Wow, comparing this thread to the original closed beta thread is
thuway said:Finished -
This is the single greatest first person shooter campaign I've played this generation. There are so many things that this game does right its hard to capture it in a block of text.
I'll write a more detailed review later, but I just want to say one thing, and I've already said this before -
Fuck whatever stupid impression your favorite 'games' journalist is repping. This is the most cinematic, entertaining, and well paced FPS you've played since Half Life.
This game deserves 10s, it has flaws, but Uncharted, Red Dead, Mass Effect 2, and Super Mario Galaxy 2 have flaws as well. I am seriously in the camp where I think moron journalists don't know what the fuck they want.
Lion Heart said:TTP, how do you disable the Magnetometer for the move and do you recommend doing it?
TTP said:XMB > Calibrate Motion Controller > X > If the sensor is already on you just need to press Triangle.
I say keep it off for the time being. If I found out KZ3 uses the magnetometer I'll let you know. I tried it with it both on and off and I haven't noticed any difference really.
Thrakier said:But what about other games? I don't want to activate and deactivate that thing the whole time.
TTP said:They will work fine. I have mine off all the time. If it was to be mandatory to have the magnetometer on, why would you be allowed to turn it off and launch games without some sort of warning?
TTP said:Elite'd
Overall wasn't as difficult as KZ2, but last section () was full of bullshit. Pity cos it leaves a bad taste after all the sweet that leads to it.the space shooting
StuBurns said:I loved the end of KZ2 I've never understood the hate. Very few games really brutalize you at the end.
StuBurns said:I loved the end of KZ2 I've never understood the hate. Very few games really brutalize you at the end.
LevityNYC said:There is definitely something wrong with the 3D in this game. Horizontal scan lines are horrible. They are present on EVERYTHING when moving. They are present on all of the menu screens too. I don't get it. On a black screen, on the right edge of the screen, there is a weird colored line on my TV. I double checked every PS3 and 360 3D game I have and none of them exhibit any of this behavior.
Thrakier said:Yeah, but why is it in there anyway?
Really? I think all games do the "throw everything we got at 'em" approach. I think it's a mistake, personally, but I don't think KZ2 was actually brutal on regular difficulty. It was still really well designed.StuBurns said:I loved the end of KZ2 I've never understood the hate. Very few games really brutalize you at the end.
Rewrite said:When you say end, do you mean the last boss fight? I really disliked the last boss fight in Killzone 2. I did like the ending it had, though.
I think they used to do it a lot, but I tend to find that most game difficult peak before the final 'act' and they ease off a little in order to make the player feel empowered and speed up the progression to build a climax.Y2Kev said:Really? I think all games do the "throw everything we got at 'em" approach. I think it's a mistake, personally, but I don't think KZ2 was actually brutal on regular difficulty. It was still really well designed.
At least the last level. Not the boss fight.
TTP said:It's there to fix the cursor drifting as far as I know. But I have no idea why games aren't using it yet.
I think the reason why you can disable it depends on the fact that some magnetic environments can cause the feature to do more harm than good.
Argyle said:Just picked up my copy, Gamestop here in Guam had a midnight launch. Seemed like about 20ish people waiting in line to pick up their game, the box for the Helghast Edition is ridiculous...
Downloading the patch (1.02) now and it is taking forever![]()
commish said:Holler if mp is up, please. Thx!
Thrakier said:There is a device in there to fix the cursor drifting (so they know about this one) but it's not used by anyone? Move is a strange hardwarde device...![]()
They ship it overnight. I hope this shitty weather doesn't delay them though. I remember ordering KZ2 and got an email saying they were delayed due to the weather, raged, but when I got home it was sitting there.scoobs said:my amazon copy says it hasn't been shipped yet. Im worried gaf.
scoobs said:my amazon copy says it hasn't been shipped yet. Im worried gaf.
The Radec nightmares are coming back.... AARRGGHH no....Steroyd said:On normal Radec isn't that bad, but when you play it on elite you realise the level of bullshit he is.
chris121580 said:So for this 130 dollar move bundle, do I need an eyetoy or does it include it?
WonkyPanda said:man, I am really on the fence. I loved KZ2 and I thought the multiplayer was a blast. However, it didn't have great legs and the community dwindled down pretty fast.
Sorry, yeah that's the one I'm referring to. Thanks for the infoMassa said:Are you talking about a Gamestop bundle? In that case it should say on the product description, but I remember someone posting that it doesn't include the Playstation Eye. There's no official $130 Move bundle from Sony.
BobTheFork said:So, do they know how many copies KZ3 sold it's first week yet? Kind of interested in the numbers.
KingDizzi said:Keep an eye on the leaderboards I guess, that should be some sort of indication. Killzone 2 did not do anything special in terms of numbers so don't expect much, it's one of the weaker first party franchises Sony has. Fingers crossed it does well though, loved KZ2 and expect to love this as well, same for inFamous 2.
This happened to me nonstop in KZ2. I stopped playing it.Argyle said:There seems to be a bug where the dialogue stutters and loops. Is this happening to anyone else?
This is on a pretty much brand new Slim PS3 (2501 model).