Yeah, I still play it, haha.I played this so long ago. This question made me google a video and now I am watching an excited lady open tons of envelopes, I am getting nostalgic!
You are probably correct, but at the beginning of the game, a perfect combo should suffice for an S-Rank of the early story stages. I remember having most of them S-ranked before I got a my first full team of SR, and not even idolized.
That game was really fun.
I have 550 Love Gems saved up for Devil Nico, who'll be releasing in a few days. If I don't get her, I'll probably be quitting. I've been playing since launch (Rank 254) and I've only obtained one UR over the entire time, and I spent a bit on it. The rates are just horrible (1% for a UR? Seriously?).
The game is fun, especially if you love the series (which I do), I just don't know how much longer I can dedicate to it with so many other gatcha games having been released (or will release soon, such as Fire Emblem). Something needs to go, so that's the one on the chopping block for me.