It's not very highly regarded around here.
Hm, in that regard, what would Gacha GAF recommend? Here is a list of what I am currently playing (even if that's only daily login) and what I played.
I am playing:
- Kingdom Hearts Union Cross (not much to do at the moment, but it's Kingdom Hearts and I played it for nearly a year now (EU release))
- Fire Emblem Heroes (Also not that much to do, but permadeath update comes in 2 days, and I am hyped for that)
- Granblue Fantasy (I am probably going to stop playing this though. I really, really like the game, but in GBFs case, the game just has too much to do. I have now played it for roughly 1 month twice, back in December/January and now in May/June. The main "problem" I have are the one time events which happen every week with no downtime and you have to farm them endlessly for the rewards, wich distracts me from the main story (chapter 29 at the moment) and then I stop playing. As said, I really like the game, but in this case, it actually takes too much time)
Now games I played, even if not for long:
- Terra Battle (played and enjoyed it back when I got my new phone ~3 years ago. Not sure how long I played, something around chapter 10-20 maybe? I did like the battle system though, it was something new back then. Maybe I should just give it another go.)
- Fantasy War Tactics (I barely played this. Didn't like it that much, but I maybe played for a few hours, if even that and then somehow forgot this existed. Game was easy as heck, but that's probably because I was still at the beginning - does it get better?)
I guess that's it. I wanted to give Phantom of the Kill a try, because it looks like a more complex FE Heroes, but with these constant crashes I have it drains all motivation I have for playing this game from me.
I only have 2 conditions for recommendations though:
- Must be playable on an emulator (because my phone has no space, KHUx requires all of it)
- Must be in english (else I would probably play this Eden game, but that has no global version yet, not even announced D
Sooo, with all that, any recommendations?