Amazing :lolMad Max said:You just need to grapple somewhere near the face and press e.
pr0cs said:I haven't installed a pre-release game on Steam before, when do they typically unlock it? 12:00 AM EST? or?
I don't have Steam but this does sound like a good idea. I was planning on making some stunt videos anyway.LovingSteam said:Just a reminder, I created a YouTube account so everyone can upload their videos. Info is posted in OP. Also would anyone be up for a type of contest? Perhaps have folks post their gifs and YouTube clips and we can have the folks here vote on the best. The winner would be given a $10 game on Steam from me.
If the winner doesn't use Steam I would just paypal them the $10.Mechanical Snowman said:I don't have Steam but this does sound like a good idea. I was planning on making some stunt videos anyway.
And I like the way you've posted the YouTube information in the OP :lol. I hope when I'm sifting through the JC2 videos I don't find some porn or something uploaded by a lurker.
brain_stew said:More commandline options may be on the way to tweak shadows this time. The guy adding in these extra tweaks/options isn't even on the project anymore, and yet he's still adding in a laod of extra goodies for PC gamers!![]()
LovingSteam do you want me to make a post with details on how to apply all the different engine tweaks/options and a list of all the commandline options available? You may not want to include it all in the op, but its at least worth a link.
/failsafe Run in failsafe mode (ignore settings)
/fullscreen Fullscreen mode
/windowed Windowed mode
/width=n Width in pixels (fullscreen/windowed)
/height=n Height in pixels (fullscreen/windowed)
/widthFS=n Width in pixels (fullscreen)
/heightFS=n Height in pixels (fullscreen)
/widthW=n Width in pixels (windowed)
/heightW=n Height in pixels (windowed)
/msaa=n MSAA sample count
/vsync=b Enable/disable V-sync
/aniso=n Anisotropic filter (0-7, default: 7)
/shadows=n Shadow quality (0-2, default: 1)
/shadowres=n Shadow resolution (0-1, default: 0)
/ssao=b Enable/disable SSAO (default: disabled)
/hbao=b Enable/disable HBAO method for SSAO (default: enabled)
/plspec=b Enable/disable pointlight specular (default: disabled)
/posteffects=b Enable/disable posteffects (default: enabled)
/lodfactor=n Geometric detail (0-3, default: 0)
/decals=b Enable/disable decals
/edgefade=b Enable/disable edge fade effect
/filmgrain=b Enable/disable film grain effect
/fovfactor=, typical values 1.0 - 2.0 Changes the field of view, default is 1.0
/dxbuffers=, default: 1
/frameratecap=, default: disabled Allows you to cap your framerate at what every value you want.
/dxadapter= Allows those with multiple GPUs to force JC2 to use a specific device.
b=boolean, (0 or 1)
n = number (integer)
Giolon said:Ryan Davis's twitter has just about sold me on this game:
My be old, but I just about died watching this today.
Ultimatum said:I've got the game pre-ordered, but I haven't played the demo. Trying to not spoil it, but I hope I actually like the game :lol
Ultimatum said:I've got the game pre-ordered, but I haven't played the demo. Trying to not spoil it, but I hope I actually like the game :lol
Giolon said:Ryan Davis's twitter has just about sold me on this game:
My be old, but I just about died watching this today.
Klocker said:does the Kmart deal include 360?
berva said:They made a mistake by releasing a bad demo, hopefully it will not put too many people off cause the retail game is much better. Loving the game so far.
berva said:I really hated the demo but the retail game is so much better. Starts off very focused and then opens up. I think the first mission should have been the demo.
They made a mistake by releasing a bad demo, hopefully it will not put too many people off cause the retail game is much better. Loving the game so far.
Videocard. Also, unlock the framerate.Darklord said:In the benchmark the game says I have 4gb Ram not 6Gb. I wonder why? Also, there seems to be some setting that cripples my framerate(low 20's). I'm not exactly sure what it is so I turned off some of the advanced settings off and it's ok. Whatever the setting is, man, it's a system hog(I have an i7 920, 260GT, 6GB ram).
berva said:I really hated the demo but the retail game is so much better. Starts off very focused and then opens up. I think the first mission should have been the demo.
They made a mistake by releasing a bad demo, hopefully it will not put too many people off cause the retail game is much better. Loving the game so far.
Will steam download this for me automatically when it's available? It would be nice if it was waiting for me when I got home from work tomorrow.Remy said:Steam currently says "1 day, 2 hours", which based on that alone would mean 3PM EST tomorrow.
But normally they miss it by a few hours, so assume 5PM tomorrow.
Giolon said:Ryan Davis's twitter has just about sold me on this game:
My be old, but I just about died watching this today.
RedStep said:Who thought it was a bad demo?
Point at an empty spot on a roof for it to work.kamspy said:Can someone please help me contact the black market dealer?
No matter what I do I just can't call him. Running out of ammo way too fast. Want to bomb the demo tonight to see if I want to start preloading before I go to bed.
kamspy said:Can someone please help me contact the black market dealer?
No matter what I do I just can't call him. Running out of ammo way too fast. Want to bomb the demo tonight to see if I want to start preloading before I go to bed.
Klocker said:sweet!
does the $10 coupon still work or is that borked?
berva said:The retail game is fantastic. I hated the demo.
Anyway, the game mechanics are great, story is shit and dialogue is sub par.
4 hours in so far. Completed 3 Agency missions thus far. A heap of fun to be had.