that fucking game
Honestly Balls engaging on T8's desperation baron with TP lost C9 the game. Absolutely no need to do that and force Hai to walk in behind you leading to him getting hooked (okay, he could have dodged) and your team getting Aced. At most Meteos should have attempted a steal, but the easy play was just to wait for Sneaky, hold off, poke a bit, then engage once the baron was finished. Once T8 got enough damage to get through all the tanks C9 needed to pull off massive outplays to win teamfights, or do some patented Hai guerilla warfare (great thinking to line cut and sneak the inhib) to have a chance.
Fun game. Happy to see Cali playing the champions he enjoys. Not bad to have 2/3 of the promoted teams make playoffs, assuming Liquid doesn't knock either Gravity or T8 out. I don't think T8 are all that strong, but they perform very well under pressure (many of their wins have been topsy turvy games).
The game where Avalon doesn't do terrible in lane, he gets caught out and ends the game for WFX anyways. At some point you have to think they will replace him even if it means losing Helios as well.
Yes, Impact literally sat on top of Twitch for half the lane phase and only lost by 20 cs. Avalon might get competent with a year of experience, but right now he's a glaring weak point.
I'm pretty sure XiaoWeiXiao looked at who they were playing this week and said "Yep, I'm getting two games of Yasuo in. Have fun guys."
Everyone looks so serious in TL :x
That's mean.aka
get fucked.
Man, tuned into EU CS just out of curiosity. See a Zac, Olaf, Teemo, Varus, AP Kog, and Jax all in the same game. Pretty crazy ending to the game too, lol.
Really? It's the usual time for me. I think it's because NA has switched to daylight saving time, NA LCS has been starting one hour earlier than usual for a week or so for me.EU LCS - Week 9 - Day 1
Copenhagen Wolves vs Roccat
H2K vs Fnatic
SK Gaming vs Meet Your Makers
Giants Gaming vs Elements
Unicorns of Love vs Gambit Gaming
According to the schedule it starts an hour later than usual.
Really? It's the usual time for me. I think it's because NA has switched to daylight saving time, NA LCS has been starting one hour earlier than usual for a week or so for me.
The EU CS game (mouz v Gamers2) with Teemo, Varus, AP Kog'Maw etc. Starts at ~3:56:00
The ending to that game is the most humiliating way for a team to lose ever. They think they've won, and then, well...
Teemo traps them with the age old passive + shroom ambush, under his own crumbling nexus towers, kills them all, and wins the game for his team. Amazing.
pepinero needs a better team
Indeed. It wouldn't be surprising to see another team pick him up before next split.
apparently his english is garbage to nonexistent.