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Jury in Michael Slager (cop who shot a man in the back) trial has been selected.

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Realistically speaking, what'll happen if the one juror refuses to back down, could he be forced? Would the case go on indefinitely or will it be dropped?

If he has good reason to obstruct, I think he can actually hold indefinitely but the defense will attempt to force the judge to then force the juror or force the judge to make a ruling based on the remaining juror's discretion. Of course, prosecution will challenge this and the whole thing could get stuck for a long time. If its a defense against the defense, obviously.

Right now, at least from the reports I've read, the judge is not letting the jury off the hook with any sort of forced resolution. Eventually I believe it becomes a mistrial, though, and they have to select new jurors.


If he has good reason to obstruct, I think he can actually hold indefinitely but the defense will attempt to force the judge to then force the juror or force the judge to make a ruling based on the remaining juror's discretion. Of course, prosecution will challenge this and the whole thing could get stuck for a long time. If its a defense against the defense, obviously.

Right now, at least from the reports I've read, the judge is not letting the jury off the hook with any sort of forced resolution. Eventually I believe it becomes a mistrial, though, and they have to select new jurors.

Mistrial then retrial.
Shit, I just want things to be different than what I'm expecting for once. I wish that guy luck, assuming he's for a guilty verdict


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.

So it's an acquittal then.


time to take my meds
Fuck man. Dude got shot 10 mins from my old apartment.

If he gets off, every cop can get off for the same thing. I guess thats nothing new though...



This is unbelievable. (I know, I know -- it really isn't.)

What did he say: "I was afraid for my life as his back became smaller and smaller since he was clearly running away, as is visible in the video. I figured I better hurry up and shoot."


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
What is there to debate? Even the cop knew it was fucked because he dumped the taser on the dude after.
The debate is over how white the murderer was and how much of a cop he was vs. how black the man he murdered was. It looks like there was enough blackness to negate value of life, so they must be deciding on whiteness and copitude. Don't take this lightly, the rest of a white person's life is on the line here man!


This is unbelievable. (I know, I know -- it really isn't.)

What did he say: "I was afraid for my life as his back became smaller and smaller since he was clearly running away, as is visible in the video. I figured I better hurry up and shoot."

Slager held back tears several times while on the stand Tuesday, including as he spoke of not being able to attend the birth of his first child — who he and his wife had struggled through two rounds of in vitro fertilization to conceive — because he was in jail awaiting trial.

Jail was torturous, he said. Slager was housed in a cellblock next to accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof, who is charged in the deaths of nine black parishioners.

"I can't sleep. Nightmares. When I was in jail, the only thing they wanted to do was give me medicine," Slager testified. "I remember the doctor who was in charge of mental health came into my cell and said, 'I'll give you whatever medicine you want.' It was a roller coaster."
Plus the victim was black.

The city paid the family 6.5 million... but the cop is most likely going to get away with it.

The city of North Charleston, South Carolina, agreed Thursday to pay $6.5 million to the family of Walter Scott, the unarmed African-American man who was shot in the back by a white police officer in April, settling a potential lawsuit after six months of negotiations.

Scott, 50, died after he was shot April 4 as he was running away from former police Officer Michael Slager, who fired eight shots at Scott in a confrontation recorded on a bystander's video. He remains held without bond on a charge of murder.


What did he say: "I was afraid for my life as his back became smaller and smaller since he was clearly running away, as is visible in the video. I figured I better hurry up and shoot."

oh man that must be almost as rough as being shot to death.


Sounds like his testimony about his time in prison was very relevant to the trial, and I'm glad the jury got to hear it.

/s what a farce.
We ate a lot of crow for that all white jury that found a cop guilty of raping multiple black women and got sentenced to like 200 something years in jail on his birthday.

Hopefully this jury delivers justice.

No one ate crow - the concerns about the all-white jury in that case are exactly as justifiable before the verdict as they were after. Less diversity in the jury increases the likelihood of racism being a factor in the verdict..


time to take my meds
if he gets off there's going to be riots right? this just seems unjust
Is it bad that i hope so? Atleast mass peaceful protests. As a black man, ive never been truly proud of this city. It needs a wakeup call.

Only that one time the city came together after the routh shooting. I had hope then.


More tweets from T.J. Holmes suggest it is in fact one hold out who won't vote to convict.

How is this known, surely jury deliberations are meant to be confidential?

Edit, post below. That juror needs to go fuck right off. Though in this instance there's a tiny bit of solace that it's just one dickhead stopping the conviction rather than the Murican institutions as we usually see.


Juror in Michael Slager trial says in letter to judge he "cannot with good conscience consider a guilty verdict" for killing of Walter Scott

Jury in trial of Michael Slager for fatal shooting of Walter Scott in SC says one holdout juror is voting not guilty. Mistrial could follow.

Who ever this is needs to fuck off.


Juror in Michael Slager trial says in letter to judge he "cannot with good conscience consider a guilty verdict" for killing of Walter Scott

Who ever this is needs to fuck off.

Wonder how much they're paying him?
Juror in Michael Slager trial says in letter to judge he "cannot with good conscience consider a guilty verdict" for killing of Walter Scott

Jury in trial of Michael Slager for fatal shooting of Walter Scott in SC says one holdout juror is voting not guilty. Mistrial could follow.

Who ever this is needs to fuck off.

Plot twist: the holdout here is the one black guy.


At least there should be a retrial this time, with only one holdout. Hopefully they can dodge the racists for the next one.


keep your strippers out of my American football
One single juror about to cause a mistrial. I would love to hear his rationale for this.


Jury said they're deadlocked but then asked for further explanations of things so they could reach a verdict; judge just called a recess so he can figure out WTF to do.

Appalling. This guy should be in prison by now.


Juror in Michael Slager trial says in letter to judge he "cannot with good conscience consider a guilty verdict" for killing of Walter Scott

.They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect


Absolutely no reason to not retry. One holdout.

He shot a man in the back as he was running away on camera. WHAT THE FUCK!

Not surprised, just....what the fuck, people?


All of y'all should listen to this episode of More Perfect:


In which they discuss the Batson Challenge and how jury selection in the US is fucked.

This needs more visibility, especially in light of the new question. Seriously guys, listen to this episode. It's only an hour and you can do it in the background. It's a brief history of this and at least one tiny aspect of prejudice/racism within the court system.
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