i want to get into granblue more, but ended up hitting a difficulty curve in the story and confused at what to do to progress lol.
You aren't feeding units to lvl up lol.
The whole thing with Granblue is that the characters are surprisingly superficial to the overall power curve. You want to level them to fill out their kits, naturally, but you actually do so largely by just playing - you can shove weapons into characters to level them but it's not very efficient.
The overwhelming majority of your power comes from your "grid" of ten weapons and how you set it up, along with the primary summon you use. In late-game grids, you might get about 7-8000 attack power by leveling a character from 1 to 80, while the weapon grid provides you with
hundreds of thousands of attack power.
Table for Six was actually pretty funny, and Korwa is now my bae
I'm sad I missed Table For Six, Iggy + Elsam sounds like it was adorable and hilarious.
(playable iggy when, cygames)
edit: hurp, meant to reply to this too!
Rates are still crazy awful, only recently the Japanese version boosted the highest rarity to 3% chances (instead of 1%)
Also in Japan for the anniversary, they gave everyone free 50 inventory slots for all of them, and 30 more NRG cap.
Global version anniversary is coming next month (June 27), maybe you'll enjoy it a bit more around that time?
I mean, I'm not
hating the game; I'm just surprised that it's missing some of the really basic QoL stuff (normalized rank gain curve, all forms of daily farming unlocked by default, wide open inventory without need for slot payment, etc) that virtually all of their competition has implemented at this point. If anything I'm surprised more people don't take them hard to task for it.
There's one other bit of weirdness that I meant to note previously concerning the premium currency, too - there's no option in their purchase tiers for buying exactly enough for an 11-pull. That just strikes me as
bizarre, as I all but know for a fact that "impulse whaling" is a huge driver of revenue for F/GO and Granblue, who both feature currency options right there for a group pull. I wonder what kind of metrics they were looking at when they first implemented it, because now it seems like a terrible, terrible idea and they're just making it easier for a person to justify to themselves "ehhhhh, no I don't think I'll purchase a full $50 worth of bravebux or go through the effort of $20 twice, and both are a lot anyway".
This feels like a weird thing to complain about, granted :V but it's just one more example of the apparent psychology of the game's design leaving me scratching my head. Mobage has, god be praised, moved beyond a fair deal of this, and I have to imagine it's contributing to FFBE not doing as well as its peers.