lorddct said:Can you use two Sharpshooters/move in Killzone 3 Co-op?
No Move support in split screen.
lorddct said:Can you use two Sharpshooters/move in Killzone 3 Co-op?
BattleMonkey said:Most players do no team work in BC2, the game simply just flows better as a team game. KZ3 just tosses players in and expects them to know what's up and how to play. In many cases BC2 really requires less team work and is less class dependant while KZ3 problem is that it really requires people to be playing their roles and you need specific classes like the Tact or shits not going to work.
KZ3 simply is more punishing of a game for random players.
Exactly how high is that horse you're sitting on?Massa said:So you're saying one team knows how to properly defend their TSP, take your own and do the objectives all at the same time? Sounds like the other team is just better than your team.
I've played against a lot of clans in pub matches. They're usually no better than regular teams.
Cagen said:Exactly how high is that horse you're sitting on?
lorddct said:Can you use two Sharpshooters/move in Killzone 3 Co-op?
No.lorddct said:Can you use two Sharpshooters/move in Killzone 3 Co-op?
cnizzle06 said:I really don't get this criticism. Each team battles ruthlessly for that spawn point, what's wrong with that? It's still a level playing field.
TheExecutive said:No... 1 team takes it and holds it for the rest of the map. A team with any sort of competence will never lose the TSP once taken.
Massa said:I'm not sitting on any horse, I simply play the game and enjoy the heck out of it instead of pretending to be smarter than the "gorillas" and cursing them every time something goes in the other team's favor.
alr1ghtstart said:Anyone here complaining is probably playing with gaf, and we usually run over most teams.
Massa said:I'm not sitting on any horse, I simply play the game and enjoy the heck out of it instead of pretending to be smarter than the "gorillas" and cursing them every time something goes in the other team's favor.
Massa said:And when I play BC2 with GAF we usually run over most teams as well. And if you played KZ2 with GAF today the same would happen. That's just how a team class based shooter usually goes with a team of very good players versus a team of not so very good and uncoordinated players.
Massa said:I'm not sitting on any horse, I simply play the game and enjoy the heck out of it instead of pretending to be smarter than the "gorillas" and cursing them every time something goes in the other team's favor.
TheExecutive said:I can agree with playing and enjoying it but to deny some blatant flaws in map design and coming back and saying "you think you are smarter than the developers by pointing out what you call flaws just because something doesnt go your way" is really arrogant. If you possibly think that the top TSP in Turbine is well balanced then your fucking nuts.
Massa said:My point is that if you go into the game, *any* game, with the attitude of "oh well, it's shit but I'm buying it so we can have fun talking about how shit it is" there's absolutely no chance you'll enjoy the game. People made up their minds about it before going in and there's nothing that will change that.
Massa said:My point is that if you go into the game, *any* game, with the attitude of "oh well, it's shit but I'm buying it so we can have fun talking about how shit it is" there's absolutely no chance you'll enjoy the game. People made up their minds about it before going in and there's nothing that will change that.
10dollas said:Yes, because people make it a habit on dropping 60 large ones for the sole purpose of having something to complain about. Do you think before you type some of this crap?
Massa said:My point is that if you go into the game, *any* game, with the attitude of "oh well, it's shit but I'm buying it so we can have fun talking about how shit it is" there's absolutely no chance you'll enjoy the game. People made up their minds about it before going in and there's nothing that will change that.
It wouldn't surprise me.10dollas said:Yes, because people make it a habit on dropping 60 large ones for the sole purpose of having something to complain about. Do you think before you type some of this crap?
Massa said:I'm not sitting on any horse, I simply play the game and enjoy the heck out of it instead of pretending to be smarter than the "gorillas" and cursing them every time something goes in the other team's favor.
Cagen said:There was a way we could play all the maps before release? Wish I had known about this!
10dollas said:Yes, because people make it a habit on dropping 60 large ones for the sole purpose of having something to complain about. Do you think before you type some of this crap?
Massa said:Were a member during the beta threads before the game launched? I'm sure you'd remember some people were saying exactly that.
jorma said:There are people who spent 300 on a console just to do that..![]()
The "Fix this shit guerrilla" stuff is just a joke, it's not some state of mind people have. It was making light of issues we had with KZ2 which we knew were never going to get fixed and naturally the GAF meme migrated over to KZ3.Massa said:That's fine, if you say you came into KZ3 with a neutral or positive attitude and gave it a fair chance and not a "Fix This Shit Gorilla" attitude then I'm not going to argue with you.
