What are the 3 best gacha games I could play on iOS these days ? I already started Brave Exvius, but what are GAF suggestions ?
Oh and is Phantom of the Kill any good ?
Phantom of Kill wasn't good IMO.
Personally, I'm fan of the following:
- One Piece Treasure Cruise - Free Gem every day, loyal to the storyline, lots of events
- DBZ Dokkan - Rates arent always good, but gameplay is fun if you're a fan of the series and whatnot
- P&D: The original gacha as far as I know. Takes a bit to get to a good level, but I'm enjoying myself
- FF Record Keeper - less on gacha characters, more on their weapons. Still getting into this myself, has a good community
There's a few others that are JPN exclusive that I want to come stateside. Check the main post for lots of links