Oh Valkyrie Connect is published by Ateam Inc. Rip.
Yeah, not sure if I have much time to play VC.
Oh Valkyrie Connect is published by Ateam Inc. Rip.
There we go.![]()
Prolly not going in either![]()
Are they bad or something? From what I've seen/heard from those that played earlier titles from them (such as Unison League), they fully support their releases so it (shouldn't) be something that's dead in a year. Assuming VC catches on in the West, which I hope it does. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and it's not too taxing on my time either.Oh Valkyrie Connect is published by Ateam Inc. Rip.
It is, I got four rainbow orbs in my second multi yesterday (Draculoki, Witch Idun, dupe Thor, Light Bow). It all comes down to luck, unfortunately.Did another multi gor 2k
9 2* and the hallloween Girl. Yikes. Is it even possible to get more than one 3* per multi? ;_____;
It looks like DeNA pulled Fantasica Bloodlines from the US store.
What a shitshow of a launch.
Well, there goes my plan to re-roll a few more times today. Eh, I might not even bother, the game didn't appear to be anything special.It looks like DeNA pulled Fantasica Bloodlines from the US store.
What a shitshow of a launch.
18: Dream World soft launched on Android a few days ago. iOS later, a lot of UI later.
Heavy on Atlus inspiration thematically. Re-rolling for the Halloween guy is brutal.
Apparently incompatible with every device I own. Not sure that's actually available yet.
Yet another Square Enix mobile Final Fantasy game in the works.
I've lost count on how many games they have now.
Record Keeper !Damn. What's the better of their current games, Mobius or Brave Exvius?
Damn. What's the better of their current games, Mobius or Brave Exvius?
Downloaded 18: Dream world to Memu and got somewhat hooked it. Nice time sink, kinda similar to PAD and as others said in "Persona thematical world".
Rerolled once there (you need to dl 1.3gigs stuff so its not fun) until I got 5* able unit.
Dunno if its any good or not:
Then I just played and made few summons without any major luck (yellow moons = 3* units, Purple 4*) from Halloween banner. Collected 5 gems and made one more from that banner.
Then I was wtf RED moon![]()
Exvius has better gameplay when it needs it but Mobius has a far more fair gacha system.
Mobius, at least the western release, has the 'best' gacha of any I've seen. It's not the most generous, it's not the most stingy, but it hits a sweet spot of 'well, I don't NEED to spend money but I could', which is imo the perfect balance.
Looks really awesome. Installed it on Memu...damm i wish it would be out on ios.
Pulled twice the same 3* char, so i will reroll. Do you know how to summon the first banner stated for first week player?
According to their fb page, they only ait for apple to accept it, awesome!
It'll also allow Android->iOS transfers later, so don't have any qualms about starting now on an emulator.
What is the method to back up account. Iam planning to download this to my Android phone too. Thus could log outside of home if I have extra time from Brave Exvius.
I got a friend who dumped $800 last week on whatever the Digimon mobile game is. This thread title couldn't be more correct.
I'm going to reroll for an 5* possible 6*. This game has, like most Gacha Games, a japanese original called 18 Dreamers. But i can't fnd any infos on tier lists etc.
English version of SAO: Memory Defrag coming very soon possibly?
Tales of Link global is having a collaboration event soon to celebrate it.
I'm going to reroll for an 5* possible 6*. This game has, like most Gacha Games, a japanese original called 18 Dreamers. But i can't fnd any infos on tier lists etc.
I found JP home page & Twitter, I guess I need to tweet them in English and ask JP tier list...
18 Homepage
18 Twitter page
Let's see if I get any answers tho.
In the future, the word you're looking for is リセマラ (risemara) which is the Japanese for REset MARAthon. Such pages will generally have a list of the best options you can get out of a reroll, as well as the method for doing it.
English version of SAO: Memory Defrag coming very soon possibly?
Tales of Link global is having a collaboration event soon to celebrate it.
didn't memory defrag recently come out in japan?
pretty quick turn around.
Remember that Fantastica Bloodlines game? Yeah, me either.
What a way to kill hype for your game.
Reddit user said:Dear players,
most of you are probably unaware that this game's developer, DeNA Corp. are one of the most shady & fraudulent devs that ever existed.
DeNA is known for having a long history of games that got shutdown shortly after being released. Some examples are Super Battle Tactics and Deckstorm.
DeNA's latest game to be shutdown, Deckstorm, which will be terminated alongside Blood Brothers 2, has a story that is even worse.
The game was released in late July 2016 and the shutdown was announced less than 12 weeks after its release.
Suddenly, DeNA announced the shutdown on the 20th of October. The reason given for this was the liquidation of DeNA West.
However, it turned out that the liquidation of DeNA West was planned & known right from the start. DeNA's report at the end of the fiscal year in March 2016 confirms this. Yes, they knew the game would be shut down right from the start and before the game was even released.
The whole intention of Deckstorm was to milk players and disappear with their money. And this is what they do now. They are declining any refund request. You can make up your own mind on the Deckstorm Forums which will be shut down soon to get rid of the evidence. In addition, the scammed android users are fighting for their rights here . In vain, it seems.
So DC Legends just launched on IOS/Android
You start with Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Zatanna and I got Green Arrow from my first pull but I'm not sure if that's fixed.
Also got Batman early and they are giving away the Wonder Woman in the picture during launch week.
So basically, you're looking at another week or so, possibly more than that, if the fix falls on next weekend. I don't know about you guys, but I've already lost pretty much all interest in the title. I'll probably just wait until Sword Art Online is released and play that one instead (since I'm dropping Dokkan Battle, due to spending 450+ Dragon Stones and getting nothing of use out of them all).
What a way to kill hype for your game.
Aren't Silicon Knights the actual developers, though? Regardless, thanks for the post!I haven't touched much for DeNA games (aside quick test of FFRK), but here is a Reddit user post about DeNA / FB and other stuff.
Fantastica Bloodlines: Word of Warning
Read the whole story from the link and think again do you want to start to play. Also check the comments, problem could be in the ex DeNA West branch, or not.
Yeah, I'm pretty accustomed to not getting much in my gatcha games (usually), but Dokkan Battle has been exceptionally un-kind to me. It did give me Gogeta, a while back, as well as Majin Vegeta and Broly, but aside from that it keeps giving me SSR dupes of characters I already have (and I don't have that many), or new SSR that are literally worthless.this kind of shit always happened.
keep your account and come back during this banner.