Maybe. We don't know how much the ssd was taxed during the slower scenes.Asset quality and polygons will be higher on the ps5 version. They made full use of the SSD for the demo. The series X version could probably handle this at a higher resolution, 1800p maybe. There is no way series x will have same assets at 10 gb vram and less than half read speeds.
I cant believe some are pushing this thing as if The Series X won't be as detailed or lack in other areas of this same demo. It's just a more beefier system all around, Of course it can run this demo - moreso even.Lol who actually thinks that this cant run on the Series X? The XSX is more powerful so if anything it would run better on Xbox even. Its clearly a marketing thing and sony just doesnt want to mention Xbox.
Ok guys, help me learn. Didn't get much sleep so bear with me. This is how I understand system memory in consoles. This is obviously not my area of expertise...
So basically lets say the SSD is a reservoir with a faucet that stores data. The RAM is a cup that the SSD fills with data and the CPU/GPU is drinking the data from that cup so that it can process it and display it on screen.
IF I have that right, then my question is with the demo.
If we don't know how often the PS5's SSD is running at full speed, we don't know how fast it actually fills that cup. So we don't know how much the GPU needs to drink, so we don't know how full that cup even needs to stay...
But even if it can keep that cup all the way full... The GPU can only drink so much at once right?
I think what people are wondering is how full that cup needs to be at any point to achieve that level of detail...
And then there is resolved quality...
As far as I understand it, when it comes to textures... Resolved quality = resolution + LOD
You could have 100k textures but if you don't have the resolution to resolve that detail it's going to have vastly diminishing returns.
IMO @1440p you aren't going to perceive much of a difference between 4k textures and 8k textures. Even, or especially, when you upscale.
I think we need to wait and see before we can say which console is going to have better resolved quality... if we are even going to be able to easily tell. Both consoles may very well hit their GPU's bottlenecks at a resolution/resolved quality level that is relatively imperceptible when compared in most games and on most screens.
This tech demo couldn't run at 4k 30fps even on a 2080ti. The pixel difference would be 2.25x, requiring 125% higher performance, but the 2080ti only has 40% higher performance than ps5.PS5 ran a tech demo with one character on screen as PS4 Pro resolutions and framerates. It looked phenomenal, but lets stop with the hyperbole.
Epic said their tech was easily scalable depending on ssd speeds, which means third parties can take advantage of systems with extra read speeds. This is new info for most people as previously it was assumed third parties would just skip any extra speeds and go for the baseline (series X). So third parties can take full use of ps5's SSD and scale down to Xbox's SSD .
You seriously think third party games would look and perform better on PS5 because of that SSD ? Take that shit to your SSD thread.scale down
Yeah anyone thinking they are getting these kind of graphics at 4k 60-120hz....gonna be really disappointed.The question nobody is asking is how much bandwidth this was using on the SSD on PS5 if that was maxing it out it’s pretty worrying for next gen. don’t forget it was running at 1440p most of the time as well. While I think it looks amazing the resoloution and FPS were not great.
also no ray tracking which is also a next gen feature.
I get that this is an early demo of unreal 5 to but the question of how much of the SSDwas being utilised befor anybody starts saying it can’t be done on this or that
They do marketing deals for engines as well?!?!Sounds like your standard marketing deal.
Also if Epic hasn't ported the demo to Series X what's MS supposed to do? Break into Epic and steal it?
Um, in some respects, yeah? No need to be rude. In terms resolution Xbox will look better. In terms of what the SSD contributes in terms of visuals, Ps5. I don't see how that's up for debate.You seriously think third party games would look and perform better on PS5 because of that SSD ? Take that shit to your SSD thread.
hmm i guess if PS5 is the target, that it is considered the lower end console between the two? They wouldn't target features that they know would not run on both consoles.
Why would you want to showcase your newest tech in an inferior manner? Dosen't sould like good salesmenship. Maybe it wasnt a smoke screen that the SSD is in fact helping push these HQ assets.
