AniHawk said:I had a convo with a guy who always takes the road not taken. He argued that the story was pretty good from what he saw of it, but the characters and dialogue sucked. He said it wasn't realistic, like when Collete got wings, that they just accepted it and moved on. Or when Kratos joined the party, nobody questioned why the Merc. should be there.
I argued that the Z skits made it even more realistic since people usually have doubts and hold things back and strike up conversations in the middle of travelling to discuss something on their minds, but he disagreed.
That's something that also bugged me too, how the party will just shrug off things like Angel Toxicosis and the rampant racism in Tethealla, but go nuts over stuff like Regal touching Presea after making it more than clear that he wants to see what's wrong with her and possibly wanting to help. :\ I also REALLY hated how black and white everyone in the game is about EVERYTHING...ALL half-elves have to be evil; every plan is certain to work on the first try; Dirk or Raine can solve everything, and other stuff like that. It's not realistic.
But the Z skits help the story immensly, since we don't get a hell of a lot about the characters' motivations from the main plot alone.