DrPirate said:Things that are really noteworthy in KZ2: The goddam great beautiful AI.

Yes, we'll never forget nor forgive.
DrPirate said:Things that are really noteworthy in KZ2: The goddam great beautiful AI.
They were just begging for fanboy wars with that one. :lolChryZ said:![]()
Yes, we'll never forget nor forgive.
MIND. FUCKING. BLOWN. Holy shit you have no idea how pissed I was at the game forTacticalFox88 said:Visari very likely isStill alive. How you say? I mean we DID see him get "killed" by Rico. OK watch the opening cutscene and wait till Visari says "They will know...Helghan Belongs to the Helghast" Look at his eyes. They are a bright green. Now look up the ending (or beat the game again if you prefer) and look at Visari's eyes. They are a Dark Brown color. GG couldn't have made a mistake like this could they? Or is it something else. Why would Radec Visari's most loyal lapdog leave Visari unprotected in the off chance he was killed? They're were absolutely NO guards protecting him. You basically walked in and said "hello". Visari knowing that his "death" would cause his army to fight harder he could've used a body double and made it look like his death, and only his most trusted advisors would know of what really happen and he would rule Helghan from the shadows. Make sense?
Of course it's all speculation but yeah.
Then I guess you also agree that you were wrong in saying that there isn't anything anything out this year that competes with KZ2. MW2 competes with KZ2. MW2 was not a good game (or what I'd played of it). Even Halo 3 ODST was better designed than KZ2.A.R.K said:Yes I agree to that part...good for you
......:lolFirestorm said:Then I guess you also agree that you were wrong in saying that there isn't anything anything out this year that competes with KZ2. MW2 competes with KZ2. MW2 was not a good game (or what I'd played of it). Even Halo 3 ODST was better designed than KZ2.
Maybe better accessibility designed I suppose so.Firestorm said:Even Halo 3 ODST was better designed than KZ2.
Then I guess you also agree that you were wrong in saying that there isn't anything anything out this year that competes with KZ2. MW2 competes with KZ2. MW2 was not a good game (or what I'd played of it). Even Halo 3 ODST was better designed than KZ2.
TacticalFox88 said:......:lol
Sorry but :lol :lol :lol :lol
Gamespot credibility REDEEMED.NeoUltima said:
It's funny, I don't like the game but agree with most of their text.NeoUltima said:
NeoUltima said:
What about CS? Even with all the bullshit problems with Assault class?FFObsessed said:Multiplayer, KZ2 is my favorite ever. Nothing comes close on any platform in terms of just pure enjoyment.
NeoUltima said:
TacticalFox88 said:What about CS? Even with all the bullshit problems with Assault class?
Meh true. But over EVERY MP shooter? That's a pretty bold statement FFO.FFObsessed said:Assault isn't a problem when you play in one of the numerous servers with them disabled![]()
TacticalFox88 said:Meh true. But over EVERY MP shooter? That's a pretty bold statement FFO.
TacticalFox88 said:Meh true. But over EVERY MP shooter? That's a pretty bold statement FFO.
FFObsessed said:I AM THE KZ2 THREAD
Anyway so KZ2 has received quite a few awards so far.
Gamereactor - Overall Game of the Year
Gamespot - Shooter of the Year
- Multiplayer Game of the Year
- Best Sound Design
- Most Improved Sequel
IGN - PS3 Shooter of the Year
FFO - Overall Game of the Year
Not bad so far. Any others I have missed? Havn't really been paying much attention...
Killzone 2
* Publisher: SCEE
* Developer: Guerrilla Games
GameSpot's Best Games of 2009 Editors' Choice Winner
The original Killzone will forever be remembered as the "Halo killer" that wasn't, a game that ultimately collapsed under the weight of its own promise and hype. Clearly, the odds were stacked against its sequel from the start, which makes its victory in this category all the more impressive.
Killzone 2 presents what may be the greatest refinement of the core mechanics that compose a shooter, resulting in one of the most satisfying experiences this genre has to offer. Between the stellar graphics, the fantastic audio design, and the sometimes uncanny AI, Killzone 2 often feels like one of the most accurate depictions of war--an impressive feat considering that at least one other nominee is based on that very concept. While Killzone 2 won't win any awards for originality, the visceral experience the game provides is second to none among shooters: it's exhilarating to dart through the war-torn environment, taking cover wherever possible, while bullets scream by.
Add to this a fantastically deep and compelling multiplayer experience and it's easy to see why Killzone 2 is our shooter of the year. Against all expectations, Killzone 2 has set the standard for future shooters.
Thrakier said:Yes.
Seph: Overall FFOs Game of the Year.
HL2 is kinda overrated. Sure everything else in the game is good, but to say the gunplay is shit is an understatement.FFObsessed said:I thought KZ2 SP could have been a lot better than it was, but the gunplay outclasses every shooter released and was the best SP FPS on a console this generation, never mind year. Tho that's not saying too much. HL2 still takes a dump on every console FPS tho.
Multiplayer, KZ2 is my favorite ever. Nothing comes close on any platform in terms of just pure enjoyment.
