pestul said:Crap, I hope there are copies left at Walmart this evening for $40..
Wait, what's this all about? Where is this price listed?pestul said:Crap, I hope there are copies left at Walmart this evening for $40..
dark10x said:Wait, what's this all about? Where is this price listed?
m0ngo said:Can't believe you guys in the US get this today and us lowly Europeans have to wait untill friday! Ah well I guess a marathon session on the demo is in order tonight![]()
Bear said:Picked up the game a little while back. I've messed around with it a bit and did a few missions. Pretty fun romp so far, it's a wild game.
One thing I don't get, though. If Panau is supposed to be a secret island, why in the hell do they have an?international airport
EviLore said:Just played about 40 minutes. Visually (PC) the game seems to look much better than the demo did.
I have it set fully maxed at 1080p, 4x AA, and it's >30 solid.
SorryKAP151 said:We got at least another week, so don't complain.
What are your specs?I have it set fully maxed at 1080p, 4x AA, and it's >30 solid.
dark10x said:What are your specs?
I'm running an [email protected] + 5870 and I was able to get a rock solid 60 fps in the demo by dialing down just a couple settings to medium. I did everything I could to drop the framerate, but it would not budge. Looked incredible.
What I'm curious about is whether or not your performance has varied from the demo. Does it seem any more demanding in spots?
You should be able to achieve a perfect 60 fps then, by simply dropping a couple of settings (I can't recall which ones, but the loss in fidelity was incredibly minor).EviLore said:i7 @ 3.6ghz, 5870
EviLore said:i7 @ 3.6ghz, 5870
smhsdornan said:GamesRadar gave it an 8.
The island of Panau is absolutely stunning. Drop-dead gorgeous, awe-inspiring, Megan Fox-in-a-white-cotton-negligee (replace with dude of choice if you want) delicious whatever words you want to throw at it, theres no way in hell youre ever going to do it justice. And anyone who says otherwise is an imbecile. Even if Avalanche had sprayed it with cough syrup, wed have worked our hungry tongues all over it, from its luscious tropical peninsulas to its snowy mountain peaks.
30+ hours wow. I would assume the demo did not have everything finalized even if you broke out of the small space that we were allowed to traverse. Maybe I am wrong.DMPrince said:how does the game hold up if you played 30+ hours in the demo. is there anything new in the full game that we haven't seen?
Are we assuming that they did no fixes to the console version? Just wondering was not sure if the demo was indicative of the final version of the game. I know the pc version will probably always look better.stump sock said:The game runs beautifully on PC. Even bumping some of the settings down to medium, it definitely outshines the console version. Just turning off motion blur gave me an extra 10fps...
I tried to do the "cool guys don't look at explosions" thing only to realize that I was still in the blast radius and fell on my face. oops. Can't wait to get home tonight.
The little gps icon on the top left of the map helps a little with those items. For some reason that thing is not enabled on the screenshots you showed us. Is it only active during missions,unlocked later or just missing?EviLore said:Game is fun. Kinda annoying to get 100% on some of the locations, since things can be so spread out and you don't have the greatest ways to track upgrade boxes and government owned structures, but the easy solution to that is just to not go out of your way to get 100%, just blow things up as you see them and whatnot.
that only pops up when you are near a upgrade.MThanded said:The little gps icon on the top left of the map helps a little with those items. For some reason that thing is not enabled on the screenshots you showed us. Is it only active during missions,unlocked later or just missing?
/failsafe Run in failsafe mode (ignore settings)
/fullscreen Fullscreen mode
/windowed Windowed mode
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/vsync=b Enable/disable V-sync
/aniso=n Anisotropic filter (0-7, default: 7)
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/shadowres=n Shadow resolution (0-1, default: 0)
/ssao=b Enable/disable SSAO (default: disabled)
/hbao=b Enable/disable HBAO method for SSAO (default: enabled)
/plspec=b Enable/disable pointlight specular (default: disabled)
/posteffects=b Enable/disable posteffects (default: enabled)
/lodfactor=n Geometric detail (0-3, default: 0)
/decals=b Enable/disable decals
/edgefade=b Enable/disable edge fade effect
/filmgrain=b Enable/disable film grain effect
/frameratecap=, default: disabled)
/dxbuffers=, default: 1)
/fovfactor=, typical values 1.0 - 2.0)
ah good stuffGhostRidah said:that only pops up when you are near a upgrade.
MThanded said:The little gps icon on the top left of the map helps a little with those items.
tim1138 said:My first attempt with the video capture -
It does contain partial spoilers I suppose, so you've been warned.
foomfoom415 said:Wow they really compressed that video to shitIs there an adjustable quality setting or anything?
zsswimmer said:What kind of setup do you have? I tried running the demo on my computer and it was laggy until I lowered a lot of the settings, so I probably have to go with the 360 version.
tim1138 said:Picked up my PS3 copy this morning from GameStop and put around an hour or so into.
I have to agree with EviLore that getting 100% is probably going to be a pain on some of the missions, just due to the size of the complexes and what you're doing. Regardless, it's a blast to play and the ability to capture video and upload it to YouTube should make for some fun highlight swapping.
My first attempt with the video capture -
It does contain partial spoilers I suppose, so you've been warned.
Wizman23 said:The lack of impressions is very disappointing. Did everyone blow their load on the demo and decide against buying the game? Even shit games would be at 20 pages by now on release day.
MassiveAttack said:
Yeah, the writing and voice acting aren't that good (although Swedish developer Avalanche Interactive tries its damndest to be funny, God bless their icy Scandinavian hearts), and the story kinda doesn't make sense -- but who in the ninth circle of Satan's butthole cares? This game is so well designed that time after time in my playthrough I thought, "Man, wouldn't it be great if this game had X?" and then, lo and behold, X appears, like the albatross to the Ancient Mariner, except in a totally good way that doesn't cause the mass suffering and death of my shipmates. Honestly, I can't think of any reason why anyone who loves video games won't enjoy JC2. Learn it. Love it. Live it.
dark10x said:What are your specs?
I'm running an [email protected] + 5870 and I was able to get a rock solid 60 fps in the demo by dialing down just a couple settings to medium. I did everything I could to drop the framerate, but it would not budge. Looked incredible.
What I'm curious about is whether or not your performance has varied from the demo. Does it seem any more demanding in spots?
gamesradar and 1upMassiveAttack said: