uh no
People are always so willing to give up their essential freedoms when the boogie man is dragged out.
While part of me is okay with this the other part is like.....
McCarthyism in the internet era?
uh no
People are always so willing to give up their essential freedoms when the boogie man is dragged out.
Free speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you want. You can't harm others nor can you yell "fire!" in a movie theatre. I have no problems with this.
I bet the NSA and CIA are like stfu Justice Department, you're scaring away people from voluntarily putting a red flag on their heads. What a great tool to identify people sympathetic with violent jihad.
What's with all of these "goods"? Speech should be free whether you're drawing cartoons or defending terrorists.
How not?Are some of y'all seriously supporting this? This isn't defending free speech. At all.
This sets a dangerous precedent nobody should be comfortable with.
'Could' is an important part of that. Shouting fire could do nothing. Why are you for restricting people's freedoms when it's likely to cause no harm at all? While social media support for ISIS definitely did encourage three 15 year old girls to leave the UK in order to join ISIS in Syria. You think they could be hurt?Why can't you shout fire in a crowded theatre? Because it's a safety hazard. Because people could be immediately hurt, things could be damaged, etc, in the ensuing panic.
Is someone posting "Go ISIS!" or whatever a safety hazard?
How not?
Yeah, this is a terrible precedent and a seriously disturbing constitutional issue.
Luckily we have a dude who taught constitutional law with a fantastic civil rights record in the oval office.... err, right guys?
This was the first thing that came to mind. I feel disappointed in some gaffers for supporting this without even giving it a little thought.This also reminds me of PSYCHO-PASS.
Yeah, this is a terrible precedent and a seriously disturbing constitutional issue.
Luckily we have a dude who taught constitutional law with a fantastic civil rights record in the oval office.... err, right guys?
So everyone in that Unexpected Jihad thread is fucked huh?
He orders extrajudicial killings. Don't bet on it.
First, here we go again w/ first post GAF.
Secondly, I disagree. Unless they can demonstrate a clear and present danger, I don't think that voicing a pro-anything sentiment should be, in and of itself, illegal. Freedom of speech and freedom of association are important.
Definitely a tricky area but I think the point is to prosecute them for providing support to terrorists. If you let a couple ISIS guy crash at your house knowing they are going to commit a terrorist attack, that is illegal. So if you edit video and host their propaganda. . . You are supporting them, not just speaking. It's a fine line between the two but I think the courts may figure it out.
so everybody is chiming in and taking sides. I am curious, to those who think this is dangerous and shouldnt be done, i have a question..... How do you stop this? not sure all understand the full implications of what is happening in the middle east and where it can lead. We should let these people recruit and propagate their bs on tiwtter fb etc?? they have carte blanche??
so everybody is chiming in and taking sides. I am curious, to those who think this is dangerous and shouldnt be done, i have a question..... How do you stop this? not sure all understand the full implications of what is happening in the middle east and where it can lead. We should let these people recruit and propagate their bs on tiwtter fb etc?? they have carte blanche??
If they want the spreading of ISIS speech to stop on western social media services, put the pressure on the social media companies to more actively policing such comments and accounts. Ban those accounts on FB, Twitter and whatever else. Incentivize these companies to do so if need be. Using those services is a privelidge, not a right. Prosecute only those making clear threats or clearly attempting to recruit.
ISIS recruiters aren't nearly as threatening as government slowly taking away our rights.
You don't think supporters of Isis are a possible threat?If I were to say that I support ISIS, that should not be punishable. Yeah, those that do suck, but they aren't being an immediate threat to anyone.
The guy has a point. I don't know why anyone would want to support a filthy terrorist group like ISIS, but fucking around by setting dangerous precedents is surely not the way to go.
There are more appropriate means to punish the bastards. If they support them, chances are that they got dirt under their fingers.
Definitely a tricky area but I think the point is to prosecute them for providing support to terrorists. If you let a couple ISIS guy crash at your house knowing they are going to commit a terrorist attack, that is illegal. So if you edit video and host their propaganda. . . You are supporting them, not just speaking. It's a fine line between the two but I think the courts may figure it out.
I'm sorry but Benj was a moron in that regard. Let's have no security and completely liberty, that'll work out for everyone.
The bigger a society gets, the more restraints it needs lest it falls into chaos.
You don't think supporters of Isis are a possible threat?
And the government isnt taking away from us. They're taking away from bad people as they've always done.
Isis beheads and burns alive innocent people but we got intellectuals in here fighting in support of Isis supporters. Great minds.
This sets a dangerous precedent nobody should be comfortable with.