If that was the MAX it could push because of the SSD, then we're in trouble. Because the PS5 has the fastest pipes of either the PS5/SeriesX. Can the extra TF push the rest through that smaller hole?The question nobody is asking is how much bandwidth this was using on the SSD on PS5 if that was maxing it out it’s pretty worrying for next gen. don’t forget it was running at 1440p most of the time as well. While I think it looks amazing the resoloution and FPS were not great.
also no ray tracking which is also a next gen feature.
I get that this is an early demo of unreal 5 to but the question of how much of the SSDwas being utilised befor anybody starts saying it can’t be done on this or that
The lighting was impressive I agree but these next gen consoles have ray tracing naked into the hardware that make it super efficient to do it. It will still cost cpu/gpu poser but it’s lest costly than it was befor.Yeah anyone thinking they are getting these kind of graphics at 4k 60-120hz....gonna be really disappointed.
As for lack of raytracing, the lighting was really impressive. If that's what can be done without raytracing then honestly I don't see why we should waste processing power on it.
Um, in some respects, yeah? No need to be rude. In terms resolution Xbox will look better. In terms of what the SSD contributes in terms of visuals, Ps5. I don't see how that's up for debate.
Is this the result of repeatedly validating your points with each other in over a dozen SSD threads?what the SSD contributes in terms of visuals
Why would you want to showcase your newest tech in an inferior manner? Dosen't sould like good salesmenship. Maybe it wasnt a smoke screen that the SSD is in fact helping push these HQ assets.
And if they do are you gonna catalog multiple quotes from dev’s saying flops matter more?You seriously think third party games would look and perform better on PS5 because of that SSD ? Take that shit to your SSD thread.
No the result of having a brain in my head and using it. I get it. Xfans are in denial of SSDs improving graphics, despite visual proof and pretty much every developer ever, corroborating otherwise. Get rekt. See I can be rude too.Is this the result of repeatedly validating your points with each other in over a dozen SSD threads?
I'm really interested to see how the SSD can truly improve visuals. Have the Sony fans concluded that the SSD is what makes games look good now? How do we explain visual differences between Xbox One X and PS4 Pro? If you install an SSD in a PS4 Pro will it beat out the Xbox One X graphics?Um, in some respects, yeah? No need to be rude. In terms resolution Xbox will look better. In terms of what the SSD contributes in terms of visuals, Ps5. I don't see how that's up for debate.
You high AF.1440p doesn't have to be the final res for this tech/game or whatever. It was running on early PS5 devkit and not final devkit or even final PS5 tools.
It almost feels like xfans are feeling left behind after the first Inside Xbox shitshow, and now trying to feel better to shit on the "1440p" res in this demo. Well for your information, this demo wouldn't run better on XSX hardware in the current state.
A very odd thing to point at. Just look up the resolution and framerate of the Minecraft XsX Ray-Tracing demo.It almost feels like xfans are feeling left behind after the first Inside Xbox shitshow, and now trying to feel better to shit on the "1440p" res in this demo. Well for your information, this demo wouldn't run better on XSX hardware in the current state.
To be fair MS did that to themselves, they could have postured better if they were concerned that people would flock to Sonys system because of this demo. Its no different then when Sony fumbled out of the gate talking about an SSD when MS was hammering home the idea of 13TFs. I agree that people try to read between the lines and connect dots when there are no dots to connect however it happens in both camps and you nor i can do anything to change that. What we do know is Epic decided to showcase thier new engine running on the PS5 and not thier previous partners MS. IMO there are only two logical reasons this could be one Sony made a deal with them or the PS5 is more capable of showing of thier new engine. Microsoft fans will support conclusion one and Playstation fans will support conclusion two.I don't think that's the issue. The problem comes from people then assuming that only the PS5 is capable of doing this with it's SSD I/O, and not XSX with it's SSD I/O. People are drawing that correlation because this demo was shown on PS5 and not XSX, and some are compounding this with what they feel was a weak Inside Xbox presentation the week before (which, granted, had very little gameplay in there despite the word being thrown multiple times).
