I'm glad i can see this kind of comment, we need to help and at least give support each other (because of distance)We all get scared brother, it's not a problem, just share with the community and we'll help each other through.
I should have done that the other day when I had a strange crisis, started thinking my daughter was gonna hate me when she was older and that it was too late to change it, (she's 13), due to my feeling it was time to ground her for some issues she's had at home that I've let go with a warning for the last three times. It's so tough to balance being a good father with being a "liked" father, but she wouldn't even say I love you to me for a bit, and when my wife and her went to a friend's house for a bit I got deep in the sadness, deeeeeep man. Turned to a bottle of bourbon and tears instead of talking, and it was the wrong move. We're totally fine now and she gives me the biggest hugs, but I just get scared about her hating me due to issues I had with my mother, I don't know.
Long winded point: let's help each other through the fear and pain bro, no need to suffer alone.
I think i can understand, although I'm no father my self yet.
I was working to my own game studio, and seeing lot of youth rebel much and sometimes they got misleading and saw their own consequences.
It's not only their act alone, I think sometimes I cannot tell them properly so they can avoid the consequences of their own.
in the end i ended as unlikeable tyrant sometimes because i openly disagree with many things.
but if I dont do this, they will took wrong way, and somehow could possibly damage my studio later on.
seeing might be samey situation with You above, i think maybe I should learn how to properly chill and communicate well.
I quit alcohol since married, change it with premium arabica coffee which kind of cheap here in my place.
one thing i cannot stop is smoke, although it's kind of reduced now, i don't smoke anymore, I use vapor
still the same thing but at least i can vape inside house : ))