Just caught up with the smackdown highlights. They're bringing back the wack Punjabi prison match?! This is going to be so terrible for the next few months until summerslam
Alexa's mic work wasn't great either tbh. I don't blame the women because they were given bad lines (potato farm and dumbo come to mind for both).I think I'm still bias because her face mic work against Bliss was some hokey shit. She's been getting better and better since the superstar shakeup though.
This is the only good thing to happen during this feud.Just caught up with the smackdown highlights. They're bringing back the wack Punjabi prison match?! This is going to be so terrible for the next few months until summerslam
Just caught up with the smackdown highlights. They're bringing back the wack Punjabi prison match?! This is going to be so terrible for the next few months until summerslam
Alexa's mic work wasn't great either tbh. I don't blame the women because they were given bad lines (potato farm and dumbo come to mind for both).
Agree to disagree then.Bliss was talking circles around Becky in that feud, it's what made me become a huge fan of hers so I'll disagree with you on that.
Bliss was talking circles around Becky in that feud, it's what made me become a huge fan of hers so I'll disagree with you on that.
Agree to disagree then.
*chairshots you for that damn seth avatar*
Totally yo, we all have different opinions and that's what makes us all so great. Our differences don't separate us they unite us. We are all in this together even if that means sometimes we have to take chair shots for the greater good. We do it. I for an I makes us all blind but if we all live by we[/B for an us each and every week? Damn yo wean't be beat
I just never saw it? Alexa always comes across as super fake and overly concerned with being witty without caring about how much sense it makes. I know I'm in the minority here though.
It's like when people say Alexa silences what's after saying something funny but the audience keeps on whatting. Where as tonight Carmella made it seem like she was ignoring them whilst switching up her rhythm and it worked.
Are we hating on Orton or Jinder? I can't tell.
Jinder is a good champ if not an underwhelming villain. Randy OEton is at the point in his career where his journey should be about being a legend killer again.
Are we hating on Orton or Jinder? I can't tell.
Jinder is a good champ if not an underwhelming villain. Randy OEton is at the point in his career where his journey should be about being a legend killer again.
This punjabi match should of happen on the last PPV.Just caught up with the smackdown highlights. They're bringing back the wack Punjabi prison match?! This is going to be so terrible for the next few months until summerslam
Didn't get to watch Smackdown tonight but I definitely noticed Carmella was suddenly really solid on the mic last week.Did Carmella get a DLC patch that activated her mic skills because she's completely awesome all of a sudden. I was always was team Carms but damn she's basically now third best talker in the entire women's division literally out of nowhere.
Lol Owens might have fucked up Renee's phone
That was a candidate for best Talking Smack ever.
I have a hard time seeing any WWE match topping that this year. That shit was fucking bonkers. Will probably rate as one of the top WWE matches of the decade.I just re-watched the Dunne/Bate match from Chicago. Holy good fuck that match is so good. I don't see how anyone on the main roster can touch that anytime soon. Nakamura and AJ have the pure ability, but they won't get a match with that much time and that big of stakes. Anyone else on the main roster just wouldn't be given the opportunity to have that kind of match.
I have a hard time seeing any WWE match topping that this year. That shit was fucking bonkers. Will probably rate as one of the top WWE matches of the decade.
I just re-watched the Dunne/Bate match from Chicago. Holy good fuck that match is so good. I don't see how anyone on the main roster can touch that anytime soon. Nakamura and AJ have the pure ability, but they won't get a match with that much time and that big of stakes. Anyone else on the main roster just wouldn't be given the opportunity to have that kind of match.
Didn't get to watch Smackdown tonight but I definitely noticed Carmella was suddenly really solid on the mic last week.
Sounds like I definitely need to watch Talking Smack as well.
¯_(ツShe was dumb on talking smack. People are giving her way too much credit. She doesn't buy into her character at all and when she speaks, you can still see the wheels turning in her eyes as she makes every effort not to botch her lines. She can hardly keep eye contact it anyone she speaks to.
If I recall, the match was only 15 minutes. But yeah, I think there are a lot of guys on the roster that whether it be NXT, WWE, or 205 that can have that kind of match but for whatever reason the road agents or whoever won't let the training wheels come off. It's a shame really. Just let these guys do the things that put them on your radar in the first place.
Matches of this caliber happen more often than a bunch of folks realize. Unfortunately, it's telling that these matches don't happen at your Manias or Summerslams or Rumbles or whatever prestige event, but rather in the pockets of the WWE that seemingly have the least cooks in the kitchen.
She was dumb on talking smack. People are giving her way too much credit. She doesn't buy into her character at all and when she speaks, you can still see the wheels turning in her eyes as she makes every effort not to botch her lines. She can hardly keep eye contact it anyone she speaks to.
It's almost like micromanaging every last bit of the show and locking everyone into working the same way is a detriment to your show.
Nah, that can't be it.
She was dumb on talking smack. People are giving her way too much credit. She doesn't buy into her character at all and when she speaks, you can still see the wheels turning in her eyes as she makes every effort not to botch her lines. She can hardly keep eye contact it anyone she speaks to.
The only match in WWE I could see being better than it is if we get AJ vs. Omega next year. Give those two a SD PPV main event and give it 35-40 minutes and get out of the way.
i almost went before I remembered I had almost literally anything else to do and guessed that the MITB would be wack.The ladder match didn't look good at all watching it live. Nattie's powerbomb was the most impactful move of the match. Plus we had a great view of the entire ring from where I was sitting and got to watch all the women just lay outside watching the action waiting for their spot.
Also Nakamura got the pop of the show during the main event with AJ a close second in case people are wondering how casuals react to him. Poor 205 though. Crowd was dead.
She got a shot and she ran with it. I honestly think she's the most genuine heel character on the show down to her pulling the James shit at MitB because she wasn't given a shot despite pinning the champ twice even though she would have use him if she hasn't. She never delays so I don'y really get what you're talking about?
Do people think the original MITB match was a failure on purpose to create the rematch tonight? Wow.
I mean, I can totally see WWE pulling that shit. I just never saw it that way.
They will screw it up this time too.They really bring the Punjabi Prison match back?
The last one was .....something
I'm starting to feel like being "good on the mic" is simply being given a character that's natural to the person. Everyone who's "bad on the mic" is just being asked too much. Who on the current roster cuts a great promo that seems to go 100% against who they are as a person?
I'm starting to feel like being "good on the mic" is simply being given a character that's natural to the person. Everyone who's "bad on the mic" is just being asked too much. Who on the current roster cuts a great promo that seems to go 100% against who they are as a person?
Owens, Bliss, Charlotte, Miz.
And I disagree: Bayley especially is literally herself and Sasha too I feel is pretty close to herself and neither of them are good talkers.
I don't see how anyone who watches all wrestling promotions equally in Japan can say Okada is better than Yuji Okabayashi
Yuji is better in singles, in 6 mans and in regular tags.
Why was Lana buried?