I'm so glad to see so many people enjoying this game here after reading all of the game "journalists" shit all over it.
Is the game fun to play?
Is the combat fun and addicting?
Yes and yes
what's the point of the nurse missions and the "guts" she gives you?
Also, what should I be aiming to level up and what skills should I purchase/upgrade?
Fuck yeah. Suda delivers once again. This shit is his magnum opus for me right next to K7
It's a gigolo mission
I would upgrade the sword, health regenreration and the normal gun (forgot the name) at first
edit: OMG I just realized that you can combine Ulti-Mondo with Dark booster ....I never thought about that
Ok either this boss fight is really hard or I suck
So by that you mean you gotta just do all the mini-missions to "win her over" by accumulating guts or something to that effect?
Ok either this boss fight is really hard or I suck
I'm dodging like crazy
I gave up and decided to look it up on youtube, and I found a guy playing on very hard and doing exactly the same thing as me, but actually getting hit more, and he managed to beat him. Maybe I should have spend money on health upgrades?
Or maybe I should use the revive thing, I just feel like shit using itens and continues in action games, I'd rather restart checkpoint >_>
Are you sure he wasn't in Ng+?
Health upgrades are essential but not in Episode 3 imo.
Do you use the normal block (without any direction) to avoid her attacks?
edit: Yeah you can use it. I always have three tickets and I don't know why, lol. I used three of them in mission 10 on very hard and suddenly I had three new tickets in Episode 11.
I don't get it ^^
Oh, sorry, I'm in Episode 4, not 3
Ah, okay!
Yeahis difficult to beat during the first playthrough. You can block and dodge most of his attacks though.David
Strike him with your sword, dodge and run away.
That's what I did. ^^
edit: Yeah, congrats! And now there's Episode 5...hahaYou'll see...^^
Will have to wait until tomorrow, but I'm already excited for it, I'm really liking this game so far, the combat is really fun, the game looks fantastic, loving the soundtrack, the overall crazyness is too good.
It must get really awful further on to justify some of the hate.
Fuck yeah. Suda delivers once again. This shit is his magnum opus for me right next to K7
It kind of blows my mind that people will make games with Unreal and not export it for a PC sale. Pay a guy to come in and redo the controls and release it on Steam. If it sells a thousand copies then it pays off, people are happy and it's just more good word going around.
Wondered this myself. I wonder what it would take to get a Grasshopper collection on PC.))
Boring OT, just like the game itself. The story was so fucking shitty in this game. Disappointed in Suda.
A petition, maybe? Show them there's enough interest. I'd easily buy some on Steam. XSEED knows that Steam works with Ys. Not the most popular or well known, but there are quite a few people on Steam who at least have interest, and them seeing it on Steam would totally make 'em go for it.
I'd double dip without thinking twice, just like Red Seeds Profile.
This game with a higher resolution and framerate would be killer
Mission 1's great for getting ~600k, easy. Just avoid the bullets by standing behind those trash things and you're set for a AAA rank.
I can't for the life of me find the last ninja scroll on the yakuza level
can anyone list all five areas so I can see which one I'm not finding
The ones I got are:
1. all the way to the one side by where you can shoot a guy at the waterfall to find the nurse
2. in the ceiling of one of the roofs
3. on the little island in the middle of the two bridges
4. dont remember
5. ?
The more I have to replay Trick Challenge 2 for an AAA rank, the more I REALLY wish there was a "restart challenges" option on the pause menu. ESPECIALLY since you can do so for missions.
On Very Hard? I keep getting Bs when I stand behind the dumpsters.
Is there a way to replay missions via Mission Select in the middle of a campaign? For some reason, I assumed you'd be able to. Is there a New Game+?
Question 1: You can't redo episodes until you clear the game, however side missions are always playable. Question 2: Yes there is!
So how do we all feel this stacks up with other "CUHRAYZEE" action games? I'm gonna put it at something like:
1)God Hand
3)Metal Gear Rising
3)Devil May Cry 3
4)Killer is Dead
I'd probably put Killer is Dead at number 2 if there were a PC version because there really is a lot of depth and satisfaction to it, but the incredible amount of screen tearing knocked it down a peg for me. Opinions?