I just got Kakashi on my first multi-pull. If I can manage another nice character out of my two following multi-pull, I'm keeping.
I did my second multi-pull and got 5* Kiba (ugh!), Shizune (healer, not as good as Kabuto but still on the A-Rank list), and Neji. I'll progress onward for my third (and final) discount pull, but I think I'll be settling with this. I'm getting really tired of re-rolling, it's been several hours now and it requires me attention to do. I also have Jiraiya (who should be better than he is).
Final update!
I did my third multi-summon and...didn't get Kabuto. I did get a range of other characters though.
On the tier-list:
Tayuya (Sealer)
Shikamaru Nara (Delay)
Shizune (Healer)
Neji (Sealer + Damage Dealer)
I would have liked Kabuto, but after spending a good portion of the day (and last night) re-rolling for either Kakashi or Gaara, I think I'm going to call it here. I have a mix of characters with differing abilities and, while I would have liked another future 6*, we are receiving that guaranteed 6* in the next several weeks so I'll have another chance there. Kabuto is a 4* base, so I'm hoping he'll come to me with time. At least I have Shizune who's "decent" at healing, and it's not exactly needed at this point in the game so much.
So yes, I guess feel free to add me. I'm currently leading with Kakashi and leveling him up as quickly as possible through the daily. My ID is 584,390,460,413.