NX Hype Train, that's what happened.Out of pure curiosity and completely off topic but
why are you seemingly a perpetual junior?
how hath thou sinned?
Well that was an hour of my life.
NX Hype Train, that's what happened.'re not wrong.
So, I never hear anything about post Part 4 JoJos.
Have we reached peak JoJo?
Yes is a band I hate but the Spanish guitar in roundabout is ok.
Literally have preferred almost every other closer...
Wow, I guess I did the right thing by making the original gif.
Not even close, buddy. It gets better past Part 5.I've started reading Part 5 and I really really like it so far, so *shrug*.
Not even close, buddy. It gets better past Part 5.
This and the sea creature one are perfect.
This is so much more funny than it has any right to beThat is like Kira describing his issue as "Manicure Enthusiast"
With everyone shit talking part 5 (i.e. the exact opposite of part 4s momumental overhype train), it's going to end up as everyones favourite part initially lol.I've started reading Part 5 and I really really like it so far, so *shrug*.
Wow, I guess I did the right thing by making the original gif.
This and the sea creature one are perfect.
End of the World from Part 3 is sooooooooooo underrated. Like come on guys. It's so fucking hype to hear all the JoJo OP singers come together, especially as that kind of theme is meaningful to the story of the whole Joestar clan up to that point. It feels appropriately like music for a final arc.
I love the visuals but I do think the tune is kind of bad, it feels more like they are reading words in a kind-of singing voice.
I tried, but apparently it's only allowed on the shit-posting JoJo subreddit.
Have you listened to the full song, instead of the cut for the OP?
has Araki explained what does each part's name mean?
like, why is part 1 called Phantom Blood?
that's something i've been curious for a while now. i know there's some elements from the parts themselves that point to the name but i dunno if there's an official word.
Especially Burning Colosseum. Gods damn that's hot.
There is that Scene when JoJo punches Dio Brando in the face and the blood hits the shadow of the mask. The Mask reacts to the blood and both Dio and JoJo notices its bizarre movement.
Then Dio looks back at JoJo and, with a sly smile, says "You know, JoJo, we really are the Phantom Blood"
The Jojo subreddit restricts all meme fanart and images to a weekly thread, 'cause they don't want the place to get taken over by shitposts.I posted it, but it got taken down.
Part 5 got a horrible translation, so it's the worst received part in the English speaking fandom, lol. It's very popular in Europe and Japan, where they got proper translations. But yeah, Part 5 and 6 are going to be hype as hell.So, I never hear anything about post Part 4 JoJos.
Have we reached peak JoJo?
You must be a terrible person
That's half of the reason why I'm hyped for Part 5, to have a proper translation via Crunchyroll (& the inevitable dub).Part 5 got a horrible translation, so it's the worst received part in the English speaking fandom, lol. It's very popular in Europe and Japan, where they got proper translations. But yeah, Part 5 and 6 are going to be hype as hell.
We saw hints of his interest in marine life in the Part 3 anime.When did Jotaro become so interested in marine life?
When he punched a shark in the faceWhen did Jotaro become so interested in marine life?
has Araki explained what does each part's name mean?
like, why is part 1 called Phantom Blood?
that's something i've been curious for a while now. i know there's some elements from the parts themselves that point to the name but i dunno if there's an official word.
When did Jotaro become so interested in marine life?
I listen to Burning Colosseum and the opera song and then Not AloneIntros and outros are cool, but for me it's still all about that Awakening -> Propaganda -> Burning Colosseum -> Avalon progression. I just can't get enough of it. Especially Burning Colosseum. Gods damn that's hot.
It was a retcon. The anime threw in a few nods here and there, but in the manga it was a character development that was about as abrupt as all get out. In Part 3, Jotaro has three encounters underwater with other Stand users (Dark Blue Moon, Yellow Temperance, High Priestess), and none of them give any hint as to him deciding to pick up marine biology in the future.
But hey, Jonathan was an archaeologist, so it's probably just Araki paying homage to careers undertaken by prior members of the family tree. Then again, didn't Joseph go into real estate?
Yep, unfortunately.So, I never hear anything about post Part 4 JoJos.
Have we reached peak JoJo?
Parts 1 to 5, actually.IIRC, originally Part 1, 2, and I think 3 didn't have the current titles that they have now.
You had me for a minute there you bastard haha.There is that Scene when JoJo punches Dio Brando in the face and the blood hits the shadow of the mask. The Mask reacts to the blood and both Dio and JoJo notices its bizarre movement.
Then Dio looks back at JoJo and, with a sly smile, says "You know, JoJo, we really are the Phantom Blood"
Thanks to the teasers at the beginning of Sono Chi no Sadame and Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town, Joseph has the highest opening appearance count (all of them), higher than Jotaro (who missed Bloody Stream).
End of the World from Part 3 is sooooooooooo underrated. Like come on guys. It's so fucking hype to hear all the JoJo OP singers come together, especially as that kind of theme is meaningful to the story of the whole Joestar clan up to that point. It feels appropriately like music for a final arc.