Yeah, there's a lot of confusion right now.
Apparently, if you do go to purchase gems, the order goes through but you're not charged for them. I'm not brave enough to test it, just something I read on the official forums. In addition, they released Nightmare Mode tonight, for the Waiiha Island event, so there's still at least adding stuff to the game. Still zero response from them directly, and after them essentially giving out 10,000 free gems to people who spent the time to grind Conquest (easy to do), along with the all of the motif weapons for the gatcha characters, it'll be surprising to see them continue supporting the game. Those 10,000 gems can go a long way, with the upcoming several gatcha banners...
I'm guessing it'll be like Chain Chronicle, where they'll add a few things here and there, and then just stop supporting it completely. It wouldn't be so upsetting...if they just confirmed it. Their utter silence on the matter is what's really frustrating, although maybe we could perceive that as a positive and they're doing everything they can to salvage the game before officially closing the servers?
The current gatcha characters leave at the end of the week, and we're supposed to receive new ones at that time. I guess we'll see what happens then.
I was tempted, but I kind of wanted a "fresh start" on the Global version, since I didn't want to miss out on events/exclusive characters, not to mention the story for the characters. If I had known that the story aspect would be as butchered as it was, I probably would have made a different decision.
It's too late for me to re-start now. Should the Global version go under (which I expect it will), I'll just move on. As mentioned, I didn't play the game a lot to begin with, but it is disappointing to see me receive new characters from the gatcha and not be able to make the full use out of them. I've been wanting a nice Dragon Rider since their original release, and only now managed to pull my first.