Man, Gleeb is actually playing really well in these fights. That Imagine guy was trash compared to him.
They need to keep Gleeb as support and then clone Altec and let him play all other roles.
TL's making me sad![]()
No one looks good now. I blame Voyboy.
It's not about bringing back Keith, it's about dropping Piglet.Bring back Kieth!
It's not about bringing back Keith, it's about dropping Piglet.
Who else can they add beside a Euro (Forgiven)? Anyone interesting in challenger? Don't tell me another Asian player who can't speak English is the answer.
they should hire voyboy as an extra coach!TL's making me sad![]()
No one looks good now. I blame Voyboy.
anyone else rooting for the official #1 team in the world team solo mid today
Bjergsen was on Zed yesterday but scored really low, like under 13 points.Bjerg on Zed is a scary thing, he might be able to carry on that champ, Link's Ahri wasn't anything special yesterday.
Bjergsen was on Zed yesterday but scored really low, like under 13 points.
Damn, Bjerg destroyed Link this game. I need the game to be prolonged just a bit though. Bjerg needs to rack up a few more kills.
CLG is playing so passive this game. They're pretty much just given away all objectives for free.
CLG is playing so passive this game. They're pretty much just given away all objectives for free.
Lustboy hit so many hooks back to back in the end god damn
CLG deserved that loss. Why would you give Bjerg the Zed
CLG deserved that loss. Why would you give Bjerg the Zed
The problem isn't Zed, Link is just ass
How do you start Flask 3 pots on Ahri and still get forced to back at level 1
They gave up Sejuani as well. Rek'sai is good, but Sejuani is borderline broken this patch. Having the lockdown that Sej brings would have synergized so much better with a hyper carry Jinx and Kennen + Ahri. I much prefer Aphromoo on playmaking supports, all around a pretty terrible game from CLG imo.
I thought CLG played great. They traded perfectly, but the carry over from Bjerson shittin on Link was just too big. CLG getting that 2nd dragon was a miracle in my eyes.
Zion and Double out played Dyrus/Turtle. Santorin/Bjerson out played Link/Xmithie, and I think Lust/Aphro went even. It really just comes down to Link not having enough damage, and Doublelift not being able to 1v3 (as he shouldn't to be anyways). Turtle got boosted by Lulu and thresh flash flaying there at the end or he would of got his passive off.
I feel like every shotcaller in NA (except TSM, presumably led by Bjergsen) has a penchant for losing their cool and calling insane aggro plays as soon as their team is not winning. CLG get Baron snuck on them, then run down and try to do a cute Flash-Lightning Storm engage on a TSM team who are in formation with baron buff. Just stall the game until Doublelift gets his Last Whisper - neither he nor anyone else is going to kill Sej with all those Lulu and Thresh shields until he does.
Team Impulse are actually good at playing super-aggro though and draft with their playstyle in mind (it helps that XwX and Impact usually pull ahead).
I'm going to just disagree with you my opinion pretty similar to Jatt on this one.
Bjerson carried that mid game so hard there nothing they could do. He knew for a fact that they had two zhoyna (Ahri/Kennen) and he just solo out Xmithe every time (The big fight he was level 17 to 14. Super easy)
That then leads to basically 4v5 so even with Zion hitting a big ult and being ahead of Dyrus there no Xmithe to let Double DPS. In theory I think TSM would of rolled most team if that was the circumstance, but for CLG to trade turrets for 35 minutes and even go 2-3 in dragons (TSM with the 3) was a miracle on CLG part.
CLG gave away barons and dragons for free, and the only time they tried to go for something (in mid lane) they get destroyed.
When double died in the end CLG was already behind a lot. It was just a last desperation move to stay in the game.
Bjerg carried the mid game because Link doesn't have a great laning phase on Ahri, Ahri vs Zed is a heavy skill matchup and you don't take a skill matchup against Bjerg, especially when he's the one on Zed. The logic when picking Ahri into Zed is that you can throw your charm behind you when Zed ulties because he appears behind you, but from there you have to hope you're skilled enough to outplay the rest of the fight. Bjerg was way too good to fall for that and completely dumpstered Link in lane. I'm not part of the "omg Link is trash bench him" crowd, but I think putting him on an assassin and making it into a skill matchup vs Bjerg is a terrible choice in P/B
Dragon was 2-2 then the Baron lead to 2-3. Go back and watch it.
All right, well explained, then it simply looked like CLG played really passive, and it was just Link being subpar.
Exactly my point. For Bjerson winning that hard CLG not getting rolled was a miracle and lasted that long meant they didn't play like crap. They should of lost that game in 30 minutes.
I wonder if Kalista + Naut would be any good. Having a Naut suddenly in the middle of your team would be pretty scary.
C9 why.