Uhm, did you read OP!?I wouldn't mind if they made something in the vein of Cyberpunk, but scaled back.
While they're at it, they should bring this back:
Uhm, did you read OP!?
Are the Shadowrun rpg's any good?, i always see them on key sites for like less than a buck.
Jeff Grubb has made a career over “hearing rumblings” and that’s insanely depressing.
I enjoyed the story (except the second part of the first game), setting and gameplay (resolving situations based on the skills you upgraded) but i would say the combat didn't had much dept, just served it's purpose. Less than a buck is a steal and even if, for some reason, you don't enjoy them, it's not a big loss.Are the Shadowrun rpg's any good?, i always see them on key sites for like less than a buck.
Ah, fair enough.Yep and I said "I wouldn't mind." Does not mean I'm expecting that. Everything is speculation at this point anyway.
There hands are full though. They even hinted they might work on Fallout next.sounds like a Obsidian game..
They licensed the IP from Microsoft, like Piranha Games with Mechwarrior 5. Microsoft still holds the digital rights to FASA IPs.Microsoft returned the rights of Shadowrun and Battletech to Jordan Weisman and his hairbrained schemes company.
Great, I was only very grudgingly respecting the business decisions of Microsoft, so I'm glad to hear that hand around these beloved IPs to any of their purchased studios that ask for them, so they can "make them their own" with an exciting "not your daddy's battletech/shadowrun" GaaS game.They licensed the IP from Microsoft, like Piranha Games with Mechwarrior 5. Microsoft still holds the digital rights to FASA IPs.
Insane... Would this be the first non call of duty thing IW has worked on?It might be Infinity Ward's Polish studio
Infinity Ward might be working on an open-world RPG that’s not Call of Duty
While an RPG take of Call of Duty sounds interesting, Infinity Ward is probably working on a different IP for Activision Blizzard.www.xfire.com
Something tells me they’d more likely reboot crimson skies and shadow run and leave battletech dormant/ keep licensing it to PGI. It just feels like they don’t give a F about btech. At least PGI cares about the IP and the prior games whereas MS would probably make some gaas mechassault 3 monstrosity that they would screw up anyway.Great, I was only very grudgingly respecting the business decisions of Microsoft, so I'm glad to hear that hand around these beloved IPs to any of their purchased studios that ask for them, so they can "make them their own" with an exciting "not your daddy's battletech/shadowrun" GaaS game.
Battletech and Shadowrun IP are in a great place in terms of reputation compared to IP they do care about like Halo. It would be great Battletech had a fraction of the "relevance" that 40K has, but Microsoft are not the company to manage that.Something tells me they’d more likely reboot crimson skies and shadow run and leave battletech dormant/ keep licensing it to PGI. It just feels like they don’t give a F about btech. At least PGI cares about the IP and the prior games whereas MS would probably make some gaas mechassault 3 monstrosity that they would screw up anyway.