Thanks for this. I'm a little concerned over how to purchase coins once I create my account, but I guess I'll go ahead and re-roll during the Legend Fest and see if I can't get something good.You can't save the start dash, it's only available in one week after you start the game, and it will revive after some time if you missed it.
It's better to start the game during the legend gacha festival. Some characters are only available in the festival. The start dash includes a exchange ticket which allows you to choose any characters available in the gacha pool, so you can get the limited character(For exmaple the limited version Catalina is a good choice).
I downloaded the Google Chrome App as posted on their website but I'm a little confused over what to do next. Is there any way to bypass the account creation and start a guest account [to later link with Facebook when I find one I like]? When I try to launch the Chrome app, they want me to create a mobage account by inputting my email. I guess I could create multiple Yahoo ID accounts, but I'm worried about then later linking that to a permanent Facebook account once I find one I like...
Ugh, I might just link it with my usual Facebook account and just bypass re-rolling. It sounds like I can get a guaranteed SSR with that Start Dash thing, although beginning with two guaranteed SSR [starting roll and Starter Dash voucher] would be better than one...
Is it worth trying for SSR Anira now, or waiting for the Legend Fest + new characters? I probably won't re-roll, considering how much of a headache it looks to be, so my starting roll(s) will probably be it. I'm not sure how good Anira is.
Legend fest (soon). Last chance at SSR Anira. Second phase on the 31st replaces her with 4 new characters + a summon.
Then I have to figure out how to actually purchase the currency needed for the Start Dash offer.
I just wish they'd make the app available in English on the app store. They don't need to dedicate new servers for us or anything, so nothing on that end has to change, just make it easier for us to download/install/create our accounts and purchase currency. I want to play the game, but it sounds like so many steps to go through.
Edit: I'm downloading Bluestacks now. Will give the re-roll procedure a try there I guess.