Coming to the US? When was this? I know it has an English SEA release around last year, are you talking about that?
It is hard to play without knowledge of Japanese, more so now with all the extra effects and conditions for cards nowadays compared to to the start of the game. Still, the JP version has the benefit of being, well, the JP version so all the extra gems, collabs, apology gems as well as fast and consistent game updates. I think MA2 has done a real great job at improving their game over the last almost two years it's been operating, it would be a shame to give that all up for a slowly updated, content drought translated version, even if I could understand the cards a lot easier.
Nevermind, I was thinking about the announcement of the PlayStation versions, for some reason I thought a western announcement was included with that but I was misremembering.
In general though from the little amount of time I've spent with it so far it seems like a pretty solid mobile game, and the visuals are very nice.