Any award KZ2 gets is deserved.
You should try it on Elite. Just keep moving forward and you'll be fine.Firestorm said:Who the hell made thislevel. I want to hurt them so much right now. This is like Horde / Survival without Co-op and a dumbfuck AI partner who doesn't seem to understand that he needs to cover you when you snipe and random ass rockets coming out of nowhere.Visari Palace
I'm at the partEnigma777 said:You should try it on Elite. Just keep moving forward and you'll be fine.
Firestorm said:Who the hell made thislevel. I want to hurt them so much right now. This is like Horde / Survival without Co-op and a dumbfuck AI partner who doesn't seem to understand that he needs to cover you when you snipe and random ass rockets coming out of nowhere.Visari Palace
JustHadToJoin said:just bought a ps3 and played the demo for this. holy shit, the graphics make the game fun
No really, this is my kind of shooter, wish I had bought it
Ah,Firestorm said:I'm at the partI actually beat the courtyard section without firing a shot. I just took out a knife and sprinted and went past everyone >__> Passed 3 checkpoints on my way.after Radec comes out and then you're locked in that room. I'm on the balcony with the RPGs now.
-viper- said:HL2 is kinda overrated. Sure everything else in the game is good, but to say the gunplay is shit is an understatement.
Best two FPS games on the PC: Republic Commando and Unreal II The Awakening.
I would LOVE a Republic Commando sequel. It is honestly one of my favourite games ever. soo awesome.
Firestorm said:Then I guess you also agree that you were wrong in saying that there isn't anything anything out this year that competes with KZ2. MW2 competes with KZ2. MW2 was not a good game (or what I'd played of it). Even Halo 3 ODST was better designed than KZ2.
Firestorm said:Just finished. Yeah, that was the most frustrating boss battle I've had to do in quite some time... Final thoughts on game: Killzone 2 just reeks of unattained potential to me. Absolutely gorgeous graphics, art design, and sound design. Sure it's basically shades of grey with wonderfully contrasting red / yellow, but it really brings across the atmosphere of Helghan and I think it was a good move. Game shouldn't suffer because most games take the monotone look by default these days. The sound on a surround sound set is some of the best I've heard. Beats MGS4 and Uncharted hands down imo and I hear those two thrown around a lot.
However, where the unattained potential I find is in story and game design. I felt like the enemies were placed in a really frustrating way for the player. That last battle I mentioned in my last post for example was excruciating. Two staircases, little to no cover, attacks also from above, and you're alone with a really bad AI partner. What is the logic behind this? If this were a Co-op session and Rico was played by a person, I could definitely see this working out. But he wasn't. This game really would have benefited from Co-op. Not in the "lol every game should have Co-op" way, but this game seems built for Co-op. Very confusing as to why they couldn't get it in.
Second part I see potential for that wasn't reached was story. The final scene had some really interesting elements brought to light with. Sadly, I didn't get that vibe at all. As far as I could tell, the ISA were invading Helghan and they were a military state that was defending the homeland. Hell, it really seemed like we were the bad guys. What the hell did they do to us =( Guerilla seems to have assumed we already played Killzone and Killzone: Liberation. Sadly I did not so I didn't really understand my motivation for being there. Helghan seems like a really interesting setting so it would have been nicer to get more than a one-dimensional account of the whole thing. "Fucking Higs!" doesn't do it for me.Visarai talking about how the fall of him would put Helghan into ruin
Speaking of which, atrocious dialog and voice acting. Goddamn. Make Gears of War look like Uncharted. FUCKING HIGS FUCKING HIGS FUCKING HIGS.
Anyway, that last segment really left a bad taste in my mouth. It's too bad as I found LV8 and LV9 to be decent. Never touching this again unless my friends get back into multiplayer :lol
Edit: By the by, I died like a half dozen times to the final boss and then doubled my X sensitivity and beat him in the first try xD
Maybe the single player campaing wasn't designed well enough to show that off. I definitely got a bad impression of the game after playing through singleplayer. Think I made it half way through the game on normal before dumb A-tack, or whatever its called, boss battle which forced me to turn it down to easy. Side note, they really shouldn't have put any boss battles into this game. Well to cut this short, the game does so many things different from the average console FPS game but never bothers to teach you or guide you through any of it and thats definitely a poor design decision.FFObsessed said:That's what KZ2 does so well as you know, that was the main focus of the single player which a lot of people seem to miss when discussing the game, instead concentrating on soldier dialogue and the fact Guerrilla didn't regurgitate the back story they've already written and presented on the killzone.com website and re-telling the story of the first couple of games. And that gunplay is why the online multiplayer (among other things) is so magnificent.
You know, my brother swears by Republic Commando as being one of the best squad shooters ever. I should definitely try it sometime.
