The TSP's as an idea might not be, but their current implementation surely are worse.CozMick said:That is bullshit and you know it.
We've given our recommendations to make TSP's work better, let's hope GG listens.
The TSP's as an idea might not be, but their current implementation surely are worse.CozMick said:That is bullshit and you know it.
X-Frame said:The TSP's as an idea might not be, but their current implementation surely are worse.
We've given our recommendations to make TSP's work better, let's hope GG listens.
Solal said:+1 I need to take all the TSP by myself... all the time. Fucking infuriating. Especially whan they are already taken by the enemy : it can be tough all alone.
We should get 500 points for getting a TSP, and 1000 when you take it from the enemy!. So obvious!
Massa said:I think the TSP's are perfect right now, except for the Pyrrus Crater map.
commish said:You are definitely in the minority on that one.
Massa said:No, the minority are the people who like KZ2 more when KZ3 is a much better multiplayer game.
user friendly said:At least with spawn grenades you can drop one out and then continue on to the objective. Wheras TSP need to be babysat or you lose it within seconds of aquiring it. Had so much fun last night playing KZ2
Massa said:You don't need to babysit at all. You should play more KZ3 to get a hang of it.
KZ3 muktiplayer is garbage imo.Massa said:No, the minority are the people who like KZ2 more when KZ3 is a much better multiplayer game.
Try turning off the rumble through the XMB screen on the Move.Dibbz said:I use Eng, Tact, Medic, and Infiltrator in that order usually. With Move using any LMG is suicide for me right now. The M82 is also too much for me so I'm limited to SMG's all around.
Funny story I have from a game I played yesterday on Pyrrus Crater. Was Engineer and had my shotty pistol heading for the only TSP which the Higs had control of. Snuck up the stairs inside and point blank killed a Tact running down. Knew he would respawn and try and kill me so I waited for him on the stairs. I noticed someone on his team had planted some C4 just above the stairs as it was flashing red. Kept my crosshair on it and as soon as he came running back, one shot at the C4 and he went flying over my head.
There's absolutely no reason for a non-Tactician to attack an enemy-controlled TSP unless they are with a Tactician or know one is on their way - that is what we're talking about. Plus the fact that non-Tacticians can't easily see which TSP's aren't under their control while in-game makes it more difficult.Dibbz said:TSP's are fine. Capturing a point is more of a team objective since you have to push with your team to successfully try and cap one. If you're running around on your own, you're going to struggle to make an impact.
I don't get why people think if they are not a Tact they can't help in capturing a TSP. Engineer can put turrets down to suppress the other team, medic can help tact's to stay alive, marksmen can pick people spawning off from far or get in close to scramble radars, infiltrators flank from the back and cause problems. There are also so many routes to each TSP excluding Turbine, you should be able to sneak up on most as a Tact.
Just because a TSP is not on your screen doesn't mean you can't help.
Facism said:Yes, sometimes you do. Especially in competitive games filled with decent players. Tact in competitive is very stressful ;p
I have, although not really with gaf but it's more of a fight for the tsp then the actual objective, unless your team is just plain better than the other. The timer is so low that you barely have time to set up any sort of offense. My stats are good and I don't know how to tell but I've probably put in more time most have. It's not the hang of it I need to get, I just don't lijke the changes made coming from KZ2. Don't really like the maps either.Massa said:You don't need to babysit at all. You should play more KZ3 to get a hang of it.
teepo said:i'm far from a cod player and i prefer kz3.
Dibbz said:TSP's are fine. Capturing a point is more of a team objective since you have to push with your team to successfully try and cap one. If you're running around on your own, you're going to struggle to make an impact.
I don't get why people think if they are not a Tact they can't help in capturing a TSP. Engineer can put turrets down to suppress the other team, medic can help tact's to stay alive, marksmen can pick people spawning off from far or get in close to scramble radars, infiltrators flank from the back and cause problems. There are also so many routes to each TSP excluding Turbine, you should be able to sneak up on most as a Tact.
Just because a TSP is not on your screen doesn't mean you can't help.
Negaiido said:You don't like COD? Killzone 3 is practically like COD but then with a Killzone skin![]()
commish said:If we are going to play Theoryzone, then sure. The rest of the team clears a path with all of their special talents so the tactician can run up and capture. Or, I guess, everyone could be a tactician, with the best rifle in the game, which seems to be a lot better idea.