And the thing is, people making those conclusions have literally no ground or basis to do so. Their main reasons range from a mix of either being uninformed on SSD tech in general, uninformed on various aspects of PS5 and XSX, uninformed on various features of XSX due to tunnel vision in focusing on PS5 features, or some console warrior motivation to trash a competitor platform any chance they can get even if such literally defies reality or sensibility.
Some of them bring up the same bullet points over and over, such as Cerny's words of eliminating bottlenecks, or taking Tim Sweeny's praise for PS5's SSD as a means of substantiating those claims. While the SSD is impressive and deserves praise, it's not the only one that's impressive nor the only one that deserves praise, and some people are trying their hardest to deny that there is no marketing or PR incentive in the way Epic has made mentions to PS5 in relation to the demo. They try denying that because to them the very idea is perceived as a negative connotation, an insult. But in reality just bringing that (very probable) reality up is simply stating what it likely is, nothing more than that.
But some people are too emotionally involved in this to think rationally, hence they perceive it as an attack on Sony and/or PS5 to suggest that maybe, just maybe, some of the talk Epic has mentioned in regards the demo is not only genuine, but somewhat peppered as positive PR for PS5 since, by association, if they are presenting their own engine in the best light they would obviously want to present the hardware that engine demo runs on, in the best light possible as well.
So I think that's where the contention comes from, in all honesty. People extrapolating way too much from the reality of things, some doing so out of disingenuous reasons.
Its not a magical SSD for fucks sake, im so tired of explaining this. Its the combination of the SSD with the custom i/o to allow data to be feed throughout the system really fast. Oh and by the way the XsX can do it too. Or do you think they just said fuck lets throw an SSD in thier cus reasons?I'm really interested to see how the SSD can truly improve visuals. Have the Sony fans concluded that the SSD is what makes games look good now? How do we explain visual differences between Xbox One X and PS4 Pro? If you install an SSD in a PS4 Pro will it beat out the Xbox One X graphics?
It's just because they have not ported it, there must be some version of this demo that can scale up or down to the necessary level for it to work on the sxs.Well it is, probably, optimized to PS5..... So... It makes sense that, that demo, can't run on Series X.
While I think this is true for the SSD, I would not make any assumptions as to what the motives are.Why would you want to showcase your newest tech in an inferior manner? Dosen't sould like good salesmenship. Maybe it wasnt a smoke screen that the SSD is in fact helping push these HQ assets.
Honestly, i think the real issue is people thinking they know anything about hardware. "Knowing enough to think you are right, but not knowing enough to know you are wrong" Neil deGrasse Tyson, Mike Tyson's older and much less famous brother.So I think that's where the contention comes from, in all honesty. People extrapolating way too much from the reality of things, some doing so out of disingenuous reasons.
Why would you want to showcase your newest tech in an inferior manner? Dosen't sould like good salesmenship. Maybe it wasnt a smoke screen that the SSD is in fact helping push these HQ assets.
Hmm thats a really good point. On the crevice "loading" thing, im pretty sure Epic already addressed that and it wasn't for loading reasons. One thing to note however is Cerny stated the 7GBs SSDs coming later would be good enough for use in the PS5 because it has the built-in custom I/O. Im not sure if 7GBs SSD with out that is the same.they could’ve waited for the 7GBs SSDs coming this year that Cerny believes will be good enough to run PS5 games.
The engine doesn’t come out until next year, so why rush the reveal on console hardware? Some marketing deal was almost certainly struck.
That’s not to say that Sony may not have the advantage over Xbox on areas like the flying part. It’s too early to say at this point. Other loading points could mean a slightly slow sliding between a crevice.
The Xbox in that case would maybe have to have a little less variety or something scaled back. But who knows. But it’s all speculation at this point. There may be trade offs.
I’m sure PS5 can do some nice stuff for exclusives, but most multi platform games I expect will target both.
At this point MS has some good and advantages and Sony does too. We’ll have to see how it plays out. At the end of the day though, nothing shown so far will not be possible in some way on the other console.
