Killer Instinct has a traditional 6-button layout (LMH Punch/LMH Kick.) Special attacks such as Jago's fireball can be performed with the traditional QCF (Quarter-Circle Forward)+ any Punch button, among other things. Killer instinct follows a "Life Bar" based system in which character has two bars of life, your first layer colored green while your last layer is colored red. Lose both layers, and you lose the match. It's all played in one consistent round, Similar to Darkstalkers 3.

Combos in Killer Instinct almost always follow this pattern:
Opener > Auto-Double / Manual > Linker / Shadow Linker > Auto-Double / Manual > Ender
You can always end these or extend these how you please, but a combo must always begin with an Opener, or an Ender.
Openers are usually light-medium special attacks, such as Jago's wind kick.
Auto Doubles are the easiest way to continue a combo, but at the same time, it's easier for your opponent to combo break. Auto doubles are performed after the opener with any other button.
Linkers are/can be followed after Auto Doubles. Linkers can be performed with any character's special.
Manuals are much harder to perform than an Auto Double. Manuals require strict timing and must happen immediately after an opener/linker/auto double. While it is harder to perform a manual, it's also the hardest to break.
Enders are heavy special attacks used to end a combo, such as Jago's heavy dragon punch. Different enders have different properties.

Combo Breakers are a staple of the Killer Instinct franchise. They're used to stop the flow of your opponent's combo, and build instinct meter. To execute a Combo Breaker, you have to use the right combination of Punch+Kick to correspond with your enemy's attack. For example, say Sabrewulf uses an auto double involving the Medium Punch. I would then press MP+MK to successfully counter with Jago. But, if I guess wrong, then Jago is locked-out and can't use another breaker for 3 seconds. If you get a red 'X' for your lockout, that means your breaker was the wrong strength. If it's orange, it means it was mistimed.
Counter Breakers are new to the KI franchise. They counter combo breakers! If you think your enemy is going to do a breaker, press MP+MK to immediately cancel your combo and perform a bluff. If you successfully counter, that person is locked out from combo breaking for four seconds.

Basically the Shadow Meter is thought of as a Super Arts bar. You can use one half of a shadow meter bar to perform Shadow Moves that power up your special attack. You can use your shadow bar as both Shadow Linkers that cannot be broken, and Shadow Breakers that can only break Shadow Linkers. Shadow Counters can be used as your opponent attacks to successfully stop his combo and open with a Shadow Special. There are many applications for the Shadow Meter!

Under your character's portrait is a small yellow bar. That bar, is your Instinct Meter. When it fills to the top, and when you activate it. It grants your character new, special properties that could very well change the tide of the match. For example; Jago's Instinct starts health regen, and give him +4 frames of hit/block stun. Instinct is used to also Reset your combo meter and start a brand new combo. Hence, where double ultras come from!

When your character's bar is in the danger zone. (Less than 15% health/bar begins flashing red rapidly.) You can perform your ultra combo. Ultras are usually a character's special combined with all three punches or all three kicks. To perform an Ultra, you must have at least two hits in a combo.

TJ Combo

Everything in this chart should be self explanatory. The basic bundle of characters will be $20. The Ultra addition with added accessories, costumes, and Killer Instinct Classic 'HD' will be $40. The Pin Ultimate Edition (for Pinny Arcade people) will be $60. There's the option of downloading the entire game for free, and unlocking characters individually for $5. As you unlock more characters individually, the price for each character drops until you pay the full $20. Otherwise? This is not a traditional F2P formula. There are no microtransactions other than characters.

Hey look, customization! For every character, there are four sets of accessory pieces right now. As you play through the game, the accessories can be unlocked in-game with KP (The in game currency you earn completing challenges.)

Meristation 8.5
IGN 8.4
Venture Beat 8
USGamer 4/5
OXM 7.5
Gamereactor UK 7
Shacknews 7
Joystiq 3/5
Gamespot- Review in Progress


Collection of music teasers
Mick Gordon Killer Instinct Music Teaser Suite

Thanks to Poker Face for refreshing me on my editing. All credit for the gameplay videos of course goes to Maximillian. Credit to Paco for the HUGE Overhaul of the OP. Credit to Shinobi602 for the neat little review thread he made ages ago