In reality, TSPs suck because they encourage spawn camping, create bottlenecks, need too much attention at the sacrifice of the objectives, and, on some maps, 100% dictate the winner of the game.
Massa said:. I laugh at your team of tacticians, sorry.
Dibbz said:Can someone please give me some examples as to why they think TSP's suck. I'm talking which maps, which TSP's in particular (Other than Turbine and Pyrus because they are bad). I'm failing to understand where some of you guys are coming from with all this TSP hate.
I'm asking for specifics not just "herp derp TSP's are no fun I want to spawn on top of the objective".JB1981 said:The thread is littered with reasons why. Are you just willfully ignoring peoples posts?
Dibbz said:Can someone please give me some examples as to why they think TSP's suck. I'm talking which maps, which TSP's in particular (Other than Turbine and Pyrus because they are bad). I'm failing to understand where some of you guys are coming from with all this TSP hate.
Massa said:Now, say S&D. In KZ3 you actually have to gain control of that point so you can plant the charges. It's much more challenging and satisfying than KZ2, and requires more team work. I laugh at your team of tacticians, sorry.
commish said:Do you play many clan games?
commish said:Corinth Highway - if one team holds all the TSPs, easy to prevent the other team from even getting near the TSPs with exo's, snipers, proximity mines, etc. It's pretty hard to flank or come from a different direction because there are only so many places to go and all are covered by a good team. Just yesterday I was spawn camped to hell on this map. The fact that the map is so damn big compounds the problem 1900 fold.
Pyrrhus Crater - needs no explanation.
Blvd - one of the maps I like to play on. TSPs don't determine the winner, relatively easy to take back a TSP from other team. Smaller map, so TSPs don't matter as much and the game is better off for it.
Turbine - needs no explanation.
Frozen Damn - good map overall (compared to rest), despite the fact that the spawn points aren't evenly placed. Still, since it's a relatively small map, the TSPs don't 100% dictate the winner and loser. However, if a good team controls all 3 TSPs, it can be difficult for the other side to leave their spawn consistently.
Snowdrift - worst map in all of KZ3.
Graveyard - this map is also pretty terrible, with four sets of doors acting as huge chokepoints and the middle zone is pretty much a guaranteed death. The problem with this map is that the TSPs are poorly placed - it's so easy to get back "your" TSP if the other side takes it that it's hard to complete the objectives since you're constantly running from your spawn. This map would be a *lot* better with spawn grenades.
Salamun - my favorite map of KZ3 (despite the dumb additions). TSPs are relatively easy to take back, but are too close together. It's 100% impossible to plant the bomb if a good team has the closest spawn unless you plant within 30 seconds of the round starting before defenses are set up. I think we've all held the high spawn at some point, equipped our rocket launchers, and spammed rockets down on the other spawn point.
Massa said:I think the TSP's are perfect right now, except for the Pyrrus Crater map.
TheExecutive said:There needs to be more TSP's on maps. You can tell how awfully they are balanced in some maps by the amount of spawn camping that occurs at some bases.
Massa said:Nah, I don't take competitive shooters seriously enough to do that. I'm in a clan in KZ2 and BC2 purely for matchmaking purposes.
I do see a lot of clans playing pub games, but I suppose that doesn't make the argument you were trying to make because I don't see anything different in those situations.
Dibbz said:Can someone please give me some examples as to why they think TSP's suck. I'm talking which maps, which TSP's in particular (Other than Turbine and Pyrus because they are bad). I'm failing to understand where some of you guys are coming from with all this TSP hate.
Massa said:More TSP's would spread the teams too thin. If your team controls one TSP you can win in any map, and because the entire team mostly spawns there then it's much easier to control that TSP.
With a lot more TSP's the game would become a pointless capture & hold for tacticians.
10dollas said:Other than the specific reasons that are already in this thread, TSPs rarely contribute a net positive to the game. They limit the possibilities. A lot of objectives can only be won by capturing the TSPs outside of it. Otherwise the logistics of quicker troop arrivals on the defensive team will win out against a more skilled offensive team. On many maps, TSPs are entitlements, such as on Biglarsk boulevard and Mawlr junkyard. These TSPs are rarely conquered by the other team unless your own team is incompetent. In addition TSPs on Mawlr junkyard just feed the campzones. Making progress down the 3 corridors of death is impossible with the numerous easy camping spots protecting against forward progress and the quick refreshments of troops from the 2 TSPs outside of the spawn points.
