Trav said:Ok, so I haven't fully started the game yet (just got up to the first few fights to see what it was like before I really get into it). My question is how are you guys playing out the battles, as in, are you only playing one character at a time or do you switch? I'm a bit concerned over the real time nature of the combat. I'm afraid I'm not going to have the control over the fights like I'd want, unless I played one character exclusively (which I also don't want).
So, can someone who's made some progress give me an idea of what happens in a typical fight?
In the menu screen change the AI of the characters so that they'll either attack certain types of enemies or use certain types of attacks, then with your own guy you can just mash or string combos. The AI is fairly good at taking combat into its own hands but sometimes has a tendency to not run from monsters or die if they run out of TP if monsters are too aggressive.
I never change characters mid-fight since it's a waste of time and you can just issue commands on the fly from the battle menu anyway