.

No, I was loving every minute of it, till Cena showed us all that we were watching WWE.

Good. This is the right reaction.

I loved it. Especially when Brock decided to do a suicide dive directly through Cena's face to the outside



I'm so far behind. I was busy trying to be manly and fixing my storm door by getting new handles and latches and I spent 4 hours only to find out it didn't fit. I jobbed hard to that door. Glass ceiling my ass. It's a glass door.

Anyway, Dolph is shredded and in awesome shape, but he isn't physically intimidating at all. He doesn't look like a guy you need to worry about fighting you. Fucking your girl, probably. But not beating you up. Punk looks and seems like a guy who might punch you in the face, at least. I'd be more intimidated by a pissed of Punk in my face over a pissed of Dolph.

Godzilla vs Destroyah is my favorite. I legit cried. Destroyah might have been the biggest dick head of all Godzilla villains. That movie looked so good.


Rumor has it that Dixie Carter's big announcement is that Impact Wrestling will be leaving the Impact Zone for the majority of their 2013 shows.


Can't wait until people whine when he inevitably becomes champion again (assuming the 2-year deal is correct).

as long as they don't pull a "he earned this title shot the 10 years he was gone" and have him win the belt in Cena like fashion I won't care

i don't think he'll be a champion though. he'll probably be happy to just wrestle regular matches and not get sucked into the Cena vortex




I can't believe you people. Was I the only one with a smile on my face?

shit I was happy as hell. i was hoping he would have put a kimura on for real


Can't wait until people whine when he inevitably becomes champion again (assuming the 2-year deal is correct).

Also, another rumor is that in that contract he will wrestle 4 pay per view per year. Also, here is Brock's upcoming dates:

* February 4th from Atlanta, Georgia
* February 25th from Dallas, Texas
* March 11th from Indianapolis, Indiana
* April 1st from Washington, DC


If TNA comes to St. Louis for an impact taping, I'll happily pay money to see it.

I've only seen one TNA PPV live, but it was pretty good, minus the "electric" cage match. That was apparently our comedy half hour break.


I liked the Cena/Brock match. It was very much like a real life Punch Out, there was even a camera shot during the match with Brock laying on the mat and Cena near the front ropes that looked like they were re-enacting the game. It was the stupid promo Cena cut after it that shat all over everything.

Also, not surprised Cena went for bleeding early. I still remember refs constantly preventing Cena and Orton from blading during their series of matches. Am I the only one that remembers that? There was blatantly obvious razor drops that the refs had to keep kicking out of the ring / covering up for that one year.
Hey new guy, you won the GAF rumble and then the drawing of prizes and won a copy of PWG's DDT4 releasing sometime in late Feb/early March. It is up to you if you want to claim it or it goes to someone else!

Yay! Won my first GAF Rumble!

I'll let someone else who won got #19 in the Rumble take DDT4, or just anyone who wants it. I'll be honest, the only Wrestling I watch is WWE. I've been meaning to watch some different companies, but never gone around to watch PWG, TNA, Japan, or any Indies. WWE is all I watch. I feel like it'd be a waste for me to take the prize. Let a PWG fan have it. :)

Also, another rumor is that in that contract he will wrestle 4 pay per view per year. Also, here is Brock's upcoming dates:

* February 4th from Atlanta, Georgia
* February 25th from Dallas, Texas
* March 11th from Indianapolis, Indiana
* April 1st from Washington, DC

I'm guessing they'll only let him Wrestle the 4 major PPVs then, Wrestlemania, SummerSlam, Royal Rumble, and Survivor Series?

Any news on how many RAWs he has to be one?
Also, another rumor is that in that contract he will wrestle 4 pay per view per year. Also, here is Brock's upcoming dates:

* February 4th from Atlanta, Georgia
* February 25th from Dallas, Texas
* March 11th from Indianapolis, Indiana
* April 1st from Washington, DC

That's awfully low. 4 out of 9? I want more Bork. =(


No, I enjoyed it too. I'm just saying that da Ring Psychology™ was so good that it made me forget that Cena™™ was participating in the match.

I've said all along that Cena can only have good matches with great wrestlers. He needs somebody that he can work off and let carry the match till it is time for him to go Super Cena.



I can't believe you people. Was I the only one with a smile on my face?

I enjoyed it but the match didn't end after the 1st beating i knew Cena was going to win and ruin everything. That promo at the end was stupid too im sure Cena was going to leave for a bit to try and fix his marriage but didn't and just went for the divorce. Then the RAW after they acted like Lesnar won. STUPID

That match should have been 5 min tops


Oh shit, I might go to Raw in Indy. I assume Rock would be there, too. But then again, there hasn't been a good show in Indy since 2008.


I could pay $100 or so for a good seat at Raw in Atlanta, but I saw Lesnar on the greatest night in the history of our sport.....and that was awesome.


Segment Breakdown for 1/28/13 Raw:

In the segment-by-segment, it opened strong with C.M. Punk, Paul Heyman and Vince McMahon doing a 3.63 first quarter. Randy Orton vs. Antonio Cesaro with Miz as ref lost 193,000 viewers. The Make Me Laugh segment with Ryback destroying the Prime Time Players and Bob Backlund video gained 32,000 viewers. Wade Barrett vs. Bo Dallas and John Cena vs. Cody Rhodes quick matches gained 243,000 viewers.

The Cena interview followed by The Shield beatdown of Cena, Sheamus and Ryback at 9 p.m. gained 145,000 viewers to a 3.80 quarter. The Brodus Clay vs. Tensai dance contest lost 157,000 viewers, which is a hell of a lot better than they’d have done if the two would have wrestled. The Big Show beatdown of Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez gained 116,000 viewers. Kaitlyn vs. Tamina Snuka in a Lumberjills match and Rock coming out gained 79,000 viewers. The Rock-Punk in-ring at 10 p.m. gained 279,000 viewers. Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow in a tables match plus the Great Khali Karaoke segment and beatdown with Zack Ryder of 3MB lost 601,000 viewers. The Chris Jericho return and in-ring with Dolph Ziggler, A.J. and Big E Langston lost 342,000 viewers. Jericho & Ziggler vs. Kane & Daniel Bryan gained 134,000 viewers. And the overrun with McMahon and Heyman’s performance review and the return of Brock Lesnar gained 750,000 viewers to a 4.00 overrun.


Ratings are so stupid. There is no way they are anywhere close to actual number of viewers. Individual segment ratings are silly to me, too. Most of the time when there are big drop offs, it is around the same time every show regardless of who is on screen. And something like 32,000 people tuning in or out might could just as easily be people channel flipping for a few seconds.
Anyway, Dolph is shredded and in awesome shape, but he isn't physically intimidating at all. He doesn't look like a guy you need to worry about fighting you. Fucking your girl, probably. But not beating you up. Punk looks and seems like a guy who might punch you in the face, at least. I'd be more intimidated by a pissed of Punk in my face over a pissed of Dolph.
Punk is one of the top 5 guys in the WWE that I absolutely wouldn't want to fuck with. He's not very intimidating as far as physical appearance but I am pretty positive he won't take shit and wouldn't hesitate to beat your ass.
Also, another rumor is that in that contract he will wrestle 4 pay per view per year. Also, here is Brock's upcoming dates:

* February 4th from Atlanta, Georgia
* February 25th from Dallas, Texas
* March 11th from Indianapolis, Indiana
* April 1st from Washington, DC
I thought he had something like 30 dates...well before his new contract. It's not like they've used that many, so I was expecting him to pretty much be there from Royal Rumble all the way to WM. Why so few appearances?
Yay! Won my first GAF Rumble!

I'll let someone else who won got #19 in the Rumble take DDT4, or just anyone who wants it. I'll be honest, the only Wrestling I watch is WWE. I've been meaning to watch some different companies, but never gone around to watch PWG, TNA, Japan, or any Indies. WWE is all I watch. I feel like it'd be a waste for me to take the prize. Let a PWG fan have it. :)

I'm guessing they'll only let him Wrestle the 4 major PPVs then, Wrestlemania, SummerSlam, Royal Rumble, and Survivor Series?

Any news on how many RAWs he has to be one?

Yes....yes....do this.


Nobody gives any fucks about Sandow and they sure aren't tuning back in for the Great Dummy's terrible singing. It also doesn't look like anyone care about AJ, Ziggler and Jericho. Poor Big E. Langston.

One show's Nielsen ratings are near worthless as indications of what people think about performers.
Individual segment ratings aren't worth reading much in to. What really matters is the averages and the over runs. Over runs are the only thing you can really judge the appeal of people on.


I still don't get why people are always surprised when great shows don't have great ratings. How hard is it to figure out that the quality of the previous week's show is what determines the ratings for the next?

You can have an awesome show that no one watched because the week before was awful. And then the next week, the ratings go up based on the good show from the previous week. Then back to normal after another shitty Raw.
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