TSPs are incredibly hard to take in many instances. Such as on turbine. They tend to be easy to protect and rapid replenishments in the form of respawns with invincibility aid in the ease of protection. The aggressor actually has to take into account that a defender will respawn momentarily with temporary invincibility. And if your assaulting tactician dies to some respawn invincibility bullshit, then tough luck. Your hard fought offensive push failed that moment, not skill, but rather shitty game mechanics.
Dibbz said:Commish valid points.
Can you honestly say though that every time you play on KZ3 maps the same thing is happening over and over? Personally it's only two maps where the same thing happens, Pyrhus and Turbine but even then both teams have an even chance to gain all of the TSP's it's recapturing on thos emaps that makes them so difficult. You simply cannot say that you can't outright win a game as ISA or HGH on any of the maps.
On every map both teams have an equal chance at gaining TSP's therefore I still fail to understand how it's a design failure.
Even the points you made on the TSP's in reply to me constantly state "if the other team". It's not a case of the other team will get certain TSP's it's if they will get them and that is solely dependent on the teams of both sides. It has nothing to do with how the map is designed.
Not me. I like both Killzones for different reasons.Negaiido said:The people that prefer KZ3 over KZ2 are the typical COD players.
TheExecutive said:I see nothing wrong with this at all. Battles are always won by domination of the landscape, objectives should follow naturally. However, the current implimentation and limitation of the maps dont allow for a natural progression of the match. Instead, the TSP's act as you say, to limit the possibilities. A well balanced map should allow a team to regain some of the territory and fight back. Many maps in KZ3 dont allow for this and hence, its not the TSP's that suck but their implimentation that sucks. Salamun market has good TSP's because you can always sneak behind an enemy and grab a TSP so your team can fight back. Turbine, for example, doesnt allow this and if you can grab one its the bottom TSP and you get camped in there.
Dibbz said:Commish valid points.
Can you honestly say though that every time you play on KZ3 maps the same thing is happening over and over? Personally it's only two maps where the same thing happens, Pyrhus and Turbine but even then both teams have an even chance to gain all of the TSP's it's recapturing on thos emaps that makes them so difficult. You simply cannot say that you can't outright win a game as ISA or HGH on any of the maps.
On every map both teams have an equal chance at gaining TSP's therefore I still fail to understand how it's a design failure.
Even the points you made on the TSP's in reply to me constantly state "if the other team". It's not a case of the other team will get certain TSP's it's if they will get them and that is solely dependent on the teams of both sides. It has nothing to do with how the map is designed.
Facism said:Would prefer it without the WASPs and exos, but that's what custom games are for and i hope there's still enough people in FTSG to make it worthwhile whenever it gets patched in.
Massa said:No, the minority are the people who like KZ2 more when KZ3 is a much better multiplayer game.
Full Recovery said:I feel as if I have to play Tactician 100% of the time when I play with randoms because my teammates are useless. There is just waaaaaaaaaaaay too much emphasis on TSPs and spawns in general. You own the spawns YOU WIN, period. I don't want to play tactician, and it's starting to feel like a damn chore.
It's like a constant tug-o-war in grade school but all the fatties are on the other team.
Dibbz said:On every map both teams have an equal chance at gaining TSP's therefore I still fail to understand how it's a design failure.
Even the points you made on the TSP's in reply to me constantly state "if the other team". It's not a case of the other team will get certain TSP's it's if they will get them and that is solely dependent on the teams of both sides. It has nothing to do with how the map is designed.
Yes you do. All tacticians do is basically play capture the points the whole time. It's like we're choreographing a musical chairs game for the other players....TSPs just rotate from 1 team to the next. As soon as you capture this point, somebody else captured the other one. You leave to go get that 1 back and they're capturing the 1 you just left. It's so stupid.Massa said:You don't need to babysit at all. You should play more KZ3 to get a hang of it.
BattleMonkey said:The game is not Killzone 2, and no patching they do is going to make the game KZ2. If you hate the game now, then go back to KZ2 because that is obviously what you want.
Bang on. Pretty much how most games go for me.mr_nothin said:Yes you do. All tacticians do is basically play capture the points the whole time. It's like we're choreographing a musical chairs game for the other players....TSPs just rotate from 1 team to the next. As soon as you capture this point, somebody else captured the other one. You leave to go get that 1 back and they're capturing the 1 you just left. It's so stupid.