Nice looking vids. I don't think they could've done followed through on the quality of those vids as a first generation game (the two cars are on a road and nothing else, and the track which had 40 cars in the arcade version has zero in that vid), but Daytona DC certaintly indicated that a close conversion of Super GT was technically feasible as a second generation game. Anyway, seeing stuff like this is always cool...if I had a few million bucks on my hand, I'd love to invest a magazine or website that covered unreleased games or demos, interviewing the developers and getting the lowdown on what was possible with the hardware. Stuff like Starfox 2 on SNES, Mother 3 on 64DD, VF3 and Shenmue on the Saturnn, Batman Forever and X-Men 3 on 32X (those two games were said to be phenominal, at least visually)...all would make for great exposes.