Sweeney Tom
Don't get the boba Fett hate
Guy has a look and presence
There's no chance that solo movie, if it ever happened, could be worse than the Han film looks like it'll be. Zero. Lucasfilm is dumb as fuck
Don't get the boba Fett hate
Guy has a look and presence
lmao, this is amazing
So is wrestling and lots of other fun things!Star Wars is pretty dumb.
I was salty with that show because it was a house show I paid to get front row for (first time I've been to WWE front row, and last so far). At least I got Punk vs Bryan in a 2 / 3 falls match that was good. I laugh at that because it won out of the 3 options they had us vote on over street fight and something else and most people groaned when they saw what won. The rest of the show was shit.
Also, never pay for front row at a house show. I learned this the hard way. You will be flooded with kids running up to ringside between every match and security does shit. It gets out of control later on. I left at the pinfall of the last match which was Cena vs Big Show in a cage. I watched kids flood the ringside area by the droves where I would have been as I left.
I barely watch any wresting at the moment. I got burned out.So is wrestling and lots of other fun things!
Star Wars is pretty dumb.
I'd hang this on my wall.
Should have shot on the kids, pal.
Nice shot.
Wonder what the cameraman shoots with?
I dunno, maybe Star Fox 2 is the plus one.
Well, it is the Euro edition.
I have decided that I will be buying WWE2K18 when it comes out. My first since SvR 2009. I look forward to seeing the huge improvements that have been made in 9 years. Also I understand it has a booking sim mode now? That sounds neat.
I have decided that I will be buying WWE2K18 when it comes out. My first since SvR 2009. I look forward to seeing the huge improvements that have been made in 9 years. Also I understand it has a booking sim mode now? That sounds neat.
I have decided that I will be buying WWE2K18 when it comes out. My first since SvR 2009. I look forward to seeing the huge improvements that have been made in 9 years. Also I understand it has a booking sim mode now? That sounds neat.
I have decided that I will be buying WWE2K18 when it comes out. My first since SvR 2009. I look forward to seeing the huge improvements that have been made in 9 years. Also I understand it has a booking sim mode now? That sounds neat.
I have decided that I will be buying WWE2K18 when it comes out. My first since SvR 2009. I look forward to seeing the huge improvements that have been made in 9 years. Also I understand it has a booking sim mode now? That sounds neat.
don't forget about this guy
Hey guys get back on topic.
I have decided that I will be buying WWE2K18 when it comes out. My first since SvR 2009. I look forward to seeing the huge improvements that have been made in 9 years. Also I understand it has a booking sim mode now? That sounds neat.
I have decided that I will be buying WWE2K18 when it comes out. My first since SvR 2009. I look forward to seeing the huge improvements that have been made in 9 years. Also I understand it has a booking sim mode now? That sounds neat.
mI have decided that I will be buying WWE2K18 when it comes out. My first since SvR 2009. I look forward to seeing the huge improvements that have been made in 9 years. Also I understand it has a booking sim mode now? That sounds neat.
Seems like the mods can't stop the onslaught of "x years ago today, a thing happened" threads
Lol man.This is like the reverse of what Cage was doing in Mexico.
But 9 years
House shows are the best live wrestling experience the WWE offers.I've only ever been to tv tapings that a friend organised the ticket-getting for. I'd love to see what the vibe of a house show is like, but it's too much hassle getting good tickets in London, and my mate despises the product now.
I can't wait for Kenta interviewFortune Dream is getting uploaded to the Real Hero Archive tonight, friends.
http://deadspin.com/the-progressive-liberal-is-maybe-the-perfect-wrestlin-1796426671During a ring appearance earlier this year, Richards cut an in-ring promo in which he praised Hillary, and was interrupted by attendees chanting Feel the Bern! At about the 2:08 mark, some little kid yelled, You better shut up, always a mark of decent heat.
You know what, I think Bernie Sanders would make a great Secretary of State, Richards said before being jeered. Later on, he tried to persuade the crowd. I want to exchange your bullets for bullet points. Bullet points of knowledge. A few minutes later, Timmy Lou Retton came out to wrestle. (Richards lost. You know who would have won, though?)
Ok this is why wrestling is beautiful sometimes.Here's where I got the "Progressive Liberal" thing from:
Hey, WWE 24/7 was pretty good at the time.Hey guys, this happened 11 years ago.....
Time passes. 2Kuality remains undefeated:
Just ask Seph after every GWF show.