Honestly, i think the real issue is people thinking they know anything about hardware. "Knowing enough to think you are right, but not knowing enough to know you are wrong" Neil deGrasse Tyson, Mike Tyson's older and much less famous brother.
It's their insecurities feeding into it. Let's not forget that the FOCUS on Teraflops and the importance that word has played in the last 10 years. People see that Demo, see that it's on PS5, hear what Tim is saying and immediately their thought is "Wait WTF, 12 is bigger than 10! Why isn't this an Xbox Demo? Why aren't they saying this can also run on Xbox and run better, cause it's 12 TF! WTF!!! WTF!!!" So much of peoples EGO's, hopes, and dreams are now tied to that 12 TF number. And honestly the same goes for the SSD crowd. You're never gonna get away from it.
To be fair MS did that to themselves, they could have postured better if they were concerned that people would flock to Sonys system because of this demo. Its no different then when Sony fumbled out of the gate talking about an SSD when MS was hammering home the idea of 13TFs. I agree that people try to read between the lines and connect dots when there are no dots to connect however it happens in both camps and you nor i can do anything to change that. What we do know is Epic decided to showcase thier new engine running on the PS5 and not thier previous partners MS. IMO there are only two logical reasons this could be one Sony made a deal with them or the PS5 is more capable of showing of thier new engine. Microsoft fans will support conclusion one and Playstation fans will support conclusion two.
Yeah and then imagine having to gimp it down even further in case there happens to be an Xbox series s!!!! Which I fucking hope to God Microsoft doesn't do!i don't see why it couldn't. the PS5 is the weaker console. the only advantage the PS5 has over XSX is faster SSD speeds and even then the XSX isn't slow.
if anything i'd say the XSX could run it better. maybe that's why they showed it on PS5 because it's the weaker hardware and will be a better example of what to expect since so many games will need to be gimped down to work on PS5.
Just wait until a real game with AI, gameplay, and lots of NPCs/enemies running around. That demo was canned with one character running and jumping on rocks.i don't see why it couldn't. the PS5 is the weaker console. the only advantage the PS5 has over XSX is faster SSD speeds and even then the XSX isn't slow.
if anything i'd say the XSX could run it better. maybe that's why they showed it on PS5 because it's the weaker hardware and will be a better example of what to expect since so many games will need to be gimped down to work on PS5.
All due respect — just because you are an expert on thick women, doesn’t mean you understand the weight of these different technologies either.Yep. And to throw in a bit more; it's funny how some of the people who worship everything SSD (particularly PS5's SSD) are the same ones who were almost always worshiping TFs up until Road to PS5. Always going with TF numbers higher than 12, even into 13/14/15 TF territory.
And even back then, at least some people were trying to tell them that TFs aren't everything. Now they think SSDs are everything and the only thing that really truly matters, because they perceive the "loss" of their preferred platform in the "TF battle" can be translated to a "win" in the "SSD battle" but, once again, they don't really understand the weight of these different technologies into the overall system design, or that there is more than one singular approach to resolve design challenges, even the ones Cerny focused on in his presentation.
Yo you just contradicted yourself so hardJust wait until a real game with AI, gameplay, and lots of NPCs/enemies running around. That demo was canned with one character running and jumping on rocks.
We'll have to see how good UE5 runs on next gen consoles with all the fixings activated and at what res and frames and how much RT.
So far that PS5 demo wasn't anything special. Even the character model wasn't even detailed. The best part of the demo is the detailed rocks and lights/shadows.
It's just a more beefier system all around, Of course it can run this demo - moreso even
The 9 TF rdna1 cards are said to be comparable to 12TF vega gcn. Ps5 is 10 TF which means it likely compares with 13+TF gcn, if it were rdna1, but since it is rdna2 it likely is equivalent to 15-16TF gcn in performance. That is without counting that like series x it likely has over 10+TF equivalent of additional performance for ray tracing. That makes it over 25+TF(10+TF rdna2 + 10+TF ray tracing perf) equivalent gcn.Always going with TF numbers higher than 12, even into 13/14/15 TF territory.