150K per week ?iamcool388 said:There are definitely a good amount of people still playing KZ2 MP.
150K per week ?iamcool388 said:There are definitely a good amount of people still playing KZ2 MP.
FFObsessed said:Do you know who I am? Do you know how important and noteworthy I am in the KILLZONE 2 community? I am the KILLZONE 2 community. I've been playing this game before you were born sonny. Please> I trained Kill1onaire, Lince, FullRecovery, Aj2good4you, Cagen, CrushDance, Dave1988....the list is endless. They may not be as good as me but I'm still willing to carry them in Clan matches, I'll even roll with them in random games. This has nothing to do with that anyway, what I'm stating is that KILLZONE 2 is the greatest MP game of all tyne. OF ALL TYNE.
FFObsessed said:Do you know who I am? Do you know how important and noteworthy I am in the KILLZONE 2 community? I am the KILLZONE 2 community. I've been playing this game before you were born sonny. Please> I trained Kill1onaire, Lince, FullRecovery, Aj2good4you, Cagen, CrushDance, Dave1988....the list is endless. They may not be as good as me but I'm still willing to carry them in Clan matches, I'll even roll with them in random games. This has nothing to do with that anyway, what I'm stating is that KILLZONE 2 is the greatest MP game of all tyne. OF ALL TYNE.
-viper- said::lol I see you've changed the post a bit
what are you doing on Killzone 2 with a WIRELESS CONNECTION?
I think you should consider a rename on GAF - TheLaggyOne.
FFObsessed said:Do you know who I am? Do you know how important and noteworthy I am in the KILLZONE 2 community? I am the KILLZONE 2 community. I've been playing this game before you were born sonny. Please> I trained Kill1onaire, Lince, FullRecovery, Aj2good4you, Cagen, CrushDance, Dave1988....the list is endless. They may not be as good as me but I'm still willing to carry them in Clan matches, I'll even roll with them in random games. This has nothing to do with that anyway, what I'm stating is that KILLZONE 2 is the greatest MP game of all tyne. OF ALL TYNE.
'FFObsessed said:Do you know who I am? Do you know how important and noteworthy I am in the KILLZONE 2 community? I am the KILLZONE 2 community. I've been playing this game before you were born sonny. Please> I trained Kill1onaire, Lince, FullRecovery, Aj2good4you, Cagen, CrushDance, Dave1988....the list is endless. They may not be as good as me but I'm still willing to carry them in Clan matches, I'll even roll with them in random games. This has nothing to do with that anyway, what I'm stating is that KILLZONE 2 is the greatest MP game of all tyne. OF ALL TYNE.
TheFatOne said:I wouldn't doubt you trained them all because not one person in your list is decent >.<
In order to be wired I would have to drill holes,and fix a bunch of other shit. I just don't have the time or the patience to go wired at the moment. One day I will have a wired connection one day...
....Excuse me? Do you...Ballistictiger said:This is the first time I heard of somebody training people in a video game.
:lolTheFatOne said:I wouldn't doubt you trained them all because not one person in your list is decent >.<
TheFatOne said:In order to be wired I would have to drill holes,and fix a bunch of other shit. I just don't have the time or the patience to go wired at the moment. One day I will have a wired connection one day...
Inanna Dan said:MAG is waaaayyy better!![]()
DigiMish said:I was thinking of getting the top 1% of the week during Thanksgiving week. Will be interesting to see the # of players on the leaderboards compared to before MW2.
Inanna Dan said:MAG is waaaayyy better!![]()
BattleMonkey said:MAG is doomed to fail. Only a few months away from release and it's gotten pretty much zero exposure from any magazines or media, there is pretty much zero hype going into this. Since its original reveals its been met with nothing but negativity from most of the gaming community.
And if SONY puts about as much marketing power into MAG as they have KZ2 (which was laughable) the game is going to be doa. The game also has the "generic" tag being tossed around it everywhere it seems, it just does not look like its going to get a fair shake at all. Out of all the PS3 exclusives which have had dubious results in sales, this one seems to have alot going against it. I just think it's doomed.
TheFatOne said:Am I in bizaro world. MAG is a much better game than Killzone 2 will ever be. It might not set the charts on fire, but it will do well.
Isn't it like this for most games? :lolBattleMonkey said:I didn't say anything about the games quality, as I said, it's just going to be a sales disaster the way it's been handled.
Seriously the game outside of a few hardcore gaffers, has zero publicity from the gamer world and especially the general public.
As for being better than KZ2, I will wait and see once I try it. Beta players jizzed all over KZ mp and once it came out it was nothing but bitching.
nskinnear said:but with a decent advertising campaign, the game could do fairly well.
Pretty much.BattleMonkey said:And this is where Sony pretty much always fails.