Haha, I actually thought to myself during that fight "Rico is really lucky I need him as bait or I would not even be trying to save him right now". Especially after what that bastard didtrk_rkd said:KZ2 was my 2009 GOTY but I definitely agree with most of your criticisms (nice to see someone bring up legit criticisms rather than just bullshit "zomfg its so grey and the controlzzzzz"). Yes: dialogue was atrocious, VA was bad, the plot was only redeemed by that last brilliant shot of sev sitting on the steps of visari palace. as for the last boss battle... your criticisms are totally valid although i sort of took it as being a kind of deliberately old school, challenging boss battle. and rico absolutely sucked in that last battle but there was something of a clever-ish game mechanic in that you still had to work to keep him alive so he could distract the enemies (at least i did on elite). but yeah, after the epic shootouts and previously competent (if not always super effective) friendly AI that last battle was a bit... out of place. i didn't think it was a let down, necessarily, but i'd agree it was a bit out of place.
you are 110% correct on the "missed opportunity" perspective re. the plot. the backstory on killzone.com is fucking fantastic - really good, complex sci fi schtick that beats the hell out of most sci fi games (you know who I'm talking about). but the delivery in game was simplistic, predictable, boring, zero dimensional, eeek... such a frickin' shame.
but there's still huge potential for kz3 to be absolutely brilliant. i mean what kz2 did well i honestly think it did better than any other console shooter before it. if gg capitalise on their successes and rectify their mistakes kz3 could be amazing. if they lose their balls and sell out to the crowd that wants an mw2 clone then we'll have another fucking R2 disaster. only time will tell.
Lostconfused said:Maybe the single player campaing wasn't designed well enough to show that off. I definitely got a bad impression of the game after playing through singleplayer. Think I made it half way through the game on normal before dumb A-tack, or whatever its called, boss battle which forced me to turn it down to easy. Side note, they really shouldn't have put any boss battles into this game. Well to cut this short, the game does so many things different from the average console FPS game but never bothers to teach you or guide you through any of it and thats definitely a poor design decision.
Killzone 2 presents what may be the greatest refinement of the core mechanics that compose a shooter, resulting in one of the most satisfying experiences this genre has to offer. Against all expectations, Killzone 2 has set the standard for future shooters.
My cousin has KZ2 but doesn't even know it has online play. I guess next time they should specifically name it 'Multiplayer' instead of 'Warzone'FFObsessed said:Good games last night Rick, Userfriendly.
I guess I have to come to terms with Rick being the new greatest KZ2 player of ALL TYNE... *cries*
Had about 5 awesome games earlier in the afternoon as well, and tried teaching my brother how to play :lol Would be nice if KZ3 had some local co-op or multiplayer. Or at least let us play against Bots in "Skirmish" via split-screen. I'd be happy with that. Would be a good way to get friends into the online when they're round as well.
1.8 million on the leaderboards now, I wantz 2 million dammit!![]()
-viper- said:My cousin has KZ2 but doesn't even know it has online play. I guess next time they should specifically name it 'Multiplayer' instead of 'Warzone'
I'm sure there are many more out there who probably haven't even touched online play.
FFObsessed said:Other shooters of course have been very successful in the past with their gunplay, Max Payne, F.E.A.R. being two of my favorites but they are very out dated when compared to KZ2. Max Payne was of course quite a few years ago (tho way ahead of it's time) and a TPS, so lets focus on F.E.A.R. They did a great job when it comes to the shooting, the impact of every shot, tho exaggerated, was satisfying. But, killing an enemy, still felt like you were killing a toy or a mannequin due to the rag dolls. With KZ2 they blended rag dolls with top quality motion capture animations so you can still affect the Helghast soldiers with each shot but they react with much more realistic animation. Killing enemies in KZ2 for the first time ever for me, felt like I was killing an actual person, rather than a toy or simply a video game character like in other games. I truly believe it's a step forward for the genre and playing other shooters now just feels wholly unsatisfying in that regard. And it's not just the animation quality or the system they implemented. So much care and polish was put into everything about the shooting. From the ultra-detailed gun models and ejected casings to the amazing reload animations. The unique feel of the every gun, the weight of the controls. The way they exaggerate every bullet impact with a heat signature or with the realistic dust/smoke that lingers in the air after each bullet hits a wall. Especially great in the online when you've just had a really intense fire fight in a room, which is then completely filled with smoke and dust afterwards which lingers realistically in the air. Even though the environments aren't destructible you still see the effects of every shot fired, you can track every shot that leaves your gun. You have to control the recoil and spread of your bullets, you can't just hold down the R1 button and the autoaim will do it all for you. You have to control your shots, it takes a lot of skill, especially in the online when things can get really hectic and that's what makes it so satisfying. Gamespot (surprising enough) nailed it in their Killzone 2 Shooter of the Year Award write up when they said:
Enigma777 said:I wish we'd get the lighting gun in MP. I know it will unbalance everything (1887 has nothing on it), but I love that thing so much!!!
astroturfing said:well, it's in that one DLC map... i bought all the maps and while felt a bit ripped off, had some excellent fun playing them. every map looks stunning and is expertly designed. too bad there's barely anyone playing them :E
edit: ehhhhh.... i was thinking about the bolt gun. i'll just... go back to packing my bags ->