Whoa, that actually looks like it could be legit. Looks damn nice too.Philanthropist said:
Whoa, that actually looks like it could be legit. Looks damn nice too.Philanthropist said:
Lagspike_exe said:You need to grind. Some of us don't like grinding/don't have time for it.
Onion_Relish said:damnit, you cant show me sites like this, i cant afford it T_T
Also, the top 1% trophy isnt hard, you just have to not suck. I'm not trying to come off as arrogant by any means, you just have to remember it does it by total points, so if you play smarter, not harder, its more than reachable. I got it my first week without even trying that hard, i maybe played 4 days? Got 4 trophies at once, felt good :lol
Philanthropist said:
Philanthropist said:
Onion_Relish said:I'd hardly call it grinding. Now your avatar on the other hand...
Philanthropist said:
recklessmind said:I'm playing through the single player right now for the first time... this game is fucking awesome.
Nothing looks better. I mean you can count polys and compare textures and all that annoying shit, but at the end of the day this game is greater than the sum of its parts. The art is amazing; the post processing stuff and motion blur makes the game believable... one thing you rarely get a sense of in games is atmosphere (I mean literally) it's like the air is heavy and oppressive.
Not without its negatives, of course, but it's amazing what the developer has accomplished. Really is.
I might try and get into mp a bit, but I feel like I'm pretty late to the party on that.
ACE 1991 said:I LOVE the gun models in this game. The ISA Assault Rifle is soooo aesthetically pleasing.
kinoki said:I'm currently ranked at #1701072 but hopefully I'll climb a few thousand places this weekend when I finally sit down and play this game in multiplayer for the first time.
kinoki said:Okay. So I played a little more, unlocked the medic class and advanced a couple of hundred thousand rankings. This game is very fun and getting more addictive by the minute. Why didn't I play this before?
meppi said:Just wait till you unlock the saboteur class. I <3 that class more than anything and always play it in multiplayer.
The StA-14 riffle is hard to use at first, but if you learn to use it correctly, and it does take quite a bit of time it's the most satisfying gun in the game.![]()
1) Turn RGB Range to Limited (I had it set to Full because I did not know that on HDMI Limited looks so much better [no banding])
2) Set Cross Filter to Off
3) Super White On (although this was already on)
4) just re-automatically let my HDMI find my optimal Resolutions
Internet Celebrity said:To whoever said that 1% doesn't require grinding, that's complete bullshit. 330 hours and 100000 points, and I've never gotten that red ribbon. And I guarantee that I score faster than you.
I'm definitely gonna be playing this all summer if BFBC2 doesn't keep me. So stoked for KZ3 right now, and GG better give priority beta keys to everyone at the Commander in Chief rank.![]()
I am aware of this. I'm just saying that I've never put in more than 15 hours in a single week...anything above that, I consider it grinding.Rapping Granny said:That 1% trophy only counts a week's worth of play, not the entire thing. It doesn't matter you have put in 300 hours in total, unless you put that much amount in a week it doesn't matter.
Wait until you get to a certain palace._dementia said:so LTTP I finally got the game
It's pretty gorgeous
playing Campaign on the hardest difficulty that's unlocked from the start and it seems kinda easy?
I am able run up on 90% of the AI dudes and just knife them since they seem to be shocked and stagger when they see me sprinting at them.
:lolSlevin140 said:I feel like I'm the last kid in the world to discover masturbation. I just found out that you can see your battle replays on the killzone site. . . .
Where is that? (spoiler tag please)Yoshichan said:Wait until you get to a certain palace.
_dementia said:Where is that? (spoiler tag please)
Anyway, I'm playing campaign and the voices seem extremely muted. I increased the voice volume while decreasing the music and sound effects, but I still can't hear shit. I'm glad there are subtitles, but is there another way to fix this? I'm playing in 5.1 over optical if it makes any difference.
_dementia said:thanks for the response i'll play around with it and see what works
Myself said:Do note that KZ2's audio mixing ain't the best either, so don't be surprised if changing the audio settings won't help at all. I also have problems with unbalanced channels.
_dementia said:Where is that? (spoiler tag please)
Anyway, I'm playing campaign and the voices seem extremely muted. I increased the voice volume while decreasing the music and sound effects, but I still can't hear shit. I'm glad there are subtitles, but is there another way to fix this? I'm playing in 5.1 over optical if it makes any difference.
I think I'm subscribed to you on youtube. :lolcoolcole93 said:All this KZ3 news has got me back on the mood to play LZ2 again. Played some late last night and had the best game I can remember.
jonnybryce said:Oh damn.
Well, makes it easy for me. I guess I'll dive into single player and return it to Gamestop before my 7 days are up.
BeeDog said:You're not alone with this issue, and I blame the game for this.![]()
Yep it's fine. KZ2 and Gears1 are the only games in my extensive library with this issue on my setup. That and I have a couple posters backing me up. I'm fairly sure it's the game and not my hardware at this point, thank you very much.sotodefonk said:Are you sure your center speaker is working correctly? I didnt have any problem with voices and my audio system is kinda old, can you turn up your center speaker volume?
spats said:To my knowledge US was never that big on KZ2. EU always had a bigger player base.
The problem is the US is split into multiple timezones. We GAFw players would always be on too late at night for everyone else in the US and at the same time too early for Euro players.spats said:To my knowledge US was never that big on KZ2. EU always had a bigger player base.
Jamesearlcash said:Does the server keep your online rank ? Cause i'm tempted to get this back, but it would suck to start again as i don't think i still have my data on the hdd.
The M82 never, ever gets outclassed as a general-purpose weapon. If you're a very good player, the Sta-14 kills it, but for folks like me with regular reflexes who can't use that rifle effectively in close, the M82 is king. And like all weapons in KZ2, it has a longer effective range than you think--kneeling, sighted in, with short bursts, you can pop heads from very, very far away.kinoki said:The unlocking-system that first seemed daunting now feels kind of refreshing. I'm having a hardtime letting go of my M82 rifle, we're such good friends.
Most people that want "vanilla" typically just hate Assault (and sometimes Engineer). If you don't get scared of the big fast guys, though, all-classes play is fine. I'd never go back to the beginning, I prefer all the strategizing.kinoki said:But I wonder if the novelty wears off when you reach General. I've been reading people wanting to go back to "vanilla" and I'm guessing it's the classless games of when you're a Private.
1. Yes, that's the DLC.kinoki said:Q. When I check the trophy list I see a ton of "Do X 5 times in Y level", these are the DLC packs right?
Q. The weekly rankings resets when? Not that I plan on being top 1% anytime soon but it'd be good to know.
shhiiitttttClick said:Holy shit. 1 more post till page 666!:O
shagg_187 said:shhiiittttt
EDIT: OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!