TheExecutive said:No... 1 team takes it and holds it for the rest of the map. A team with any sort of competence will never lose the TSP once taken.
10dollas said:Yes I've actually been a member of GAf longer than yourself. I don't remember any sort of that talk, other than rage that the game was shit in current form and people holding out for it to be better.
Come on lets be real here. Sure people will badmouth stuff on the forums relentlessly, but that doesn't mean they truly buy stuff to ONLY bitch about it. They secretly like it, or at least hope to like it.
Regardless, I'm sure there does exist that sort of very minuscule sadistic minority someplace. But still, to bring this up as a (talking about Massa here) talking point under the guise of relevance is such a sham.
Cagen said:The "Fix this shit guerrilla" stuff is just a joke, it's not some state of mind people have. It was making light of issues we had with KZ2 which we knew were never going to get fixed and naturally the GAF meme migrated over to KZ3.
I played in both Betas, I knew the issues, I had a lot personally and I wrote a fair bit of commentary on it, one of the deva even said he had to take a break and get a coffee after reading half of one of my feedback posts with it being so long. Guerilla promised a fair few changes, some they followed through with, others not so much.
My main issue is the terrible map design, I have many, many others all of which I could over look, especially with the forth coming patches but the map design means I will never play K3 multiplayer again and this saddens me as I was greatly looking forward to playing with my old GAF friends again and making some new ones.
I play to be competitive, it's in my nature, I play to win. I don't get enjoyment out of public games, I get enjoyment out of organisation, tactics and team play, of which I couldn't get into in KZ3. Now the map design isn't so much of a problem in public games but it is awful for competitive games and a lot of it comes down to the TSPs.
Guerrilla even said they had looked at TSPs and added some to maps, now admittedly we had only played 3 maps before release but they only put one extra TSP in one map and they didn't even need to do that, they just needed to add entry points to the current TSPs without having to have a jetpack which we suggested, multiple times. Also, after the complaining we did about the TSP balance in the beta, Guerrilla seemingly taking it on board and supposedly looking at it, I can't believe they thought having only one on Phyruss Crater was a good idea.
I thought you were gonna stop playing?10dollas said:Fair enough^^.
If you're interested in killzoning it out with a fellow GAF member. Hit me up, as iodollas
Massa said:Exactly, which is why Pyrrus Crater is the only problematic map in the game for Warzone.
They are pretty much that black and White in clan games.cnizzle06 said:No, that has not been my experience in my many hours of game play. Some of you guys try to make these complaints so black and white and all-encompassing that it's rather ridiculous.
.GqueB. said:I thought you were gonna stop playing?
Youre a liar. You lied in the KZ3 thread. Right to my e-face.10dollas said:I'm bipolar, what can i say?![]()
10dollas said:Did you know we share the same Gaf birthdate? I think that makes us GAFmates for life.
Maybe not...
.GqueB. said:Youre a liar. You lied in the KZ3 thread. Right to my e-face.
commish said:No offense, but how can you say this if you don't play competitively against organized teams? Like many people have said, many of the fundamental problems of the game are magnified when playing with (or against) organized teams who know how to take advantage of GG's terrible design choices. Sure, in public games where I can go an entire match without a single person trying to get a spawn point, it's easy to minimize the TSP issue or map design issues. But in competitive play, most maps just don't work.
Too expensive. Im not made of money.10dollas said:Can directing you to a 5 dolla suckie suckie hotline make up for my transgression against mandatory internet etiquette?
10dollas said:no, you can't even use one move controller in co-op
lorddct said:Is there any intention to fix this in a patch?
JB1981 said:TSPs are far worse than spawn grenades. Far far worse.
Great idea! I was just thinking of this too.GraveRobberX said:Every WarZone should start off with Body Count, then shuffle in the rest of the shit, why would you create disadvantages from the get go?
It's not really hard work. You just dont seem like you're affecting thepatsu said:I object ! ^_^
It's more controlled. They only need to add more, and tweak the "difficulty" to recapture TSPs.
What KZ2 classes do/did people usually play as ? In KZ3, the Tactician becomes a "regular" fighter compared to other advanced classes. Does that disappoint people ? (It's hard work capturing TSP).
Exactly how I feel about the whole tactician/spawn grenade situation.alr1ghtstart said:The main problem with spawn grenades was the utterly stupid community members that used them. I place some of that blame on GG, due to its implementation and lack of directions, though. They worked fantastic in clan matches and with competent teammates. A good tactician could direct the entire flow of the game. After they removed the spawn invincibility, they were completely balanced. No longer could you just toss the grenade into the middle of an objective; you would be killed instantly from people watching the spawn grenade. That's why a competent Tactician would put the spawn close to the objective and protect it with other teammates. It even somewhat forced the "lone wolves" into competing for the objective.
