Great days is the best opening closely followed by SDC opening 2 with the Za Warudo twist. Great Days had even better twist though.
Roundabout is the best ending song of course.
Roundabout should've never stopped being the ending theme.
Roundabout should've never stopped being the ending theme.
Last Train Home is better
Walk Like An Egyptian was the best ending theme dammit. But yeah the usage of Roundabout was fucking perfect.
Last Train Home is better
Roundabout is best Ed of all time
How is that gif 29 MB big
I have to go with Roundabout. That To Be Continued usage was on point. I would have been fine with them using it throughout. Still the different songs were nice. I was not expecting Savage Garden for DiU.
Roundabout in Parts 1+2 was some of the best ending outro imaginable until I started Hunter x Hunter. Each ED is used almost perfectly within the episode and the shows use of Postcard Memories is just superb.
Why wasn't walk like an Egyptian used when they actually got to Egypt tho
Roundabout in Parts 1+2 was some of the best ending outro imaginable until I started Hunter x Hunter. Each ED is used almost perfectly within the episode and the shows use of Postcard Memories is just superb.
Oh yea, HxH also had an amazing one.
i was rewatching some episodes, and josuke had his own fans. how come later on he was jealous of the feet stand user?
Hunting For Your Dream is the GOAT Ending transition for me. Even tops Roundabout. All the future ones are great as well.
Maybe his own fans were not his type?
So No Chi No Sadame is still the most badass JoJo opener tho.
You must be a terrible personYes is a band I hate but the Spanish guitar in roundabout is ok.
Literally have preferred almost every other closer...
Well that was an hour of my life.
Why wasn't walk like an Egyptian used when they actually got to Egypt tho
So, I never hear anything about post Part 4 JoJos.
Have we reached peak JoJo?
So, I never hear anything about post Part 4 JoJos.
Have we reached peak JoJo?
NOPE!!!!!!!So, I never hear anything about post Part 4 JoJos.
Have we reached peak JoJo?
Part 7 along with part 4 seem to be the fan favorites among the manga readers. I also personally think part 6 is incredible, and part 8 has been fantastic so far. Part 5 isn't perfect, but it's still a pretty fun ride. So don't worry, there is plenty of Jojo greatness left.So, I never hear anything about post Part 4 JoJos.
Have we reached peak JoJo?
Well that was an hour of my life.
I am under the opinion that each Jojo part (which the exception of Vento Aureo) gets better and better.So, I never hear anything about post Part 4 JoJos.
Have we reached peak JoJo?
I tried, but apparently it's only allowed on the shit-posting JoJo subreddit.That was brilliant. Can't wait to see this on reddit for all that sweet karma.
I tried, but apparently it's only allowed on the shit-posting JoJo subreddit.
I posted it, but it got taken down.But that is where the karma mines are! What are you waiting for?