YoungHav said::lol this game isn't getting robbed of anything. There are shooters out with better praised single player (Uncharted 2), it would not surprise me if Modern Warfare 2 has better multi (being that CoD4's multi is better) and personally I liked Demon's Souls more than this.
YoungHav said::lol this game isn't getting robbed of anything. There are shooters out with better praised single player (Uncharted 2), it would not surprise me if Modern Warfare 2 has better multi (being that CoD4's multi is better) and personally I liked Demon's Souls more than this.
Lion Heart said:Modern Warfare 2's SP has been SHIT so far, I honestly think KZ2 destroys it, the gun mechanics are so much more interesting as well. I agree with people saying it feels outdated now.
Unfortunately I have too many problems with KZ2's MP so COD still has the edge. Still, KZ2 probably has the best fps "feel" on consoles.
I personally loved the day 1 controls; I understand they were too different for the masses. I don't think it hurt GG as much as lack of advertising. Before this game dropped I was banking on Sony pricedropping the system to help KZ2 sales. Never happened. Drop happened with the Slim and a lot of games are reaping the benefits. Price drop or not I think Sony could've pushed this game more. In the end I'll take Cod4 over this, the only reason I've logged more KZ2 hrs is because I'm such a trophy whore. This game is still good, i loved the new add on maps though I think they should've been packed in w/the game to begin with. Also wish they had a proper Halo3/Uncharted 2 match replay system or killcam.Zen said:Different genre but fair enough. Though I think it's undeniable that they hurt themselves when it came to the controls. I personally liked them, but having such a huge (purposeful) deadzone was probably a bad idea for aiming at a casual audience. If the game had sjipped with the controls they have now, then it probably would have done much better. KZ2 had mixed WoM because of the controls, that was my experience anyway. It makes me facepalm at how GG could screw up so badly on such a crucial aspect. They have no one to blame but themselves.
The same thing again with how the handled spawn invincibility. In the beta there use to be none, and people complained about base camping. So instead of just implementing a spawn invincibility for spawning at your base, they stupidly implemented it for everything, which created serious problems with certain game modes as well as plenty of 'WTF that's bullshit I was shooting that guy!" moments from the player base for the game.
That coupled with iffy netcode? Yeah that's going to turn off casual FPS fans very quickly. Thankfully they actually started listening to the community properly (implementing revisions, not drastic broad strokes that created new problems), but taht was well after the point of no return. Even if they made a much better shooting with KZ3, they aren't going to get the same kind of sales as they did with Killzone 2 because the perceptions are already out there and it's in a crowded FPS market.
They had a shot at elevating Killzone to something equivalent to a MGS versus the big big blockbusters like GTA and Halo (as is pretty much as big as you can get without being one of the very top sellers), and they failed. Not only that but they stillborned their IP and made it much harder for them to ever reach taht level. It's different for a 'generic' FPS like CDall of Duty because Killzone is so defined and thus less approachable. Chances are they won't have until the 4th iteration to make Killzone a mega Success.
Killzone 2 had over 600 thousand people log into Multiplayer within the first day or week. It had tremendous up front interested, and Guerilla passed on a golden opportunity. Now would it have been another Halo, CoD, whatever, with them having not made the mistakes that they did? Probably not, but it would have done much better than the poor legs it got.
Has it even crossed 1 million in America yet? It might do that by the end of this Christmas.
BruceLeeRoy said:Playing through the SP campaign of MW2 really makes you realize what a excellent job GG did.
I went back and played through a couple levels and graphically this game trumps every fps shooter released its not even funny. More than that though the controls the cover system and weapons and the unrelenting feeling of oppression and dread that the atmosphere conveys is unmatched. It truly makes MW2 feel like a bargain bin game its so superior.
Also even though I am having a absolute blast with MW2 mp even more so than COD4 I still think with just a couple of tweaks the mp in KZ2 could be king of the hill.
FFObsessed said:KZ2 already is baby. 560 hours and counting. Now change your avatar back to KZ2. That's an order.
Thunderbear said:I wouldn't call MW2's SP campaign shit, I think it's pretty frantic and fun. But I agree with you otherwise. KZ2 is the best FPS I've played this generation so far.
But I am a SP player only.
Oops, sorry for late response. I wasn't referring to it winning the overall goty. I meant for FPS awards. UC2 will(should) win almost all overall goty awards. That's a given.YoungHav said::lol this game isn't getting robbed of anything. There are shooters out with better praised single player (Uncharted 2), it would not surprise me if Modern Warfare 2 has better multi (being that CoD4's multi is better) and personally I liked Demon's Souls more than this.
BruceLeeRoy said::lol If I had your skills bro I would play every day.
Zen said:I think I'll be safe saying this here: Killzone 2 is still the best looking PS3 game to me (Yes better than Uncharted 2). Does anyone remember the stairwell right before you look out onto the street looking across to the Hotel you have to invade? I mean holy hell.
BruceLeeRoy said::lol If I had your skills bro I would play every day.