All of this is gone with the TSPs. No longer is the game dynamic. Alot of this is due to GG's implementation and poor map design. I even suggested way back when people were moaning about SGs that they should just use the C&H points for spawns. They did this somewhat in KZ3, but left out two key things; anyone could capture them and squad spawning. It utterly breaks the ebb and flow of the Warzone mode that worked so well in KZ2.
People have suggested to just replace the spawn grenades with a "spawn turret." The tactician would place the turret down like an Engineer would a regular turret, everyone would spawn the direction the turret was facing. The key thing would be that the turret would be destroyable by the other team. Now this doesn't fix the "dumbass player" component, but is the developer's job to inform the players how things work.
Basically, GG made the game easier to play with randoms and in turn completely ruined playing with competent teammates.
Sidzed2 said:In my day we only ever needed two maps! And they were Facility and Temple! And they did us old folks fine! Didn't find us complainin' about game types and spawn campin' like you here whippersnappers! RCP90 for life!
Seriously though, judging by the comments in this thread I'm glad I'm not into online multi.
I thought KZ3's single player, while imperfect and a sideways step compared to its predecessor, was still fun enough to justify my purchase![]()
Jesus christ look at all these rules, lol. All of this sounds good on paper but why make it all so cumbersome? Especially the last point. To simplify, let one person spawn on him per life and the only pre-requisite would be that the Tact cant currently be in the middle of a battle. Halo reach did this very well. No one was at an advantage no one was at a disadvantage. It was perfect.mr_nothin said:- Make the tactician a spawn point for everybody on your team.
- Limit the amount of ppl that can spawn on the tactician in a given time frame
(basically a cool down period after 4/5 ppl have spawned on you or something)
- An alternative is to do how BRINK does it and just allow waves of people to spawn on you.
- So a maximum of, lets say, 4 can spawn on you per 20 or 30 seconds and they all basically - have to queue up to spawn on you.
- You would HAVE to limit the amount of tacticians per team though. I'd say around 2 or 3 per team.
It's not clumbersome. You do realize that not all of those ideas would be implemented...a lot of them are either or. And you do realize that there are TONS of rules involved in just 1 mechanic right? That list would be pretty short compared to how many rules they'd have to actually code in. So you'd want any and everybody to be able to spawn on tacticians at any point? How is that too many rules? It's the problem that the spawn grenades had, they didnt have enough rules (ie: cant throw spawn grenade within this distance of objective and so on)..GqueB. said:Jesus christ look at all these rules, lol. All of this sounds good on paper but why make it all so cumbersome? Especially the last point. To simplify, let one person spawn on him per life and the only pre-requisite would be that the Tact cant currently be in the middle of a battle. Halo reach did this very well. No one was at an advantage no one was at a disadvantage. It was perfect.
But I still for the life of me cant understand the TSP hate. Some TSP's are questionably placed (Turbine) but for the most part they are fine. The spawn system in KZ2 just caused too many issues. The main one being they always lead to clusterfucks. Not just the spawn grenades either but even spawning on squad leader. Every game eventually devolved into everyone being at the same place at the same time no matter what. The system in KZ3 combats this quite efficiently.
It basically spreads out the action and makes it more manageable. Today I was playing Search and Destroy. Me and one other guy attacked the spot, I planted one bomb and the other guy got shot. I finished planting my bomb and was able to kill the guy that killed him, revive him and he was able to plant the bomb while I defended against the other team while they returned from their spawn point. It was magical. This would never... ever... EVER happen in KZ2. We would just be overrun by the other team because by then, they wouldve had a spawn grenade right on top of the objective (because thats how it always ended up). And if you got a crappily placed spawn grenade you were basically stuck with it. There was nothing "dynamic" about it in most instances. I would either spawn then die or spawn across the map and have to run all the way back. What was dynamic about it? Would you change the route you use to get to the objective? Would you use a different bridge every time on Phyrrus Rise?
The system now is just smarter. The placement can be a bit iffy at times but it allows for games to actually play out in a manageable way. All of your suggestions SOUND great (that was a lie) but I only see them leading back to all the crap that happened in KZ2.
And I want everyone to stop using the word "dynamic". Its appeared almost 6 times on the last two pages.
10dollas said:Yes, because people make it a habit on dropping 60 large ones for the sole purpose of having something to complain about. Do you think before you type some of this crap?