servers better be working for this midnight launch or ill have hell to pay to 5 of my friends.
PSN Blog said:Today we are showing the first of five videos demonstrating how Killzone 3s career progression can be tracked through
Each video will highlight one multiplayer career from Killzone 3, including all of its abilities and key weapons, and show how its interlinked with We kick off the series with the Engineer, an excellent support class with distinct defensive and offensive capabilities. The voice over for the video is by Dan Nanni, Multiplayer Designer at Guerrilla.
Keep an eye on the official PlayStation.Blog and in the coming days for the other career progression videos. Enjoy!
They're up already.TrAcEr_x90 said:servers better be working for this midnight launch or ill have hell to pay to 5 of my friends.
Full Recovery said:Put me in the camp that enjoyed the Radec fight on Elite. Felt so good.
Anyone else saving their double XP for the weekend?more flesh >
the_prime_mover said:Yeah - I loved the entire last battle including the Radec fight. The entire section was just nonstop intensity with pretty fair checkpoints. I had some trouble once the RL guys come out and the SMG guys start coming down from both sides, but it all felt pretty epic.
I too will be saving MP for the weekend to maximize the amount of experience I can get. Though I am concerned about spending any of those points in case GG decides to nerf any class. I hope that the 24hr period is based on an ingame clock and not just 24 real world hours after you initialize it. Though if it is the former then that is a lot of playtime to get 2x XP for.
X-Frame said:The 24 hr double XP bonus is 24 hours in real-life time, not game time. I asked Seb this as soon as the pre-order bonuses were announced and he confirmed with someone from GG.
Jeff from the us Playstation blog has confirmed that it is realtime. Also, he mentioned that the other bonuses might not stack so I would use them separately.commish said:If it was real time, that'd be insane. Even with 24 real time, it's a huge jump on things.
pharmboy044 said:Jeff from the us Playstation blog has confirmed that it is realtime. Also, he mentioned that the other bonuses might not stack so I would use them separately.
Oh,yeah 24 hours of game time would have been insane.commish said:Yeah I meant game time would be crazy.
Manticore said:Just won the Helghast Edition in the media event of Killzone 3 last night. It was hidden in a paintball field where Helghast where shooting at us and we had to find it. lol
I got shot in the ass couple of times but it was worth it.
Pandanaut said:After playing the PS Home game I went ahead and redeemed my code. That won't cause any sort of hiccup tomorrow, will it? It doesn't appear on my download list or anywhere.
spats said:Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. And congrats on winning the Hig edition! The helmet looks a lot better than I thought.
KingOfKong said:of course it won't. just enter the code and you will have the bonus points when you log into the game.
I redeemed my code and it is listed in the services section. Should just add 3 unlock points to your initial start.Pandanaut said:After playing the PS Home game I went ahead and redeemed my code. That won't cause any sort of hiccup tomorrow, will it? It doesn't appear on my download list or anywhere.
ManticoreManticore said:Just won the Helghast Edition in the media event of Killzone 3 last night. It was hidden in a paintball field where Helghast where shooting at us and we had to find it. lol
I got shot in the ass couple of times but it was worth it.
pharmboy044 said:Jeff from the us Playstation blog has confirmed that it is realtime. Also, he mentioned that the other bonuses might not stack so I would use them separately.
Captain Pants said:I apologize if this has been answered, but will botmode support splitscreen?
See it's very confusing. I don't actually know what he meant by it. Let me find his exact reply on the blog.X-Frame said:When you say not stack, how does that apply to people with the Amazon 3-bonus points plus getting the 3-bonus points from the Home game?
(I'm also getting the 24 hour code .. so I'll have 24 hours of Double XP plus 6-bonus points).
So I shouldn't redeem them at the same time?
TrAcEr_x90 said:servers better be working for this midnight launch or ill have hell to pay to 5 of my friends.
Captain Pants said:I apologize if this has been answered, but will botmode support splitscreen?
DevelopmentArrested said:Servers are up. Played three Warzone games. Pretty fun. Although loading/connecting times are slooow. Look who came last on my team:
I watched the QLDevelopmentArrested said:Servers are up. Played three Warzone games. Pretty fun. Although loading/connecting times are slooow. Look who came last on my team:
Cruzader said:Old??
KZ3+ Sharp shooter = $79.98
Im sure its a US store. Free S&H btw.
Europe only, by the way. So you need a SCEE PSN account to redeem it.blackmamba707 said:give a like on facebook and claim your (static) theme, looks pretty good to me
spats said:Will there be a dynamic KZ3 theme (or is there one already)? Red glowing eyes + blizzard would make an awesome one.
alr1ghtstart said:amazon finally has nav controllers back in stock
BeeDog said:It's in the CE.
Why is that dissapointing exactly? A) it gives reviewersKingOfKong said:kind of disappointing that they opened up the servers before release. i guess i need to find a shop that breaks street dates next time.
DevelopmentArrested said:Why is that dissapointing exactly? A) it gives reviewers
like Jeff time to try the MP properly. B) a 12 hour headstart for players is really nothing