I'm in the US and want to import the English version of this. I've used The Hut in the past, but the experience wasn't great. Can anyone recommend a place I can get this for a fair price?
This is the one I got (UK to Swe though), said:I'm in the US and want to import the English version of this. I've used The Hut in the past, but the experience wasn't great. Can anyone recommend a place I can get this for a fair price?
Did you try They got free shipping.metsallica said:I'm in the US and want to import the English version of this. I've used The Hut in the past, but the experience wasn't great. Can anyone recommend a place I can get this for a fair price?
metsallica said:I'm in the US and want to import the English version of this. I've used The Hut in the past, but the experience wasn't great. Can anyone recommend a place I can get this for a fair price?
metsallica said:Thanks, everyone! Now to figure out how to play Another Code: R on my US Wii without modding it...
Nintendo owns the IPs.Ben2749 said:Hang on; I just had a thought; were Cing an actual second-party for Nintendo (similar to Rare back in the day), or did they just have a very close working relationship? There are Another Code and Hotel Dusk references in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, yet it isn't a first-party title. I know that Sonic and Metal Gear stuff are in there too, but that's obviously different.
Wizpig said:I'd guess close relationship, because they did that Tecmo game.
Rare couldn't do games with some software house other than Nintendo, right?
Oooh, right, i even have that Mickey Kart game for the Game boy color... :lolwatkinzez said:They had a deal with Disney back in the day, though Nintendo still published those titles.
This is NoA we're talking about though.MechaX said:Hm.. The price is still pretty damn high (and if I was going to sink $60 in something Nintendo related, Metroid Prime Trilogy still remains a priority), but I'll bite on this sooner or later. It's absolutely baffling that NoA passed over this despite how Hotel Dusk seemingly did well enough to re-release it. Ugh.
Gunloc said:This is NoA we're talking about though.
That's exactly it though, Nintendo loves to skate by with the least amount of effort possible. It's only when their back is to the wall that they start trying to win people over or go outside their comfort zone.MechaX said:True, but I mean, even companies like Namco actually have decent excuses for not releasing stuff in a certain RPG franchise most times. NoA is just like "nope, we'll continue to sit on our money stacks."
I'm hoping E³ has some surprises, because NoA's release schedule as a whole right now is pretty bare.MidnightScott said:Yeah whatever happened to them bringing over DS & Wii games from Japan. It's almost May and we have gotten Dragon Quest.
Shotgun Kiss said:Just started playing this. It's great to see Kyle again, and I love how he's just as much of a cynical asshole as ever.
Oh, and I honestly don't get why some people have been saying the writing/translation is lacking. All the dialogue so far has been just as good as the first game. Seriously, I just examined a suit, and Kyle said: "I like suits. They're comfy and easy to wear." :lol
In case that went over your head...
Fuck the haters.
Cell_Biology said:Bumping this topic.
I had the pleasure of playing through Trace Memory, Hotel Dusk, and now this game over the past couple of weeks. I'm sad to see that there will never be another 'Kyle Hyde' game in light of Cing going bankrupt last year. I'm really late to the party, but I am glad this is a party I attended. I was scared like others from transitioning from the NoA translation to the NoE, but I have no complaints at all. Another Code R is heading my way soon as well, long live Cing!
Well, we might not see anothr CiNG made Hotel Dusk or Trace Memory game, (;_Cell_Biology said:Bumping this topic.
I had the pleasure of playing through Trace Memory, Hotel Dusk, and now this game over the past couple of weeks. I'm sad to see that there will never be another 'Kyle Hyde' game in light of Cing going bankrupt last year. I'm really late to the party, but I am glad this is a party I attended. I was scared like others from transitioning from the NoA translation to the NoE, but I have no complaints at all. Another Code R is heading my way soon as well, long live Cing!