Yeah, the same as saying fire in a theater or joking that you got a bomb on the plane.
The phrase is a paraphrasing of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919, which held that the defendant's speech in opposition to the draft during World War I was not protected free speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Good. If you even have a single iota of support or sympathy for those thugs, you are a person that should be kept an eye on. If someone goes online and makes a bunch of pro-Hamas posts on social media, I'm not worried that they will be involved in some sort of domestic incident. It could happen, but not at all likely. Someone starts making pro-ISIS comments, now I'm worried. Because attacking civilians are these clown's siren call. Round them up.
Literally if you associate with/celebrate ISIS, you are very likely to be a dangerous person. I am ok with this.
This sounds supportive of Hamas, which is classified as a terror organization.
Close? They were full on fanboys (Liger05 and kobashi100). I hope EviLore reported them.
"Not all speech is freeif its in support of ISIS."
Uh, lots of speech isn't free, and for good reason.
That's like the first hour of the first day of an introductory Constitutional Law class.
Wait, are we arresting people for likely criminal behavior now?
That supporting terrorist organizations is bad?
I'm ok with the precedence...I dont ever want to associate with people that support daesh.
Not really. Isis as a group is a well known terrorist group that actively recruits via social media. The slippery slope argument doesn't work when it's clear as night and day.
It's fucking ISIS. They burn people alive. They crucify people and enslave women and children. Yes everyone who supports them is a piece of shit.
It's fucking ISIS. They burn people alive. They crucify people and enslave women and children. Yes everyone who supports them is a piece of shit.
It's the fucking USA. We have killed many, many more women and children than ISIS could ever hope for. Pretty sure we have even killed some ISIS women and children! Everyone that supports the USA is a piece of shit.
Wait, are we arresting people for likely criminal behavior now?
McCarthyism in the internet era?
It's the fucking USA. We have killed many, many more women and children than ISIS could ever hope for. Pretty sure we have even killed some ISIS women and children! Everyone that supports the USA is a piece of shit.
Archer fans are so screwed.
Obviously the Daily Beast is playing up that anyone is gonna be caught up but this seems likely simply going after people who are actively supporting and distributing ISIS propaganda. A US-Based person who is likely in contact with a recruiter/someone in Syria posting videos and attempting to contact US-European based persons to join Jihad. They're clearly not going to even go after people who are just voicing agreement. They can't put that through a court and they wouldn't try.
Right, that's what I'm getting from it. It's a bad precedent to set in modern times, even if ISIS does suck and supporting them could be considered dangerous.
Carlin was asked at the conference whether he would “consider criminal charges” against people who are “proliferating ISIS social media.”
His answer: “Yes. You need to look at the particular facts and evidence.” But Carlin noted that the United States could use the material support law to prosecute “technical expertise” to a designated terrorist organization. And spreading the word for ISIS online could count as such expertise.
ISIS recruiter in Edmonton enlists Canadian woman to join fight in Syria
Staff with the intelligence agency approached the family before Aisha left in the summer, but Rabia says they provided almost no information, aside from pointing out that Aishas Twitter account featured the ISIS flag and followed some prominent ISIS members.
"They told us she had been interacting with people they thought were dangerous and were influencing her in a negative way, but they didn't give us enough information and it was all very vague."
"If they had shown me the emails between my sister and this girl. If they had let me listen to the recordings of them planning on going places," Rabia says, it would have given the family more to act on.
"I would have ripped her passport up. There's no way I would have let her leave if I knew now that she was going to the craziest war zone in the world."
The intelligence agency can currently only collect and analyze information and doesnt have the "mandate to intervene to prevent terror plots from developing," CSIS said in a statement.
While CSIS currently cant intervene in such a way, it can work with law enforcement partners like the RCMP to detain people believed to be involved in terrorist activities.
Canada has in some major cities integrated national security enforcement teams made up of agencies like the RCMP, local and municipal police, the Canada Border Services Agency and CSIS, which are meant to increase co-operation and information-sharing on national security threats.
so, to all of you Snowdon fanboys and Freedom of Speechers.... tell that to this girl's father who lost a daughter to radicals.
The radicals use social media to warp people's minds. Got put it to a stop
So, no, I don't support jail time for those who might rhetorically support a terrorist group. But I sure as hell support detaining them for questioning or putting them on watch lists.
This sets a dangerous precedent nobody should be comfortable with.
I feel sorry for anyone named Isis.
What about arming and supplying the people who kill women and children, or directly napalming and firebombing women and children?there's a difference between killing women and children, and killing the people who kill women and children, while accidentally killing women and children in the process
the people who can't see this are obtuse little worms
It's a good thing that Prog Metal band broke up too.
Could have got a bit confusing trying to promote them.
What about arming and supplying the people who kill women and children, or directly napalming and firebombing women and children?
This seems right inline in the Justice department's thinking.
They made arrests today in people actively trying to fight for Syria but have done nothing to those that just post stuff on twitter with no further action. They did nothing in the years of the OBL videos, videos of dead US soldiers too as far as I'm aware.
It also should be noted the court SCOTUS would strike this down in an instant if it was even a possibility (its not). They are absolutists when it comes to the first amendment.
No the band is one guy mainly, who decided the band had run its course, and ended it like in 2009.If I remember correctly, isn't that why they broke up?
What about arming and supplying the people who kill women and children, or directly napalming and firebombing women and children?
Oh right, freedom.yolo
distinguish the intentions
distinguish the intentions
Oh right, freedom.
So everyone in that Unexpected Jihad thread is fucked huh?
?Loved the edit.
uh noWhat's with all of these "goods"? Speech should be free whether you're drawing cartoons or defending terrorists.